Chapter 719

'So, there they go, but now what?'

Zhang Dong observed the changing scenery as the trapping formation had its energy source severed. The beasts that had once populated the area began dissolving into white smoke, and the skies gradually cleared. Before long, all that remained was empty grasslands, as if the previous place had never existed.

'The phantom of the formation still feels tangible... It's as though it's merely shifted into another dimension.'

With his extensive knowledge of formations, Zhang Dong couldn't help but draw parallels to the immortal-grade medallion he had discovered many years ago. The moment his people crossed through the gate, they were thrust into something akin to that experience. However, this formation didn't create a new world; rather, it transported everyone into an already existing one.

"We can't let them get away with this,"

Zhang Jin's voice sounded from afar as he said with determination.

"We need to pursue them to their capital and put an end to this once and for all."

They were victorious in defeating the Azure Emperor and forcing the Long Clan to retreat, but it was clear that the conflict was far from over. The Long Clan had not been defeated; they had simply regrouped and escaped. This left them with a decision to make, would they pursue their last enemy or regroup with their forces and create a new plan of action?

"It won't be easy. The Long Clan is resourceful and powerful. We should also be prepared for any traps or ambushes they might have waiting for us."

Zhang Liena responded to his grandfather as the elders gathered, and soon, everyone voiced their opinions. Some suggested taking a break to further fortify the Golden Palace. They were concerned that if they continued on their current warpath, they might incur major losses. However, others believed that their enemies were teetering on the brink of defeat. With their entire armada lost and huddled in their flying city, this might be a unique opportunity that would be lost if they decided to retreat.

"We need to be cautious, but we can't let fear paralyze us. Our sect's future is at stake here. If we leave now, there might never come a chance to regain our freedom. Remember what the Long Clan is capable of, if they retain access to the central spirit vein, the whole Empire will dry up."

The elders nodded in agreement with Zhang Jin's wise words. Previously, the Long Clan had somehow managed to reduce the concentration of spirit energy by tampering with the central spirit vein. If they persisted in this course of action, most regions within this vast empire would soon lack the Qi required for cultivation.

While the United Element Sect possessed its own concealed vein, it did not necessarily mean that it wasn't connected to the central one. However, that wasn't the main issue at hand. The concern was that other sects and clans would start blaming them for this crisis. The Azure Emperor was still widely regarded as the most powerful individual alive. If they chose to retreat, it would essentially confirm his dominance, potentially swaying others to join his side in the conflict.

As cultivators with lifespans of up to a thousand years, waiting for the Azure Emperor's demise didn't present a significant obstacle. In fact, it could be a viable strategy. They could patiently bide their time while the Long Clan waited, gradually expanding their influence into the upper regions. They could potentially conquer everything, including the eastern region, if they so desired. With time on their side, they could amass formidable armies, to the extent that none of their initial sect members would even need to engage in direct combat themselves.

Even if the spirit energy continued to diminish, they could potentially find solutions with the assistance of Zhang Dong's system. It was conceivable that another spirit vein was awaiting their discovery, or they might even be able to create an underground tunnel to connect to a different vein. There were numerous ways to address this issue, potentially in a safer manner. However, there was a lingering uncertainty. Their enemies might return with greater power and ferocity than before, rendering all their efforts futile.

"That would be concerning but do you think we stand a chance against that flying city of theirs? I've heard that it stood for more than a hundred thousand years, it is probably another immortal relic…"

Feng Maling who was trapped along with Zhang Jin appeared from behind one of the other elders. Ever since reaching the nascent soul level, she regained some of her youthfulness but her face was still full of wrinkles.

"Don't we also have an immortal relic?"

Replied Zhang Jin while looking at the huge floating Golden Palace. It had managed to survive the quasi-immortal blade that the Azure Emperor wielded. The defensive formation suffered an overload but it was still intact, within a day or two their fortress would be fully operational. They would still need around that time to even get to the Empire's Capital and with the help of portal technology they could call in reinforcements as well.

"That's true, we might stand a chance…"

The discussion continued among the elders and leaders of the United Element Sect. Zhang Dong, his grandfather, Zhang Zhi, Liena, and Huo Qiang listened carefully, knowing that the decision they were about to make would shape the fate of their sect and the entire Empire.

