Chapter 728

The massive mass of tentacles coalesced into a grotesque form that resembled his old enemy, another version of a Cthulhu. He knew that this was just another manifestation of the corrupted energy within the Azure Palace. More than likely this was a monster that was created within the scenario to combat people with the system. It was unlikely that he would normally meet so many variations of these beings without it being manufactured by someone else.

'The Overseer is probably watching me right now. If I say too much or do something that shouldn't be in the script, then they might intervene…'

He didn't have much time to think but could afford to be distracted either. The monster he was facing was comparable to his level of power and would not be an easy opponent. As the creature lunged at him with its writhing tentacles, Zhang Dong summoned his spiritual energy, forming a defensive barrier around himself.

The tentacles struck the barrier with tremendous force, causing it to ripple and crack, but it held. Zhang Dong then retaliated, extending his own spiritual energy into the tentacles, attempting to disrupt the creature's body and perhaps cut off the source of its power.

The battle with the grotesque Cthulhu-like entity raged on, each of Zhang Dong's strikes met with equal resistance from the corrupted monster. The walls of the chamber trembled as the two combatants clashed, their spiritual energies colliding with explosive force. Tentacles lashed out like whips, seeking to ensnare Zhang Dong and crush him within their slimy grasp.

Zhang Dong's determination was unwavering. He knew that this battle was a crucial step in his mission to cleanse the Azure Palace and save his people from the clutches of the Goliath. With every strike, he channeled his resolve and the memories of his previous fights. He had come a long way since his days as a core formation expert, and he was determined to prove his strength.

But the corrupted entity was not so easily defeated. It regrew its severed tentacles with astonishing speed, and the battle continued to escalate. Zhang Dong's energy was being depleted rapidly, and he knew he needed to find a way to overcome this formidable foe.

'The regenerative ability is even greater than before and it can even sap away at my spiritual energy…'

The last encounter he had with a being of this nature was when he was forcibly thrust into another dimension. That being wasn't a simple opponent and this guy here was even stronger. However, upon his return, he had surpassed his previous limitations. The current monster, though stronger than its predecessor, still obeyed the laws of this realm.

Due to the unusual frequency of these encounters, he had developed a strategic approach for any future confrontations. The primary challenge always revolved around the extent of the creature's regenerative abilities. Typically, he had to obliterate the entire body, leaving no remnants capable of regeneration. This task was far from simple, for as the monster grew stronger, it became increasingly difficult to completely purge it from this realm. A different approach needed to be devised, and he had prepared a technique specifically for this circumstance.

He had devised this technique and, with the assistance of Bob, had completed it. It wasn't a method he typically favored, but in this particular situation, it proved to be the quickest solution. Though he was not a practitioner of demonic cultivation, there were certain poison techniques that could be adapted. The only way he could think of to prevent the monster from regenerating was to accelerate the deterioration of its cells, essentially consuming it before it could reassemble itself. To achieve this, he had crafted a unique poison technique.

"I've only crafted one of these, so I must make it count..."

From within his spatial ring, he retrieved a seemingly unassuming pill. The medicinal sphere emitted an eerie aura of decay, and it needed to be ingested or somehow introduced into the monster's body. Zhang Dong's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. The grotesque Cthulhu-like entity lunged at him once again, its tentacles reaching out to ensnare him.

With impeccable timing, he launched a punch, driving his fist directly into the monster's gaping maw. He could feel the impact of his hand shattering through the creature's sharp teeth. Despite the injury he might sustain, his priority was to ensure that the pill reached the creature's body. With his hand deep inside the monster's throat, he proceeded with his plan. Concealed within his fist was the special pill he had crafted, and with an infusion of his holy Qi, the process began to take effect.

The grotesque entity convulsed violently as the poison began to spread through its corrupted form. Its tentacles thrashed wildly, but it was too late. The decay seeped into every nook and cranny of the monster's body, preventing it from regenerating. Zhang Dong quickly withdrew his hand, his fingers coated in the creature's foul insides.

'I don't like these methods, but it's better than having to blow this whole place up…'

With a final, desperate screech, the corrupted entity dissolved into a noxious mist, leaving behind only a lingering stench of decay. Zhang Dong sighed in relief, his body trembling from the intense battle. He knew that this victory was just a small step in his larger mission, but it was a significant one. With the monster defeated, he could continue his quest to cleanse the Azure Palace.

