Chapter 767

As the culture within Zhang Dong's own cosmos flourished, time raced by outside at a rapid pace. More stations fell under the control of his clones, and with his continuous growth, he even managed to create a few more to support them. Meanwhile, in the cultivation world, his family and friends had already spent over a thousand years advancing their powers, yet none of them had successfully reached the Dao Expansion realm. The challenge was formidable, especially when they couldn't fully concentrate on their primary paths. However, to attain true immortal realm status, they recognized the need to broaden their horizons and transcend the bottleneck they faced.


"Aren't you enjoying yourself a bit too much, you old fart?"

"Why wouldn't I be enjoying myself, Dong'er? I never thought that I'd reach this stage and live for more than a thousand years!"

"I don't like to agree with this old fool, but he is right this time around."

The clone of Zhang Dong, who had invested considerable time in training up his family members, observed both Zhang Jin and Feng Maling. These two old individuals had successfully reached the Dao Foundation realm and were now approaching Dao Gathering. Their skin appeared somewhat rejuvenated, and the specter of imminent mortality seemed distant. Progress was somewhat sluggish owing to their advanced age, yet it was evident that, given time, they would likely advance similarly to the others.

Seated comfortably in vibrating massage chairs, Zhang Jin and Feng Maling were relishing their time within the luxurious confines of the hotel. The surroundings were adorned with high-quality items, offering a plethora of options to occupy their time. They could indulge in video games and watch TV shows from old Earth, seemingly brought over by the creator of this realm. These leisure options were accessible through the hacked system, a privilege granted by the administrative powers Zhang Dong had acquired.

Initially, Zhang Dong harbored concerns that his family and trusted advisors might grow complacent in their training, or that thoughts of returning home would disturb their focus. However, these worries were unfounded, as his family and advisors proved to be dedicated cultivators, unswayed by such trivial concerns. Surrounded by like-minded individuals for conversation, and with time progressing more slowly outside the tower, they remained steadfast. Zhang Dong diligently monitored the state of their sect, assuming the role of an ancestral being. Whenever a threat emerged, he swiftly intervened to protect the empire he and his son created.

"You better watch it Little Jun, I'm going to be the first one to reach Dao Expansion!"

"Dream on, you haven't been able to beat me since we became adults and it's not going to change now!"

"Bring it on!"

"As always!"

Zhang Jun and Zhang Xiu, his son and daughter, were engaged in an intense game of ping pong. The specially crafted metal balls they used were designed to withstand the tremendous forces unleashed by their powerful strikes. The ping pong paddles moved at an incredible speed, creating massive shockwaves with each hit. Fortunately, everyone present had at least attained the Dao Foundation realm, allowing them to endure the forceful exchange. If a Nascent Soul Master were present, the residual shockwaves or the spiritual energy generated would have turned them to paste.

"You can do it mom!"

"Go dad!"

Zhang Dong's grandchildren enthusiastically encouraged the intense ping pong match between Zhang Jun and Zhang Xiu. The competitive spirit between the two siblings had been a constant since their youth. Despite Zhang Dong's efforts to treat them equally, both of them were sore losers. Particularly, Xiu fostered an atmosphere of competition, disliking being defeated by her younger brother whom she had dominated in their youth.


With a powerful stroke, the metal ping pong ball embedded itself into the floor tiles, sending waves of spirit energy and causing cracks to form. The entire building trembled for a moment, and shortly afterward, cheers erupted as Zhang Xiu scored a point, securing her victory in this round.

"Take that baby brother! I win again!"

"That was just a lucky shot, I just got distracted for a second."

"You always loved to make excuses!"

"I never make excuses, it's just the truth!"

"Oh really? It sounds like excuses to me, Little Jun."

"Stop calling me that! I'm The Emperor!"

"Hah, that title still belongs to father and not you!"

"Take that back!"

Zhang Dong facepalmed as his two lively kids, now over a thousand years old, continued to bicker like they were still ten. It appeared that longevity didn't necessarily bring wisdom to many of these cultivators, who were inherently emotional beings. It made sense, given that much of their lives were dedicated to training and cultivating martial arts rather than emotional intelligence. It seemed inevitable that a fight would soon break out, considering the siblings' penchant for sparring every time they clashed.

"Stop you two, I'm getting tired of repairing this place."

