Plan B

Hessian POV

You know I always question whether or not I should follow the plot or just completely derail it. I mean technically it's sort of derailed since Ereshkigal knows who I am, but it's not like that ruins everything. Everyone is still technically going to die in the end even if I went all out to stop it. I am aware of my own capabilities and the fact that I can't stop Tiamat in the end by myself.

Plus derailing the plot is a lot of work, I'd rather just go with the flow. But there are these indescribable moments where I get this urge to do something random. Usually not enough to mess with the plot, but these urges just cause me to put in more effort than I usually would. I continue to muse this strange phenomenon as I watch Ana fight the giant demon beast Ugallu.

"Oi Merlin, I think you should give her some support." I say as I continue to record the fight in front of me with my eyes.

"And here I was hoping I could sit on the sidelines like you." Merlin sighed as he stepped forward with Fou pawing his face "Ow ow ow! Relax, I'll take this seriously Cath Palug."

I watch the magic circle that appeared beneath Merlin release flowers into the air. This looks similar to the way I use some of my own spells, perhaps I can recreate it in the future.

"How about something like this." he said as the flowers rushed towards the battlefield. I notice Ana's weapon being enchanted. Truly an interesting spell, I really should ask him about it later.

Ana used the support from Merlin to cut through the fireball sent her way and cleaved straight through the giant sun lion. I whistle at the effectiveness of such a spell.

"Whew, now that's impressive." I gave my honest praise

"I did it. Just like I aimed to do" I heard Ana speak to herself as I smile at how cute her calm celebration is.

"You're right, just as I aimed to do!" Kingu responded to her cheer with chains wrapped around her limbs. Oi, if I was still in my lolicon phase I might consider that hot. Thankfully I'm not, which means I should probably do something before he hurts the loli!

"OI! KINGUU! SHE'S TOO YOUNG FOR S&M PLAY!!" I yell out getting his attention

"Would you shut up already!" he retorts


"Well that took an odd turn"

"Senpai, please be serious. He's going to hurt Ana!" Mash said half serious and half exasperated

"Don't worry, I've already done something." I declare seriously

"Oh? and what could you have done in this situation?" he asks as he prepared to stab the loli

I give him a smirk "I called the FBI" I said as I raised my inter-dimensional Onyx phone

"What?" he asked dumbly

"Large magical anomaly detected! It's forcing it's way into the singularity!" Roman's voice informed




All of a sudden a large group of men in suits stepped out of a random portal in the air and opened fire on the fake Enkidu.

"HOW IS THIS ACTUALLY HURTING ME!?" he yells as the mundane looking guns actually did damage to him. Actually that's a pretty good question, I have no idea where these guys come from or where they get their gear. But speaking from experience, their bullets really hurt!

"Senpai, where did they come from? I remember seeing them in London."

"I honestly have no idea. But it's nice to see that their guns aren't pointed at me this time." I say as I remember when they tried to arrest me for the Jack thing

Unfortunately it wasn't enough to take down the living weapon. After rescuing Ana, I watch as the countless chains multiplied and impale all the inter-dimensional FBI agents to death. Everyone watches as Kingu breathes heavily for a moment until he lifts his head to give me one hell of a death glare.

"THAT'S IT! I'VE DECIDED THAT YOU DIE NOW!" he roared as hundreds of portals seem to open up, ready to impale us. However before he could shoot, the ground begun to shake causing him to close the portals in alert.

From beneath the ground, I see Gorgon explode out of the earth and rise to the air in all her thicc glory.

"Godayum girl, you thiccer than a bowl of oatmeal!" I commented

"Senpai, please shut up" Mash deadpanned as she was finally done with my shit today

"Leader of the Three Goddess Alliance. Prostrate yourselves, pray and beg. Tiamat, the mother of all beasts stands before you now." the self proclaimed Tiamat grandly spoke

"That's Tiamat?" Mash asked quietly as she looked at the towering figure.

"Nah, no matter how you look at it. It's obviously Gorgon. I mean come on Mash, look at that fabulous hair! Plus we literally see Medusa on a daily basis back at Chaldea." Hessian responds as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You dare utter that name before me!?" The towering Goddess questioned slightly infuriated

"Hehehe, but of course I do! FOR I HAVE PREPARED FOR THIS MOMENT!" Hessian declared to the world as he raised a remote with a giant red button. "WITNESS MY GREAT CREATION AND PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE ULTIMATE KAIJU VS ROBOT SMACKDOWN!" he yelled as he hit the button.

Seconds pass as nothing happened.

"Eh?" the young magician let out a confused sound as he attempted the press the button a few more times. "Weird I could have sworn it was supposed to burst out of the ground."

"Senpai, did you forget the batteries?"

"Well that was anticlimactic"


"Hahahaha!" The group turned back to the chuckling snake goddess "Perhaps you were trying to summon this?" She says as a few of her hair snakes dragged up a giant robot head from the ground.

Hessian's face paled the moment the head was dropped in front of him.

"Well shit." he spoke as he seemed to be processing the fact that his grand robot battle was foiled

"I noticed something odd in the ground when I came here. It was in the way so I broke it" She spoke as if she was speaking about mundane things. "I suppose it was your little toy?" she seemed to smirk at the young magician

"Hmm..." Hessian crossed his arms as he solemnly gazed at the Goddess "I have one last plan." he said resolutely

"You do Senpai?"

"Did you make another mecha?"Merlin asked

"No, but I do have a final move." he responded with incredible seriousness

"Just command me and I'll follow your orders Senpai!" Mash spoke as she got ready

"Oh, you're actually planning on going all out?" Merlin was surprised as he knew what the young magician was capable of.

"Hehehehahahahahaha!" the laugh unsettled Gorgon and Kingu as they prepared themselves for a large scale attack. Time seemed to tick by slowly until Hessian lifted his foot.

He quickly grabbed Ana and Mash and threw them into a newly created humvee and started to escape. "NIGERUNDAYOOO!!!!" he yelled as he stepped on the gas



"WAIT YOU FORGOT ABOUT MEEEE!!!!" Merlin cried out as he gave chase to the escaping vehicle.

It took a few moments for the two current antagonists to process the scene in front of them before giving chase.