As he caught his breath, he noticed that the corrupted crystals in the chamber had lost their malevolent aura. They no longer pulsated with dark energy, indicating that his victory over the grotesque entity had purged this part of the palace. Soon some more soul fragments appeared that he could add to his collection.

His old foe was down but this was not over. This monstrosity was only a guardian and a distraction for the coming task of getting the Goliath under control. With it gone the path forward was finally over and he could continue with his mission. What he needed to do now was to confront the Azure Emperor and finish it all.

Meanwhile, outside the Azure Palace, Zhang Jin and the remaining members of the fleet were locked in a desperate battle against the Goliath's energy cage. Despite their best efforts, they couldn't find a way to break free. The situation grew increasingly dire as the Goliath's relentless assault continued. Back in the command center of the Golden Palace, Zhang Jin was growing impatient. He knew that time was running out, and they needed a solution fast.

"We can't stay trapped in here forever. There has to be a way out. Keep searching for weak points in the energy cage. We can't let this thing destroy us."

His subordinates worked tirelessly, scanning the energy cage for any vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, it appeared that there were no discernible weak points they could exploit, at least not without dangerously approaching the colossal Goliath itself. The epicenter of the trap lay at the monster's back, but gaining access to it posed a formidable challenge.

"Wait... what's that?"

"Have you found something?"

Zhang Jin noticed one of the sect members gazing at the screens in astonishment. The man nodded quickly and raised the issue.

"We've detected a peculiar disturbance near the head area!"

"Near the head area? Did Dong'er make a move?"

Just as he posed the question, a tremor reverberated through the Goliath, accompanied by a low-pitched rumbling. Suddenly, several of the spiritual energy strands attached to the beast's back began snapping, as if it could no longer sustain them. The effect subsided soon after but it showed that the being was sustaining internal damage.

The realization hit Zhang Jin like a bolt of lightning. It was clear that Zhang Dong and the group of elders inside the Goliath were making progress in their mission. They were weakening the creature from within, causing it to lose control over some of its defensive mechanisms. This was their opportunity to break free from this energy cage that it created.

"It's faltering but… this is not enough…"

There was an opportunity but not quite yet. The Goliath continued to exhibit signs of resistance, its imposing energy cage still looming over the entire area. Nevertheless, this development brought a smile to Zhang Jin's face. If their team was making progress from within, it meant they were buying precious time. It was a glimmer of hope in the midst of this challenging battle, and they needed to persist and maintain their belief that victory would ultimately be theirs.

With newfound determination, Zhang Jin and his subordinates redoubled their efforts. They continued to fire upon the Goliath's whole body as now it was crawling around on all fours. To their surprise, more and more chunks of rocks continued to peel away and fall onto the ground.

"It's not regenerating as fast anymore?"

Another member of the crew spotted a secondary effect. The monstrous entity began to move in an erratic fashion, and the spiritual energy field it was generating started to waver. It became evident that something was affecting its energy reserves, which were supposed to be drawn from the people within the city.

"Could it be the Matriarch and the others? They must have located the source of the Goliath's energy and started to disrupt it!"

Zhang Jin's hope swelled as he considered the possibility that Liena and Huo Qiang were indeed making headway in their mission within the Goliath. If they were disrupting the source of the creature's energy, it explained the diminishing regenerative abilities and the erratic movements of the colossal construct. They were chipping away at the beast's strength from both inside and outside, and this coordinated effort might be the key to their victory.

"Continue the assault! We're making progress!"

Zhang Jin shouted to his crew, his voice filled with renewed determination.

"Coordinate with our allies and focus your fire on the weakened areas. We need to bring this monstrosity down!"

The fleet outside the energy cage adjusted its positions, concentrating their firepower on the sections of the Goliath that had shown signs of vulnerability. The behemoth roared in agony as it continued to lose chunks of its rocky exterior. Its movements became even more uncoordinated, and its attempts to attack the trapped ships grew more feeble. The momentum was back on their side and perhaps soon they could see this creature falter beneath their spirit cannon blasts!