Chapter 710

"Spread out, leave no stone unturned. The emperor's watchful eyes are upon us, and it is imperative that we complete this mission."

"But what if we stumble upon the Golden Dragon? Can we truly emerge victorious?"

"What did you say?"

An enraged elder swiftly delivered a resounding smack to the back of his comrade's head upon hearing his response. A vast multitude of cultivators floated in the air, surrounded by an armada of ships and beasts. They hailed from the Long Clan and had been tasked with setting the stage for their leader, the revered Azure Emperor Long Qing.

Their adversaries, the United Element Sect, were concealed somewhere within this intricate trapping formation. The enemy forces were scattered, providing an opportunity for the Long Clan to locate and neutralize them. However, traversing this ancient formation, despite being in their own territory, was no simple feat. It had been crafted by their ancestors and was not easily controlled or traversed by anyone other than those of royal blood. For now, the royal family resided in their main floating city, leaving the task at hand to their loyal disciples and elders.

"I-I apologize, Elder."

"Follow your orders precisely. Once we discover their whereabouts, the Emperor will personally deal with his treacherous brother. Though he managed to escape, he was injured in the confrontation. Do not consider him an equal to our esteemed leader!"

"Of course!"

Nods of agreement rippled through the crowd, as the weakened state of their adversary filled them with confidence. While Zhang Dong had managed to evade their previous trap, the might of their Emperor was unparalleled. It was rumored that Zhang Dong had been struck by the main cannon of their city, leaving him gravely wounded. Perhaps, he was now weakened enough for them to emerge victorious. If they were to slay or capture the Golden Dragon, their clan would undoubtedly reward and immortalize them as heroes in their long and illustrious history.

"Remember to keep your bracelets on at all times. These bracelets are our only defense against the spirit beasts. Without them, we'll be vulnerable to their attacks. Also remember that they will stop working if you bare your swords at the beasts yourself."

The cultivators nodded in agreement. Although they didn't have complete control over the area, it still belonged to their clan. Thanks to the special equipment they possessed, the beasts in the vicinity perceived them as nothing more than air. As long as they refrained from initiating any aggression, the beasts would leave them alone. This allowed them to safely navigate the treacherous trapping formation, which served as their main defense against intruders.

Curiosity sparked within Zhang Dong as he glanced at his AI, Bob. 

'Can you examine the bracelets without risking discovery?'

Zhang Dong posed the question to his Ai Bob who quickly calculated the odds.

"There's a 75.34% chance of being detected if I perform a scan from this distance. To minimize the risk, you need to get closer.'

Zhang Dong sighed, realizing it would be too risky to investigate further. He engaged in a conversation with Bob while his three companions concealed their presence. The quartet of powerful elders had recently escaped from their tower prison and were now en route to their sect. However, their plans were abruptly interrupted when they encountered an imposing army of thousands of cultivators. It was evident that this was the main force of the Long Clan.

The Long Clan's army was formidable, boasting at least a hundred nascent soul masters among their ranks. It was clear that their opponents meant business and were determined to swiftly resolve the conflict. The fact that they were also immune to the ferocious beasts in the region added to the complexity of the situation. Despite the immense power increase experienced by Zhang Dong and his companions, engaging in battle against such overwhelming numbers with only four individuals would be unwise.

Zhang Dong's thoughts turned to the safety of his companions, particularly Liena and the others who would be left to face the remaining forces if he were captured by the Azure Emperor. Though the trio were now considered among the strongest masters in the world, they had not yet undergone extensive training in their newfound realms.

It wouldn't be surprising if they failed to pace themselves correctly and suffered defeat against such a large enemy force. Moreover, the true extent of the Long Clan's capabilities remained unknown. There was a possibility that their entire city would emerge, posing an insurmountable threat. Even Zhang Dong knew he wouldn't survive a prolonged assault from that city, let alone his companions. With their lives hanging in the balance, Zhang Dong understood that a cautious and strategic approach was essential if they were to survive this perilous encounter.

'Okay, we should be able to talk now.'

To avoid getting noticed he activated a group chat with the others. The people from the Long Clan probably had a varied array of detection devices but they would be able to detect anything that went through his system. With its help he could relay his findings and also decide on the next scheme, infiltrating the enemy army.

'Oh, senior brother's voice is inside of my head!'

'This always feels strange…'


Qiang as always was the loudest while Zhang Zhi remained silent. Zhang Dong knew that the three would do whatever he decided on which made it easy to create this tactic.

