Squad 4

Hessian POV

The 4th division squad of the Seireitei is the medical squad. I mainly infiltrated and joined the squad due to my curiosity of their healing arts. I wanted to know the difference in how they healed a soul compared to my method. I am passionate about learning to heal people, because the better you are at healing. The more likely the thing you're dissecting will survive!

"Hessian, are you paying attention?" the vice-captain asked me as she was currently showing me the standard procedure for healing a patient.

"Of course, go on" I say as for once I'm focused and closely analyzing every step. I'm so engrossed that I forget that to call her by rank as I'm acting as a newbie right now.

"Before we can heal the body, we must restore their reiatsu like this." I watch her hold her palms forward on the unconsious patient. Her natural reiatsu shifted to a green tint immediately a millisecond after coming out. This is fascinating, her spiritual energy is being literally assimilated to the patient's. However not by much, it's mainly increasing the rate at which his own energy restores itself. I imagine the green reiatsu is very versatile to be able to be assimilated without affecting the target's memories or spirit origin.

"After stabilizing, we can move onto the body." I eye the way her healing kido and the patient's newly restored spiritual energy interact with each other to heal the physical wound. Apparently Shinigami do technically have a somewhat physical body instead of only a soul. Supposedly when a Shinigami gets reiryoku, unlike regular spirits. Soul reapers will need to eat as if they had a regular body.

"Yes, it was truly enlightening. My thanks for the demonstration Vice-Captain Kotetsu." I sincerely give a bow to the vice-captain. I learned a lot from this experience and it shouldn't take me long to adapt these techniques to my own methods.

So in my time with this squad, I've noticed that we were delegated to do most of the odd jobs. Besides healing, we were mainly tasked with resupplying and manual labor. The manual labor however was mostly consisted of cleaning the Seireitei. Apparently that included in times of war because we were called to clean up all the quick-sand caused by Ganju's techniques. We've even had to repair the broken walls by Ichigo and the others.

However the most annoying thing about this is dealing with those Squad 11 idiots who seem to look down on Squad 4.

"Oh? Isn't it Squad 4? You shrimps look busy there. Hahahahahaha!" I glance boredly at the muscleheads who had nothing better to do. I was about to retort until my shoulder was grabbed by another member of the relief team. I think his name was Shiraba or something? He gave me a look and just shook his head.

"It's not worth it." he whispered as I just sighed

"Their basically asking for it." I whisper back annoyed

"If we cause problems with them now, they'll just keep coming back for more."

See this is annoying to me. Squad 11 isn't the type of guys to leave you be if you ignore it. It'd be better to just shut them up by beating them up, but I guess it makes sense that most of Squad 4 wouldn't be as adept in combat as Squad 11.

"Oi, What are you shrimps mumbling about? You lot are slacking off on the job?!" he yelled and took the chance to kick a wall we just fixed. A tick mark formed on my head as the rest of my relief team just had their heads down. You know what, I fixed that wall. I'm bout to wreck his shit!

"HUHHH?" I voice out loudly "What was that? I seem to remember your sorry ass with a full body cast earlier at the barracks." I give him a condescending sneer

"What did you say you bastard!?" He clenched his teeth and gave me an intimidating look

"What? Oh I'm sorry, we can't heal stupidity if you Squad 11 idiots can't manage to understand my words." I gesture as I spoke in pity

"Hessian...." Shiraba didn't know what to say to me.

"You.... YOU.... YOUU!!!" his face turned completely red as the rest of his buddies seemed to also get a bit pissed

"You? You what!? Did the small piece of shit you call a brain just fry from trying to think?" I continued to taunt him

"THAT'S IT! YOU'RE DEAD!" They tried jumping at me with fists

"COME AT ME, I DON'T MIND PUTTING YOU IDIOTS BACK ON THE STRETCHER MYSELF!" I rolled my one sleeve and jumped at the group in a head on fist fight.

"Do you understand the error of your actions?"

Within the Squad 4 barracks, Hessian sat in seiza with the rest of his relief team. The reason they were also in trouble was because they joined in on the brawl since Hessian was one of their own.

"My apologies Captain, it won't happen again." the Squad leader of the relief team bowed his head to the floor with everyone else besides Hessian

"Oi, Hessian apologize to the captain too!"

"For what? Those idiots were asking for it." the young magician retorted as he pointed over to the group of Squad 11 out cold on the beds.

"Is it really wrong to stand up for ourselves?" he asked

"While it is not wrong, your methods were incorrect." Hessian turned to the Captain. Retsu Unohana. Vice-captain Kotetsu was also by her side. "We are the medical division. Which means that we are to heal injuries, not create them." she speaks with a calm serene voice

"Then how would you have dealt with them, Captain Unohana?" Hessian asked

"Oh, I always just looked at them and they seemed to run." she answers with a smile.

"I think that's because they're more afraid that you would just outright kill them." everyone sweat dropped

"Well, let's not allow this happen again and conduct ourselves accordingly, yes?" she gave a scary smile to the relief team.

"Understood! Captain Unohana!"

"On another note, I'd like to know what a Ryoka is doing masquerading as a member of my Squad." The female captain said as everyone looked confused but Hessian froze up.

"Eh? What do you mean captain?" Isane asked as she seemed confused

"Hessian, would you like to explain yourself" She gave a smile that wasn't a smile at the dumbstruck invader.

"Ahem, what are you talking about captain?" Hessian coughed "I just got admitted into the squad recently through the recommendations of instructor Shinra." he smiled and spouted bullshit

"Really? I just spoke with Instructor Shinra not too long ago, and he never said anything about recommendations." Her frightening smile never changed

"Eh? There's actually an Instructor Shinra?" he replied in surprise as everyone looked at him oddly and processed the fact that he stopped pretending.

"Indeed, I thought it was a well thought of cover but it seems you were just spouting nonsense."

"Well making up a full proof backstory on such short notice isn't easy." Hessian rubbed his head as the rest of the relief team wisely stepped away from him.

"Eh? So Hessian's a ryoka!?" the Vice-captain was truly surprised as she had watched him do his work with efficiency.

"Well, cats out of the bag." Hessian sighed as he walked up to the captain as she didn't move. "Since i'm screwed anyway, might as well just get this out of the way." he raised his hands


Everyone's jaw dropped at the sight of the young magician fondling Captain Unohana's breasts. The captain didn't seem to react as her frightening smile was still there, but you could see the visage of a monster behind her. "I accept the smack that I'm about to receive for thinking with my dick." Hessian spoke without regrets as he had a smile on his face.

"You do not have to worry, I wouldn't do something like that." The captain responded as she ignored the Ryoka who was basically molesting her at this point.

"Really? You truly are a saint!" Hessian had a look of pure worship on his face as he had rarely met women who wouldn't send him flying with a smack the first time he fondles their tits.

"Yes, I'll just cut off your head." Hessian's groping stopped as his hands were still.

"I-I thought Squad 4 wasn't supposed to create injuries captain." Hessian gave a nervous smile

"You do not have to worry, I'll be sure to erase your body so there wouldn't be any visible injuries." She finally opened her closed eyes as Hessian felt the chill of death in front of him.

On that day, the image of squad 4's enraged captain was seared into everyone's mind as she left the barracks which was cut in half behind in her chase of the Ryoka.