Months pass

"And it's one, two, one, two, one, two and switch"

Within a homey looking living room. Two people were relaxing on the couch while watching what seemed to be a female gymnastics video.

"I don't get why you watch this when REAL porn is a thing" a familiar looking protagonist said as he didn't look away from the screen

"You young ones just don't get it. THIS is a woman in her natural environment. The fact that they are clothed leaves room for the imagination, especially when they get all nice and sweaty" the older bald sunglassed elder wisely explained to the young magician.

It had been a few months since Hessian took up residence at Kame house. His teacher never specified a time that he had to finish his task, so he wasn't in much of a rush. During the months that he had been in the dragonball universe, he had been studying up on ki and how it differed from mana and spiritual energy. The results were truly fascinating to him, if he had to give a dumbed down explanation then it would be that Ki was 'alive' while spiritual energy was 'dead'.

Normally one would need an incredible amount of training and meditation to use ki. But Hessian was a magus and magi cheat. So he skipped the process of training his body and meditation by using The First. How would Denial of nothingness help? Well, like The Second true magic Kaleidoscope. There is really no limit to it's abilities except the limit of the person using it.

The first true magic 'Denial of Nothingness' is similar to projection except that the created material is permanent and doesn't use anything to make. However 'The First' can also create 'concepts'. For example if Hessian wanted to make a 'perfect' sword, then he could. But that is where the limits come into play as it would only be 'perfect' in Hessian's eyes and imperfect in another.

Still don't understand? Then consider these possibilities.

A body that is unaffected by poison

A shield that will never break

Ice that would never melt

Fire that would burn for eternity

A reality marble that ignores by gaia's influence

A boulder that is unmovable

Get it now?

So it stands to reason that Hessian can simply create a skill orb that when broken, gives the users a skill, like say the ability to sense Ki. Is this overpowered? Like all magic, absolutely. Did Hessian care? Nope.

But back to the matter at hand. Ki or chi/qi is said to be the life force energy of all living things. This force is a tangible energy inside every living being, with its major focus being in the center of the body. By drawing it out, an individual is able to manipulate it and use it outside the body. Because there are physical limits to the strength of the body itself, it is necessary to increase one's ki to overcome this barrier and become stronger.

However the truly fascinating thing is that spiritual energy or ones 'spirit' is also used in the process of powering up and using ones Ki.


"Now look closely Hessian, this is my strongest technique." Master Roshi got into a stance as the young magician focused closely on all of the old man's movements including his soul.

The old man brought his palms forward and Hessian noticed his body become more muscular as his spiritual energy flared ever so slightly, the Ki kept dormant inside him erupted along with the Ki outside started to flow into him. Hessian concluded that spiritual energy is only a supporting factor and not the main energy used.

"Kaaaa-meeeee-haaaaa-meeeee" The elder brough his palms back whilst in a low stance. His spiritual energy never changed after the beginning, but Hessian noticed his Ki rapidly flowed into his hands and coalesced into a sphere.

"HAAAAAAAAA!" The gathered energy was emitted from the elder's palm towards the ocean, splitting it apart.

"Incredible" Hessian really was excited to be able to learn something that truly wasn't magic. Although the soul played a role in the beginning, it wasn't much. It was more of a jump-start like to a car engine.

"He he eh, heh heh. That's it girls, keep up the good work! We've gotta stay in shape! HEH HEH" Hessian was brought out of his memories by the old man who was now closer to the screen than before, watching the woman closely.

"Old man, you are pathetic." A talking pig in clothes scooted up next to the elder and soon joined him in the oogling.

"Master Roshi always watches that program, huh?" The white skinned, red cheeked short person known as chiaotzu began to say as he also noticed Hessian scootin up closer alongside the other two. He may or may not have been corrupted by the elder and pig during his stay at Kame house.

The three watched intently as the female lead got closer to the camera, accentuating her asset until a green looking bug man slowly levitated from below the floor upwards, dragging the female with him.

"EHHHHHH!?" obviously it was cell on his way to announce the cell games. But the trio was more heart-broken about the fact that the program got ruined. Hessian clenched his fist and stood up with manly tears.

"Eh? Hessian?"

"He must pay.... FOR THIS EVIL!" immediately Hessian burst into light and transformed. When the light faded, a familiar suit with a blue, white and dark gray color combination appeared in his place. The suit was based off the warframe Frost with the Harka skin. Hessian stood tall with his suit showing a six pack, there were rings on his head in the form of the Frost Prime helmet. His body erupted with energy as he flew towards where the cell games was supposed to be at.

During the time Hessian was here, he also worked on his transformation function. He picked a warframe as he remembered them basically harnessing void energy for their abilities. To hessian's fascination, the frame was capable of holding an incredible amount of energy whether it was mana or ki. This lead Hessian to conclude that the 'void' energy from the warframe universe was incredibly volatile and unstable. Yet the suit was capable of utilizing it. To other magi this technology would be truly mind breaking.

The green bug android/cyborg/organic man stood in his finally perfected tournament ring. It was truly a difficult task for him since for some reason. Each time he built the stage, something would be wrong about it. Like a bunch of squares making a circle, the tiles not being the same color OR THAT ONE TILE THAT WAS ONLY HALF A TILE. But like his name ,he had finally built the 'PERFECT' stage for the coming tournament.

"What's that noise?" Cell asked to himself as he could hear some sort of loud high pitched noise coming from somewhere. It made itself apparent when a giant blue/gray blur smashed into his stage ruining the tiles he just setup.

Hessian stood up still enraged as he pointed to the bug man.

"YOU DIE TODAY BUG MAN" he yelled as he charged towards the 'Perfect' being

Seeing his newly built ring ruined. Cell also became enraged and charged in response.

"YOU READ MY MIND ASSHOLE!" he roared as the two met in the middle of the arena.

10 minutes later

Hessian was kicked through a mountain with most of his warframe tattered. Despite being overpowered and capable of using Mana, Spiritual energy and Ki. He got his ass kicked because power levels in DBZ are complete bullshit. But he did force cell to regenerate his body a couple times with surprising magic and other tools.

"You know, I was having a good day. I built my ring, the tournament was in a week and I was going to get a lifetime supply of hetap. But then some asshole just had to crash into my newly built ring and ruin my day" Hessian could hear cell slowly walk towards him

"...F..fuck you... asshole" was his response because he was still healing his physical body. It was broken in multiple places. His suit got destroyed after a couple large ki waves similar to the kamehameha.

"Aww, i've heard worst last words" Cell blew up the young magician with a final ki blast.

"Well, back to work" Cell said to himself as he started to rebuild his arena.

"AARRGH" until he noticed the tip of a green blade stabbed through him. He turned his head around and noticed the dead magus still alive and well with a large smirk on him.

"Moonlight Vortex" The moonlight greatsword shined with pale light and twisted the bug man's insides like a magical blender.

"Byeeee" Hessian cheekily yelled and escaped into a tear in reality before Cell could regenerate to seek out revenge.