'You all know the disguising technique that I taught you, right?'

'Sure, it was a great help on the forty-sixth level.'

During their ascent through the tower, they stumbled upon an unexpected challenge. It required them to assume the roles of covert assassins in a meticulously crafted replica city. With his disguising technique, they seamlessly blended into the bustling crowd, effortlessly accomplishing the given task. Fortunately, there was ample time for him to impart his knowledge and teach his companions the art of deception. Equipped with this newfound technique, their next objective was to patiently await the opportune moment to infiltrate the Long Clan's ship.

"Yes, we shall bide our time and seize any opportunity that comes our way. Considering they are actively searching for our sect, it's highly likely that they will dispatch scouting parties. We will target one of them,"

He proposed.

"Sounds like a solid plan,"

Liena responded, nodding in agreement.

"Ah... why don't we just launch a direct attack instead? What's the point of possessing this newfound power if we don't utilize it, Senior Brother?"

Qiang chimed in, voicing his impatience.

"Once again, this fool speaks without thinking!"

The two bickered, their argument echoing within the confines of their minds. Meanwhile, he scanned the surroundings for potential targets. Their concealment technique provided them with a secure hiding spot, ensuring their safety as long as they maintained a safe distance. The enemy armada soon began to move, and as long as they trailed behind discreetly, they would remain out of harm's way.

"Enough squabbling, you two. We must follow their lead. Stick to the ground and refrain from using any techniques, including flying,"

He commanded, suppressing any further disputes. Liena frowned, feeling somewhat disgruntled as she was now compelled to run on the ground like a junior sect member. However, there was no alternative, as utilizing flight would inevitably emit spiritual energy that could easily be detected by their adversaries.

Therefore, they persistently pressed forward, maintaining a cautious distance. While Zhang Dong possessed the ability to create a teleportation gate, which could have swiftly transported them back to the Golden Palace, he harbored a different objective. The bracelets, serving as a protective shield against the menacing creatures here, held a mysterious link to this very place. If he could secure one for himself, it dawned upon him that there might be a means to employ its power for the benefit of his people.

Just as he had anticipated, a golden opportunity presented itself to them. The armada, consisting of numerous ships, finally arrived over a massive and enchanting lake that emanated an overwhelming amount of spiritual energy. To their surprise, there was a mysterious creature lurking within the depths of the lake, but it did not pose any immediate threat to their ships. The long clan members quickly established a temporary base, encircling the lake and dispatching smaller vessels to explore further.

These smaller vessels primarily carried a group of two to three hundred core formation experts, each accompanied by five nascent soul masters. It was an invaluable chance for them to strike back at their adversaries. Determined, they unanimously agreed to seize one of these ships and turn the tide of the battle in their favor. Despite being limited to relying solely on their physical prowess, their bodies had been honed to the peak of their current realm. Even after running tirelessly for days on end, they remained untiring and managed to keep pace with the flying vessels.

The trapping formation spanned across a vast section of the empire, making it exceedingly difficult for their opponents to locate them. Even with numerous search parties dispatched, it would likely take weeks for their adversaries to make any significant progress in finding their hidden stronghold. Which they clearly didn't know the location of yet.

'Husband, do you think we've traveled far enough? And how can we ensure that our attack remains undetected?'

Liena inquired, her eyes fixed on their unsuspecting prey in the distance.

'Don't worry, my love. I will disable their defenses and disrupt any means of communication they possess. Can you handle their masters and the core formation juniors?'

He replied, exuding confidence.

'I don't see why not. They appear rather weak.'

Liena responded, a hint of excitement in her voice.

'Finally, some action!'

Qiang commented, a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

'Just wait for my signal, Qiang and Zhi. I'll leave the nascent divinities to you. Don't let a single one escape,'

'Of course, Patriarch. We won't disappoint you'

Zhi quickly replied while Qiang just started to rub his fist together as he would finally be able to use them against a proper foe again.

'Good. Let us proceed, then!'

He declared with a sense of purpose driving him forward. The moment they had all been waiting for had arrived. The trio, whom he had personally trained, were eager to showcase their skills, the five nascent soul masters and core formation soldiers stood no chance against their enhanced capabilities. They would serve as mere training dummies, their defeat inevitable. With the bracelets securely in their possession, the plan could finally progress, making it crucial for them to execute their mission swiftly.