Back in Bleach

Hessian POV

"It's absolutely gay."

"It's a matter of perspective!" I argue back at the bucket hat, sandal-wearing candy-store owner.

"I'm just saying, it has a penis. Which makes it gay." Urahara states with utmost certainty.

"You two are idiots." The black cat spoke out in a deep voice

I had spent a month relaxing with Eresh and everyone else back in Fuyuki. However I eventually got restless and felt like doing stuff again so I decided to learn more about my zanpakuto. Best place to do that? Head to Bleach and talk to a guy who knows his stuff on the subject. I admit my inferiority at the intricacies of being a soul reaper. My two choices were either Mayuri Kurotsuchi who was the current head of the Research and development institute or Urahara Kisuke who was the former head of R&D.

"Okay, just hear me out alright." I speak as I create a chalkboard out of nowhere "Let's say that we have two people observing some futanari." I draw two people on the board with arrows from their eyes pointed at an anime girl.

"One of the observers believes that it's gay, while the other does not." I gesture to the two people. "However they are both seeing the same thing, just from different perspectives. But you must keep in mind that the concept of gay itself is different to the individual."

"I see, so you're simply showing that both of them simply have a different mental reaction to viewing a futa." Kisuke inputs while Yoruichi seems to be palming her face with her paw at the fact that he's actually having this conversation.

"Now you're getting it!" I nod my head appreciatively at his intelligence "The one who views it as gay, simply sees a dude with tits!"

"While the one's who don't, see it as a female with a penis. I see, this distinction does make a difference" Urahara nods as he contemplates it.

"Exactly! You finally see the truth!" I exclaim with starry eyes

"But there's still a dick" Yoruichi adds in

"Shush! Your feline eyes just can't fathom the intricacies of such a beautiful thing!" I exclaim at the black cat who is blind to the world

"What about traps then?" Kisuke asks

"Oh, definitely gay. You can deny it all you want, but it is what it is." I sigh as I think back to Astolfo and D'eon


Beneath the unremarkable store that was Urahara's candy shop, the sound of clashing blades echoed through the air. If one were to look closely at the painted sky-blue ceiling, you could see the tremors passing through. The two combatants broke off from their clash and appeared across from each other.

Hessian looked more ruffled than the candy shop owner, despite it being a spar for Urahara to closely examine the young magician's capabilities. Hessian was actually putting in a bit of effort, however his close combat experience paled in comparison to the former captain. Unsurprising since Hessian was originally a mage that focused on attacking from a distance with pages. Even if he was trained in swordsmanship from heroes, it was just training.

"Cry, Benehime!" Urahara's released a bright red energy slash towards his opponent. Hessian didn't move from his position as the energy slash exploded on impact.

As if expecting it, Urahara readied a blood red energy shield the moment Hessian flash stepped in front of him with his Zanpakuto raised. "Cleave!" as expected, spiritual power coalesced into a resplendent light blade around Nanashi. When the blade made contact with the shop keeper's shield, it didn't immediately cut through. However the sound of their swords crying out as the two contested for dominance was prevalent through the exchange.

This entire time, Urahara Kisuke had a sharp analytical eye on all of the young magician's abilities. Despite being ready for his assault, he could feel that his shield wouldn't hold out against his blade. He focused directly on the spiritual drops that were too small for the untrained eye to see. However he felt that it'd be in his best interest to muse on it another time as the conceptual weight of his blade seemed to grow heavier.

The translucent light blade cleaved straight through the shield after a few moments. Hessian was astounded as that was the first time anyone had been able to stop that move, even if it was only for a short moment. Urahara reacted before the shield was completely split in two and forced his opponent back with a well placed kick to the stomach.

Spit flew out of Hessian's mouth as he righted himself up for another round.

"That's enough!" Urahara called out to the magician. "I've seen all that I need to." he declared as he gestured for Hessian to follow him back up.

Hessian POV

I took a seat before Urahara as I waited for his analysis on my abilities. Do I mind showing him what I can do so he can analyze me? Not really, no. Fact is, while I could research this myself. It would take more time and quite frankly, ain't nobody got time for that! So I'd rather an expert save me the time and effort.

Urahara seemed finished gathering his thoughts as Tessai brought us some tea. We both took a sip. I gotta say Tessai makes some good tea.

"To be blunt, you're Zanpakuto is dangerous. Mainly to yourself." he starts out. I'm not surprised, I've experienced the drawbacks myself.

"Your zanpakuto's ability siphons your reiryoku(spiritual power) and refines it to the utmost limit. As you've probably noticed by now, they are released as droplets on your blade." He brought out a random screen. Huh since when did he start recording? "These droplets also emit their own pressure that's not from yourself. Which means that your body has to withstand it while you fight."

"According to you, you're capable of manipulating these drops, so it's a very versatile ability. However the sheer amount of reiryoku needed for each drop is quite frankly, fatal." he speaks with seriousness in his tone

"You sound like this isn't the first time you've seen this." I say a bit intrigued

"Those drops are essentially spiritual particles compacted to the utmost degree that it's become solid. Having solid structures for spiritual particles isn't a rare thing, but it's the nature of the refinement that those drops went through which makes it dangerous." The screen changed again

"Those droplets aren't actually physical yet, not truly. They're simply on the verge of it from the insane refinement that your sword puts it through. There have actually been captains capable of doing the same thing, just not on the same level as you." he says not saying which captains which sort of annoys me

"However it's generally not worth the effort when put into practice. I'm guessing either you have an unreal amount of reiryoku, or your Zanpakuto is incredibly efficient at using it. Judging from how you were capable of literally making a blade from hundreds of refined drops. Normally that would kill even a captain if they were to try it." Yay for my soul having infinite energy! Being a true magician rocks.

"In the end, all your abilities revolve around controlling your spiritual power. The ability to add weight to your swings, increase the strength of your pressure, cut something from a distance. While any captain would be also capable of doing it, you essentially have a cheat that lets you do it much easier." he finished his summary as I take a moment to process the information

"So what do you suggest I do?" I ask

"Hmm, I would say you would need to get more accustomed to not relying on your Zanpakuto to do all the work. I noticed you say 'Cleave' and 'Split' as if they were techniques. To me it sounded like you were relying on your Zanpakuto to do it for you like a command." This is actually a revelation to me. Nanashi always did it for me whenever I voiced what I wanted to do...

"These things take time, bond with your Zanpakuto. Practice more until you can do the same through instinct, I can tell you haven't been a soul reaper for long." he smirks at me and it sort of ticks me off at how right he is

I wonder if I can steal a captain's haori? They look pretty nice.