Some down time

Hessian POV

"This would look nice as well!" I listen to Eresh gush out in bubbly amusement as I stand here like a glorified mannequin. I said I would take her on a date and that's exactly what I'm doing. I just didn't expect it to lead to redesigning my shinigami attire. For some odd reason, the uniform just appears on me whenever I manifest Nanashi. Even if it isn't in it's Shikai release.

She practically had stars in her eyes when I told her the concept of what Shinigami were. Apparently it was because Shinigami roughly translates to a God of Death. So she made it sound like we were the perfect couple or something since she's a Goddess of Death.

"Eresh, why do I only have one sleeve?" I ask as I examine the right side of my shihakusho missing an arm sleeve.

"Y-you don't like it?" My heart might have stopped for a moment there from that expression on her face. Please woman stop making that face, my death goddess can't be this cute!

"I didn't say that, I'm just curious is all." Feels kind of odd and unsymmetrical to have a sleeve gone. Although my arm does feel a sense of freedom from it.

"I thought it would be cool since you always wielded your sword with one hand." It is true that I have an odd tendency to use only one arm for it. I mean it's not like the sword itself is short, it's actually pretty damn long. Enough room for two hands, it's just an odd habit of mine. Funny thing, I was actually trained by other servants in different sword styles. They mostly consisted of two-handing your weapon with a few exceptions.

"I guess I can see what you mean. The fur on the shoulder is a nice touch though... why do they radiate death?" She added white fur on both sides of my shoulder. It feels comfortable except for the invisible deathly aura on it. You'd have to be up close to notice, I'm honestly wondering what beast she got this from now.

"I'm glad you like them! I sewed them on myself!" oh god she's being bubbly again and wait, did she just ignore the death aura thing!?

"I made a belt too!" She held up said belt. It was a similar color scheme to the cloak she always wore. Red, black and gold

[Apologies Lady Ereshkigal, however I am Master's personal belt.] Onyx made himself known from my waist since he replaced the sash on my shinigami's uniform.

"Sorry Eresh, I always use Onyx for my belts. He's sort of always been with me." I apologize. I wouldn't replace Onyx even if I had a better alternative.

"Hmm" Eresh kneels down to my waist as she looks over Onyx. Her red eyes were narrowed as she seemed to be contemplating something. I could feel Onyx growing uncomfortable, I was about to voice my concerns until she snatched him directly from my waist and went behind a curtain.

[Wait, what are you- STOP! I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT! PLEASE NO! SAVE ME MASTER!!] Onyx's protests turned into horrified pleas. I became morbidly curious at what my lover was doing, but at the same time I felt as if I should stop this.

Before I could come to a decision on my inner struggle, Ereshkigal opened the curtains to reveal the newly traumatized Kaleidobelt.

"Ta-dah! Don't you think he looks better this way?" she asked with a wide smile as I took in Onyx's new form. He was no longer a metallic sleek black. Instead the body was similar to what the Death Goddess originally presented. The only difference being, the black gem that should be Onyx's core was separated into four shards across the belt.

[....Master Hessian. I have been defiled in ways that should not be possible.] The belt's haunted voice echoed out as I turned a little pale.

"Do you like it?" Eresh asked with a hopeful shine in her eyes as she stared intently at me. I look back down at Onyx who seemed to be muttering depressing thoughts.

"I-I love it" I hesitantly answer with a shaky smile

Her smile was blinding for a Goddess of Death. She took out a small cage and added it to my traumatized friend as I allow it to hang off the Kaleidobelt/sash like an accessory.

"There, now you look perfect" I'm sorry Onyx, but I can't help but love this woman.

"Alright Shirou, what if Lancer was about to be hit by a truck? Would you still try to save him? Dude did try to kill you after all." The young magician asked as he set down the freshly brewed tea.

"He wouldn't get hurt from a truck though." The Emiya responded as the two were going through hypothetical scenarios on how the Hero of Justice would respond.

On the other side of the table, the girls consisting of Rin, Illya, Saber and Ereshkigal were having 'girl' talk. Lancer was outside drinking, apparently Saber didn't actually kill him after Kirei died. Archer voluntarily allowed himself to disappear and Hessian heard Medea took a flight to the other side of the world with her new lover.

"He would die from it Shirou! Will you save him!" Hesian pushed the question strongly

"But he's a servant!" Shirou argued back

Hessian looked at the red-head with a blank gaze as he took out his interdimensional cell phone. He dialed a number on it and waited for the person to pick up. After a few moments a click could be heard. "Yah, I need you. Oh, well he's got blue hair, blue tights, red eyes. You can't miss him! Alright thanks" he hung up and gestured towards lancer out on the deck who was still calmly downing alcohol.

"What are you...?" Shirou's voice trailed off as the sound of an incredibly fast vehicle could be heard in the distance. It was odd since the roads in their area weren't wide enough to accommodate fast driving. The roar of an engine grew louder and closer until the wall busted open in the Emiya residence.

The unfortunate blue Lancer couldn't react as it was too sudden! His body was directly rammed as he was subsequently smashed into the wall like a pancake.

"LANCER GA SHINDA!" someone cried out


Hessian turned a smug face to the dumbfounded Emiya who had his jaw dropped to the ground. "See, never underestimate truck-kun!" he said as the isekai truck god beeped in victory


"Eh? What the hell just happened!?" Lancer asked as he woke up in a completely different land

"Wow, you must really like blue dood." Lancer looked down to see a talking blue penguin with tiny bat wings.

"What the fuck!?" Cu Chulainn experienced his first isekai experience courtesy of Truck-kun