"Patriarch, what do you think?"

As always, the people looked to him as their leader and the linchpin of their entire strategy. If he believed there was no possibility of victory, they would immediately retreat and seek a peaceful resolution. Zhang Dong understood that his brother and the Long Clan were unlikely to favor a peaceful resolution. They were accustomed to being the dominant force in the region, and there was no room for two such formidable entities.

"I feel that if we retreat now, we will probably regret it. Our enemy has suffered nothing but losses and our troops are mostly intact. The Azure Emperor has fled instead of confronting me, he is not my equal."

"Senior Brother is right, if that bastard didn't fear us, he would have remained here!"

"That's true, but it would be foolish to assume we won't encounter any resistance. We must exercise caution, Patriarch!"

Feng Maling chimed in once more, her worries apparent. It was evident that the Long Clan was a cunning adversary, and there was a possibility that the Emperor was luring them into a trap.

"Granny Maling speaks the truth. They will likely be prepared with all they have. They have a whole city backing them, but... I still believe it's a chance we can't afford to pass up."

Zhang Dong continued, his fingers absently scratching his chin. A determined gleam sparkled in his eyes, a resolve he hadn't felt in a long while. He had once been inside that city's walls, and aside from the defensive formation, the interior didn't seem all that formidable. The inhabitants within were relatively weak, as the Long Clan preferred a smaller group of elites that had probably mostly perished in the recent battles.

Most of them had never experienced the extended battles and wars that his people were already accustomed to. All they needed to do was breach their primary defenses for it to be a victory. Once Long Qing was defeated, his people would quickly surrender. They were the type to unwaveringly follow the absolute authority of the Azure Emperor. If he managed to defeat his older brother, they wouldn't oppose him, and his bearing of the Long Clan's name would only facilitate matters. They would likely accept this defeat under the presumption that their dynasty still stood strong, viewing it as an internal conflict between two brothers.

"We pursue them to their capital, but we must be cautious and strategic. The Long Clan is wounded, but they are not defeated. We'll need to gather our forces, prepare for any traps or ambushes, and approach this with a plan."

Zhang Dong stepped forward, his voice filled with unwavering determination. The other elders and sect members began nodding in agreement, their cheers echoing in the air. To them, this was an opportunity to leave their mark on the world. They all aspired to become the world's strongest sect, and to achieve that goal, they needed to topple the ancient giant that was the Long Clan. After a string of victories, they were now firmly convinced that their patriarch could lead them to this promised land. There was no hesitation, only anticipation for the day they would become legends.

"Good, I see that most, if not all of you, agree with me. Then, we shall return to the Golden Palace. We must restore it to working order. Send out scouts in the direction of the city to ascertain the Long Clan's plans…"

He started barking out orders as the decision was made, and the United Element Sect began preparations for their journey to the Long Clan's capital. They sent out scouts to gather information about the enemy's movements and fortifications, and they fortified the Golden Palace to ensure it was ready for battle.

As they set out on their journey, they knew that the road ahead would be treacherous. The Azure Emperor and the Long Clan were not to be underestimated. However, the United Element Sect was fueled by their determination to protect their sect, their region, and their way of life. They would face whatever challenges came their way with courage and unity, just like their Patriarch had taught them.

First, they dispatched messengers to their main sect in the depths of the lower region. While they had brought a substantial army, some individuals had stayed behind to safeguard Spirit Spring City. With the decisive battle approaching, they now decided to summon their reserve masters and troops. Additional flying vessels would soon be arriving, but the ones they had arrived in were also present. Similar to the Golden Palace, they had been rendered useless upon entering the trapping formation. Nevertheless, some of them could still be salvaged and put to use in the impending battle.

Within a few hours, an abundance of new cultivators arrived on the scene, ready to tend to any potential injuries and strengthen their forces. Their presence invigorated everyone on the battlefield. A sense of unity and determination washed over the sect members. They knew that this battle would not only decide the fate of their sect but also the fate of the entire empire. The stakes were high, and the challenges ahead were formidable, but they were ready to face them head-on.

This could very well be the culmination of all of Zhang Dong's adventures. His way of life was distinct from that of the people native to this world, but he had managed to find a place among them. With his lovely wife at one side and his friends on the other, he would finally put a stop to this war, once and for all.