A drink

Hessian POV

"So what do you think?" Kyoraku asked as he sat across from me

"It's not bad, but it tastes like one of those cheap ones." I frowned for a moment, savoring the taste a bit longer.

I had recently escaped from a hellish battle against Unohana and found my way to another captain. Luckily it was the 8th squad captain, Shunsui Kyoraku. He's a pretty chill dude and would rather drink and talk instead of battle. Most likely due to him believing that there was no chance for the Ryoka to successfully beat the captains.

"It can't be helped" He sighed "Nanao's limited the budget so I can't really get any of the good stuff" he spoke with pity as his vice-captain Nanao adjusted her glasses

"Sir, I only did it because you wasted nearly half our budget on alcohol." she gave her captain a no nonsense look

"Don't be so serious Nanao, everyone's gotta relax! It's great for morale!" I speak as I give her a side eye.

"Yeah, what he said! Don't be such a prude Nanao, come over here and relax with us." Kyoraku smiled as he raised a cup towards the serious vice-captain

"I'd rather not fraternize with the enemy, Captain." She gives him a look of disapproval.

"That's too bad, I think this guy's great company." the captain said as he took another drink

"You're not half bad yourself captain. You know what, I got my own wine." I said as I pulled out a jar of wine. "I got it from a King that collected only the best!" I declare as i uncorked the jar

"Ooohhh! The scent is just heavenly!" Kyoraku took a whiff of the wine from King Gilgamesh.

"Sir, I don't think it'd be wise to drink that." Nanao said worriedly since it could be poisonous, Kyoraku just waved away her concern.

So during my time here I've noticed something interesting about this spiritual body of mine. Whenever I use Nanashi, the pressure doesn't affect me at all. I mean it does but I just can't feel it like when I use it with my physical body. It feels like I'm now using Nanashi with training wheels on. I know it's affecting my body since I checked, but I just don't feel the effects so it won't affect my combat abilities.

"Woooo! This is some incredible stuff!" Kyoraku said as he took a huge gulp.

"Right? I suggest taking it slowly, gotta savor it." I speak from experience.

"Nanao, you need to try this! It's the best wine I've ever encountered!" he held out another cup towards the vice-captain

"I really shouldn't" She said a little flustered from how pushy her captain was being about it

"Just relax a little." I say as I take a sip "It's not healthy to be so serious all the time without a little bit of down time" I speak sagely

"Exactly! When was the last time you took a break Nanao-chan!" the captain pushed

"V-Very well, just one cup then." she sighed as she took a seat

I watched her take a sip from the King's Wine, she released a breath as it went through her body. I notice her visibly relax. This woman really is a busy-body.

"So, what brings you here to Soul Society?" I turn back to the Captain.

"Ah, Ichigo wanted to rescue Rukia." I say as I have no issues with them knowing our plan since they probably know by now.

"Ichigo... the orange hair with a giant sword?" he asked as he remembered the briefing

"Yep" I pop the 'p'. "As for me, I'm here for training and also to snag one of the head captain's haoris."

"Oh? Yama-ji's haori?! Why would you want to do that?" he seemed a bit speechless

"I mean it's pretty fashionable." I say honestly.

"True. Although the old man would probably go hours speaking about what the captain's haori represents." he smiled good naturedly

"H-How dis-respectful hic*" Nanao spoke from the side as she became drunk off the King's wine. Unsurprising considering this is Gilgamesh's Wine after all.

"Y-You Ryoka! Are causin shooo mush trouble!" she complained with teary eyes. Oh so she's a crying drunk?

I give her a wry smile as I take her drunk complaints.

"Well anyway, I think I'm just gonna head off now." I say as I placed the cup down after Nanao's rant ended.

"Oh? You know I can't just let you go right?" Kyoraku said as he reminded me of the fact that he has a job to do.

"Don't worry, I'm already gone." The captain looked on wordlessly as my body burst into pages and disappeared from the spot.

"He's got a neat party trick too" he commented as he pulled his straw hat down with a smile.

Hessian stood outside the Squad 1 barracks with a gaze towards the captain's room.

"I would suggest you not think of disturbing the head-captain." an older voice sounded out from the side.

Hessian looked at the easily forgettable vice-captain. He believes his name was Chojiro or something, he didn't get much screen time through bleach. However he did get his bankai shown, something with super powerful lightning. It was hard to remember since he sort of skimmed the manga a little.

"Well, I sort of have a meeting with him." Hessian smiled cheekily

"Oh, Well did you make an appointment?" the older man took out a booklet from out of nowhere as he checked.

"Uhh, no?" he was a little dumbfounded at the fact that the man was more like a secretary than a vice-captain.

"Well then I reiterate, I suggest you not disturb the head-captain without an appointment." he huffed

"Could I make one then?"

"Very well, the next opening is 4 months from now. Daytime only, the head-captain needs his rest" he informs with complete professionalism

However when he turned back up to ask for a name for the appointment book, Hessian had already disappeared. "That no good brat!"

The easily-forgettable vice captain yelled out

Within the head-captain's personal office. He was taking his afternoon nap as he was an old man. The wall was demolished as a familiar magician crashed right through.

"Head-Captain Yamamoto! I am here to wreck your shit!" Hessian declared as he pointed towards the old man with a pose. However he noticed that the old man didn't respond to him, so he took some tentative steps closer. The old man was actually snoring!

"Hey, old man? Wake up, I'm trying to do a thing here." he spoke while shaking the old captain.

"A-ah? Who are you?" he asked as he was roused from his sleep

"Ah, I'm Hessian and I'm here to get your haori." Hessian said more normally this time since the moment was gone.

"Oh, well could you go grab my cane for me?" the man spoke in a friendly elder's voice

"Oh, yah sure." he replied as he grabbed the walking stick

"Thank you young lad." He spoke good naturedly as he stood up. "Now then, I'LL HAVE TO TEACH YOU SOME MANNERS BOY!" His eyes opened and before Hessian could react, he was smacked straight through the wall and flew through the sky.

From the outside of the Squad 1 barracks, everyone watched as a figure was blasted out of the wall like a shooting star.

"Uggh, freakin overpowered old man" Hessian commented as he shook off the debris

"Now then, let's begin your lesson in manners boy." Hessian felt the blazing spiritual pressure released from the Head-Captain. If he wasn't already so used to his own Zanpakuto's overbearing pressure then he might have felt like he was drowning in a sea of flames.

"Now were talkin" Hessian grinned as he unsheathed his Zanpakuto. "Stand at the Zenith, Nanashi!"

The fight of Hessian's life was about to begin.