
Hessian POV

"Thank you for all you've done lad. I was worried after Ishtar-sama blew up my ranch and took my gems." The old farmer said

Currently we've been sent to Kutha for some tablet and ended up helping this farmer out with his Ishtar problems. Supposedly, she showed up and destroyed some demonic beasts but... she ended up destroying his ranch and took his gems as payment.

"If she was in her original form she probably wouldn't do anything like that." Merlin added from the side

"Her original form?"

"When the demonic beasts appeared. The priestesses of Uruk held a ritual to get a girl possessed by the goddess Ishtar." he explained as we continued our trek

What I'm more amazed with is the fact that out of every possible person in history. It was Rin's body that got possessed.

"The girl's and goddesses senses of self fused together and created a new personality." merlin continued to explain as I nearly zoned out "Not only that, the gods of Mesopotamia all have blonde hair"

"I see"

"The one thing that's weird to me is that she got fused with Rin of all people" I say exasperated

"Senpai, you know the person fused with goddess Ishtar?" Mash asks as I nod my head

"Yup, she's Tohsaka Rin. Also the girl who taught me magecraft"

"Ehhh!? Senpai had a teacher!?"

"Now that's quite a surprise"

"Ofcourse I had a teacher! Do you think I'm so amazing that I learned magecraft on my own?!" I retort "I can see her traits that are shown in the current Ishtar."

"Is that why you always messed with her when she was around?"

"Heh, I guess so. I was feeling a bit nostalgic. Despite Ishtar being the main personality, it's still obvious that Rin's in there." I smile as i remember my days learning the fundamentals of magecraft

The city of Kutha which was under Ishtar's territory, became known as a cursed land which no man approaches. Basically something akin to a ghost town. One day after the three goddess alliance was formed, everybody just up and came down with a sudden case of death, literally. No blood, wounds or struggle could be seen. Everyone just suddenly passed away.

"No matter how you look at it. This is basically the setting to some horror movie!" Hessian cried out as he gestured around to the wasteland city that was Kutha.

"Now, now. There's no need to be so over dramatic." Merlin said with a smile

"You literally suggested we split up in a place where people suddenly died!"

"Senpai if you're afraid, I don't mind coming with you." the demi-servant kindly offered

"Now I obviously can't accept because that would just make me seem less manly! Screw it, I'm going this way!" the young magician set off into a random direction

"Don't forget to meet back here later!" Merlin spoke loudly

"Eh, where's Fou?" Mash suddenly asked as she didn't spot the tiny creature

"I believe he went after Hessian just now."

"Jeez, even if I know what's going on. It still doesn't make it any less creepy" Hessian commented as he uneasily looked around


"Right!?" he responded as if he understood

Hessian continued to wander around for some time until he felt the presence of a lingering soul. With a smirk, he followed the sensation until he reached a plaza.

"Oh, I can actually feel the underworld from here" The young magician was familiar with the sensation that came with living in the underworld for so long.

Readying himself, Hessian started to walk towards the invisible opening to the underworld.

"Wait!" he stopped to turn to the familiar voice

Behind him stood gramps Hassan in his mortal form.

"Turn back and heed this warning. Should thy continue on this path. Only imprisonment or worst awaits thee." he spoke cryptidly again but Hessian long understood that the pained one he spoke of was Ereshkigal.

"If she really does remember me, then all the more reason I need to speak with her." he said only for the old man to shake his head

"If thou seeketh to parlay with the dead. Then only on even grounds, will thy voice be heard." which Hessian basically translated to 'If you want to talk to her, then don't do it in her territory'.

While Hessian continued to ponder on what he should do, he reflexively caught the tablet thrown to him. "Return to thy allies young one. Worry not for I shall watch over the underworld." he disappeared with those parting words

Hessian looked at the tablet that Gilgamesh sent them here for and just sighed as he knew the old man was right. It would have been stupid to try and reason with Eresh in her territory. He may not have been able to escape if she truly wanted to keep him there.

The sun began to set as the group met up again.

"Oh, you found the Tablet of Destinies?" Merlin asked as he inspected the tablet

"That's amazing senpai, where did you find it?"

"An old man threw it at me" was his instant response

"An old man?!"

"Well, let's head back. It's gonna get dark soon." he ignored the inquiry of the old man

The communicator rang as Doctor Roman's voice came in

"Large magical signature is quickly approaching!"

The young magician immediately hid behind the shield as multiple golden blasts bombarded the group.

"I found you!" the group looked up to see the Goddess of Venus in the air. "Apparently, you grilled the ranchers about me! Don't you know that snooping around on what a goddess does on her day off is insensitive!?"

"Oh right, I nearly forgot about this event" Hessian commented as he was too preoccupied thinking about Ereshkigal

"Oya, are you embarrassed that we found out you were a gem thief?" Merlin taunted

"That's not it! I never assaulted any humans for money or anything!"

"Yet you took their gems." Hessian commented

"I only asked for compensation after saving them! Saving you guys for free would just corrupt you humans all over again." She justified

"Wait, doesn't that mean you would have done it for free then?

"A-anyway! You all need punishment! Atone for the sin of making me look like a fool twice!" she flustered as she charged magical energy in her floating weapon.

"You're just covering up your embarrassment aren't you?" Hessian commented

"Shut up! I'll take that treasure in your hands as compensation for all this!" the blue magical beam fired

"YOU REALLY ARE A THIEF AFTER ALL!" Merlin yelled as everyone got out of the way.

The goddess flew down to kick the demi-servant through a building. Merlin forced her back with a blue sword wave while Ana attempted to ambush her from behind.

"Ahahaha! If you can't fly then don't think for a second that you can catch me!"

"But I can" The Goddess couldn't react in time as the young magician appeared behind her mid-air. She immediately froze when he took a long lick on the sweat running down her cheek. "This taste... THIS IS THE TASTE OF A LIAR! ISHTAR!!


"What did he just do?"


It took a moment for the Goddess of Venus to process what just happened as she immediately freaked out and kicked Hessian to the ground.


"I'LL REMEMBER THIS YOU BASTARD!!" Ishtar cried out as she flew off into the horizon

"Master! Are you alright?!" Mash asked as she inspected his injuries.

"D-don't worry Mash.... As long as the camera is safe.... It was worth it..." Hessian weakly spoke as he held out the camera he used to take a picture of Ishtar's panicked face when she was licked.


"Nice job Hessian!" Merlin gave a thumbs up.

And so, the young magician was carried back to Uruk.