
Sitting on a tatami mat, Hessian took the time to feel out the dimensions like he usually did when he wanted to peek into other dimensions. If he had to describe the feeling of touching dimensions with his mind, then it would be like feeling compacted layers of cloth. Peeling off one layer would show the dimension closest to it, which is that corridor world that connects Hueco Mundo, Soul Society and the living world. Beings of a world are generally only able to peel off one layer at best. However for a True Magician wielding the 2nd, Hessian is capable of peeling off another layer.

The interesting thing is that behind that second layer, there is something akin to an invisible wall of sorts. Hessian speculated that it was the wall blocking travel between multiverses. Hessian reached out with his hands. A sound of tearing could be heard as the space held by the young magician's hands ripped open.

"This is the first layer" he noted as he looked into the corridor world called the 'dangai' in this universe.

Hessian didn't stop there as he focused more on the dimensions and tore open the second layer. Last but not least, he had to open up the invisible wall. But he wondered how he was supposed to tear a path back to his world. There were unlimited worlds out there, perhaps if he focused on his house as he ripped open the dimension. Taking a deep breath he prepared himself to rip open the wall.

"TRESSPASSER" came a voice that startled Hessian enough to lose his focus as the rips in space fixed themselves.



Hessian turned to look at the voice that interrupted his concentration. It was a muscular hollow with a white bony protrusion in the shape of an elephant trunk on his mask. Behind him were a group of about 20 menos grande.

"He doesn't look human enough to be a vasto lorde" the magus commented to himself. The Elephant hollow was probably an adjuchas class since it's leading the gillian by itself.

"You tread on the lands of Barragan-sama! The God-King of Hueco Mundo! and I am Ganohano! Adjuchas of the King's army. Any last words before your execution?" the Adjuchas crossed his arms as he believed to be looking at a dead man.

"Yah I do. Knife" Hessian replied



Faster than the Elephant hollow could react, a Knife lodged into his mask between the eyes. The young magician holding the grip tight with a casual grin. Without waiting for the Adjuchas and it's gillian to react he yelled out

"LäßT" The Azoth dagger glowed brightly as it literally blew up the Adjuchas's head. To Hessian's surprise, the blade cracked under the abuse of overloading energy.

"Shit, I guess I won't be using that anymore" He would have to fix it and just keep it for display in the future. Depositing the dagger into his storage space, he noted the area started to turn an oddly red tint. Looking up he realized he forgot the mass of Gillian ready to fire their Ceros at him.

"Well, that's a thing" he commented as he got ready to remove his eyepatch until a yellow blast disintegrated half of the menos.

"Well, that's convenient" he immediately changed his comment

"Harribel-sama! One of barragan's adjuchas are on the move with gillian!" a deer-like hollow yelled catching the attention of the other 3 hollows.

The vasto lorde of the group had blonde hair, her body covered in a bodysuit with white bones reminiscent of a shark. Her right arm was in the shape of a large blade and her face was covered in a fashion similar to a ninja.

"Which one and how many?" Lately she and her small group had been harrassed by Barragan in his conquest to force all other hollows to submit under him. With her being a vasto lorde, it was no surprise that the self proclaimed king had an eye on her.

"Ganohano, he took a group of about 20 gillian and headed west" The deer hollow known as Apacci informed with her neck lowered.

"This is a chance to get back at that bastard!" a lion-like hollow said getting up.

"So unseemly, you're being far too hot headed about this. For all we know it could be a trap" The snake hollow chided getting on the lion's nerve

"Damn it Sun-sun, who's side are you on?!"

"The side of the not incompetent"

"That's enough you two" Harribel put a stop to their argument

"I'll be going alone, if it really is a trap then I should be capable of escaping"

"But Harribel-sama!"

"But nothing, stay here until I return." she ordered as she jumped out of their underground cave

Hessian didn't waste time as there were still about 10 menos left. Red beams shot out and converged on the magus as he ripped off his eyepatch. A tremendous amount of power was unleashed in the form of a light blue pillar blocking off the cero blasts.

"Soul stream" a torrent of blue light erased the remaining menos. Obviously this was a rip-off from dark souls but nobody had to know that.

The young magician looked over to his helper and noticed a feminine humanoid with armor that reminded him of a shark. He knew who she was so in a burst of insane super speed he ran right infront of the vasto lorde, raised his palms and fondled her twin peaks.

"Thankyou for the help, are you single?"

Tier Harribel became startled as Hessian watched her eyes widen and abruptly ran away after she sent him flying with a well deserved smack from her arm-blade.

"I deserved thaaat!" she could her his voice as she left

The three hollows noticed their leader return and to their relief, unharmed.

"Harribel-sama! welcome back!"

"Did you deal with them?"

"It's to be expected that you wouldn't have any problems"

The vasto lorde ignored the three girls as she walked past them, cut a hole in the wall and promptly shut herself in it. If anyone could see through her face-mask, they would notice a blush on her tanned skin.

"Master Hessian, I don't believe that was proper of you" Onyx commented as the magus got back up from his sandy faceplant

"Yaahhh, that's what I get for thinking with my dick. I deserved that."

He couldn't help himself for a moment after meeting a waifu in the flesh. He would have done the same to Nel if her chest wasn't covered with bone armor and he didn't actually recognize her at first.

"Well then, back to business."

He figured that he should leave as soon as possible. While his soul was immortal, he didn't feel like testing to see if it could live through Barragan's aspect of death. Plus he wanted to get his transformation setup before getting into anything dangerous.

Hessian didn't need to focus as much this time as he ripped through space with his arms while thinking of the word 'house' and disappeared into the rip.

Dropping from the tear, ignoring as reality stitches itself back up. Hessian came to the immediate conclusion that this wasn't his house. It was abundantly clear when he could hear the shifting waters and the cool wind brush up against him. He was on a small island, an island that he recognized. The only structure on the island was a small pink house with the words 'Kame House" plastered on it at an angle.

"Guess I'm in dragonball now huh."