The arena where the ping pong battle unfolded resembled a battlefield, with holes and cracks scattered throughout. In their earlier Nascent Soul Master days, such damage wasn't a concern, as they lacked the power to cause significant harm. However, now that they had advanced, the limits of this space were being tested. Fortunately, the materials used in the construction possessed self-repair capabilities, requiring only a sufficient supply of spiritual energy, typically provided by Zhang Dong.

"But father, it was Xiu who…"

"I don't want to hear it, now you two will work together to bring this place back in order, and if I hear even a peep out of you, then you know what will happen right?"

"You mean?"



The two siblings exchanged frowns while being silent. Onlookers around them couldn't help but grin, eager to witness the spicy drama unfolding between the pair. Zhang Dong, having spent a thousand years with them, found himself frequently playing the role of a stern parent, intervening to maintain order. His wife on the other hand, always moved in to pat him on the back and lessen his nerves.

"Now now, I'm sure they understand, why don't we have some of that cola instead?"

"You sure grew a sweet tooth for those carbonated drinks…"

Liena came in to save the day, she wrapped her arm around his and gave a wink to her kids. Soon the two vanished into the inner chambers of this large hotel to train some more. As Zhang Dong and Liena disappeared into the inner chambers, leaving behind the bickering siblings, the atmosphere in the hotel shifted from tension to relaxation. The grandchildren, who had been eagerly watching the ping pong match, dispersed to continue their individual training or leisure activities.

After the ping pong excitement, everyone returned to their cultivation chambers, gearing up for another round of tackling the tower. The highest achievement belonged to Huo Qiang and others who successfully reached the eighty-ninth floor. Here, the limitations of the Dao Gathering realm became evident, as even with a combined effort, they couldn't overcome the boss of this floor to unlock the path ahead. It was only through Zhang Dong's administrative abilities that they managed to survive. The difficulty level had been amplified, and if the tower operated under normal conditions, escaping alive would likely be an insurmountable challenge for anyone.

Despite the challenges posed by the tower, Zhang Dong's family and allies persevered. The collective training and experiences in this tower created a unique camaraderie among them, as they faced the trials and tribulations of the tower together. With each passing day, they honed their skills, deepened their understanding of the Dao, and strengthened their bonds.

Outside the tower, the Zhang Dong clones were systematically taking control of more administrative chambers. Each success brought them closer to their goal of liberating the various realms from the influence of the mysterious unknown being in the center of the universe. The diversity of administrators they encountered was surprising, each one embodying different stereotypes and interests.

The plan unfolded successfully, and they steadily gained ground against their presumed adversary. After some time, the first Dao Expansion expert emerged in the form of Zhang Jun, who surpassed both his mother and senior Huo Qiang in this achievement. Xiu closely followed as the second, with the others making their breakthroughs shortly thereafter.

Jun followed in his father's footsteps, concentrating on various Dao disciplines in which Zhang Dong excelled, and so did his elder sister. The path they treaded, once traversed by their father, proved significantly less arduous compared to the journey undertaken by most other cultivators forging their own paths. Though they were ahead of their peers, there remained much more for them to learn. Attaining the true Immortal realm and crafting their own Dao Tree would pose formidable challenges, yet it was a necessary undertaking.

Zhang Dong's cultivation advanced gradually as he fashioned his own living realm within his cosmos. However, he faced an adversary who harbored millions or even billions of such worlds within themselves. While the quality of these realms likely held significance, competing on a sheer quantity basis seemed insurmountable for him. The only viable strategy was for more individuals to follow similar cultivation paths, thereby collectively standing a chance against their formidable foe.

It became evident that a united front, with cultivators from different realms and backgrounds, would be essential to confront such a formidable adversary. The challenge was not just about personal strength but about creating a synergy among diverse talents and abilities.

In the tower, the group encountered new floors that tested their adaptability, strategic thinking, and teamwork. Some levels presented challenges that required not just individual strength but the coordination of the entire group to overcome. It became a crucible for forging not just powerful cultivators but a cohesive force capable of facing the unknown threat outside.

As the Dao Expansion experts in the group continued to grow, they began to explore the mysteries of the Dao Tree - a concept introduced by Zhang Dong. It was a culmination of one's understanding of the Dao, a manifestation of their unique path and creation of a world within oneself.

Each individual possessed a unique mind, capable of crafting a cosmos distinct from his own. Zhang Dong hoped to glean insights from these diverse creations when the time came, using their collective wisdom to fortify him. Unable to replicate the path of his adversary, he placed his trust in the support of his family members and friends, relying on them to propel him towards victory…