Hueco Mundo

A desolate sea of white sand beneath a black sky of endless night. Nothing but dunes and the occasional boulder can be seen when looking towards the horizon. The crescent moon stood unmoving as the clouds followed the wind.

And in that monotonous yet calming world. One person stood still as he took in the sight of this new world. He was an odd sight with his casual gray hoodie, cyan t-shirt, green cargo shorts and black hiking boots.

"Right then... I'm in bleach aren't I?" Hessian noted as he guessed his location.

[I am unsure of what that is master] the gem on his belt voiced out

"You know, you don't have to call me master right? Just Hessian is fine."

[Very well. Lord Hessian] the teen palmed his face

"Just... at least when it's just us, could you cut out the master and lord crap?"

[But it would be incredibly disrespectful master Hessian]

"Yah, but it wastes time. Like in battle it could mean life and death if you had to tell me something fast. So just when it's just us no master or lord" he sighed as he couldn't believe he was having this conversation.

[As you wish... Hessian. Then would you like to save this designated world as 'BLEACH'?] the gem relented

"Oh, you can do that?" he asked surprised

[Yes, however your Lord Schweinorg will not allow me to open a portal towards 'HOME' world. His lordship says that it would be counter intuitive to you're training. He also added that you are also not allowed to create a holy grail to help you either.]

"Huh, I didn't think he'd know I could do that. I guess he's been watching me. That explains that feeling of being watched but not able to pinpoint by who...." he muttered the last part to himself

"ROARRR!!" a high pitched roar dragged the two's attention towards the distance. A four legged masked beast seemed to be quickly making it's way towards the two.

" Huh, I just had a thought. Would I die if a hollow ate me? I mean it eats souls and I'm soul immortal...." Hessian dawned upon the realization that his teacher sent him to a world where everything really could kill him. Even if Hessian could survive his physical body being destroyed, if his soul were attacked then he would be vulnerable to death.

[I calculate that it will reach our location in 25 seconds] Onyx informed bringing Hessian back to the matter at hand.

Hessian aimed a recently created pistol at the approaching hollow and emptied the magazine on it's mask. The bullets had little to no effect on the evil spirit.

[20 seconds]

Hessian immediately dropped the gun and blasted a rocket from a launcher at the beast. The rocket made impact and caused a loud explosion. From within the smoke, the hollow burst out and continued it's advance.

"Huh, well it phased him from what I can see." Hessian noted as the mask actually looked a little burnt.

[12 seconds] Onyx reminded

"tsk" Clicking his tongue. Hessian pointed his finger at the hollow. A black ball quickly coalesced infront of the appendage aimed at the hollow.

"Gandr" he spoke as the curse quickly shot forward and nailed the hollow between the eyes. However he was forced to bring up his arms to cover his face from the explosion as the destructive force took him by surprise.

"Ohhh right.... no Gaia to nerf me now huh?" he realized as the gandr was much more potent than what he was aiming for. Granted he did pump a decent amount of prana into the shot. But it wasn't supposed to explode like that.

[Presence of Gaia and Alaya undetected] Onyx confirmed

"Cool" He commented as he stepped closer to the mini crater caused by his shot.

"Hmm, so magecraft still affects them." He noted as in the past he wasn't sure of the difference of energy outputted from his soul while he was in his spiritual body and the energy produced from when he was in a physical body. Ultimately the source of the energy came from the same place, however if he had to describe it then. Spiritual energy would be 'raw' and mana/od which comes from life is 'filtered'. He came to notice that his body wasn't really able to handle it if he used too much od, which would cause it to promptly fail or in worst cases explode. Although he could probably make a perfect body that would be able to handle it, he enjoyed having a more 'normal' body.

His soul body on the other hand was capable of pumping out as much energy as he wanted without the repercussions. Maybe that's why the Shinigami, Arrancars and other beings in this universe were so overpowered. This just means that he'd have to be careful or he would actually die for real again.

"By the way. What can you do?" Hessian asked as he continued to speed walk in superspeed across the sands while munching on a granola bar. Turns out the speed force made some kind of invisible force field around him so he didn't need goggles when going fast.

[I am capable of protecting you from physical and magical attacks, healing for you and other people, access to the internet of whatever universe we are in and I am great at conversation] the gem said cheekily

"No transformations or help in magic?" He remembered the kaleidosticks were capable of transformation.

[While I am capable of giving limited access to the kaleidoscope, you do not need it as you are already capable of using it. As for transformation, it is blank at the moment]


[Yes, Lord Schweinorg did not set a magical girl transformation per your request. However the transformation function is still there. If you would allow me to assimilate a suit or outfit. You could also use a class card if you wanted to fuse it with the transformation in the future]

"Nice, when I'm not in a place with things that could kill me, I'll make something" he said as he began to think of suits and possible cosplays.

"ROAARRR!!!" He looked behind him at the large mob of hollows that have been following his speed walking for the past hour as he walked around. There seemed to be about a couple hundred of them chasing him. He honestly didn't understand why they were able to find him. Did he smell?

*RUMBLE sfx* The young magician stopped as he felt a mass of invisible weight fall upon his being. He noticed that the force wasn't directed at him as he watched the hollow horde made a mad dash in the opposite direction. While the pressure wasn't that heavy to him, he wondered if it had something to do with his immortal soul or if he was just strong enough to shrug it off.

"Human. For what reason are you here?"

Hessian turned towards the voice and noticed a four legged centaur looking hollow gazing at him. The mask looked like a skull with curved horns. The teeth were surprisingly normal looking. The hollow seemed to have pauldrons and some armor on it's chest and shoulder.

"Ah, well just out for a walk" he replied casually causing the hollow to tilt it's head as if to say 'seriously?'

"It's not safe to be here. Especially with all that spiritual energy you're leaking." he noticed the voice was sort of feminine. Now that he looks closely, coming from the back of the skull is a bit of green hair. The identity of the hollow immediately became apparent to him. But that wasn't important.

"Wait, I'm leaking spiritual energy?" he asked as he honestly didn't know

The hollow he now knows for sure is nel nodded "Yes, that group was attracted to it's quality" she informed as the magus checked his body but honestly couldn't find where he was leaking. In the end he gave up as he materialized an eyepatch out of thin air. The eyepatch was the one Zaraki Kenpachi used to nerf himself. However the function of the eyepatch should help him as it consumes spiritual energy from the user.

"Better?" he asked as he equipped the eyepatch with the gross mouths on him

She nodded as she confirmed his leaking stopped to acceptable levels.

"Why did you not kill the ones chasing you?" she suddenly asked

The question was odd to him. Honestly he just didn't feel like it. Plus he kind of wanted to see how big the mob would get, but he wasn't about to say that.

"Ah well, there wasn't really much reason considering I could just run from them. Although I admit I was considering it since I was getting sleepy" Hessian didn't know it, but underneath the vasto lorde's mask was a smile

"That's good. One who possesses reason should require a reason to fight. Take care of yourself" She said as she ran off into the distance.

"Nice girl"

[I agree]

In the far off distance from our protagonist. A skeleton in grand ragged robes sat upon a throne as all the surrounding hollows were kneeling at his feet.

"Sire. We have reports of a human sited from within our territory. You're decree?" An elephant looking Adjuchas reported

Within the empty eyes of Baraggan Louisenbairn's skull was nothing but confusion of the appearance of a human and annoyance at the fact that the human was tresspassing on the lands of the god-king of Hueco Mundo.

"Execute him" were his orders

"Yes!" the elephant hollow responded as he left with a group of lesser hollows towards the sighting of the human