Round 1 against Yamamoto

Hessian POV

Fire. I really don't like fire. I mean as far as elements are concerned, Ice is just so much cooler. Plus fire is so overdone. These thoughts plague me as I cut through the fireball sent by the old man.

"That all you got old ma-" My taunt is cut short, when the head-captain decided to show me how fast he is by appearing right in front of me. I guard the one armed strike with my own arm.


HOLY SHIT HE JUST BROKE MY LEFT ARM! I ignore the pain and focus on stopping myself from crashing through more buildings. I swung my blade horizontally and parted everything in my path. I no longer had to voice out 'split' to do it. The buildings in my path seemed to rise to the air, yet I saw no image of Yamamoto.

With the sound of swishing air, I raise my blade to cleave at the old man. Nanashi flashed into a resplendent blade as it made impact with the head captain's flaming sword.

"What? Is that all, boy?" I hear him speak as the ground beneath me cracks from the sheer power of his attack. My body feels like it's gonna turn into a well done steak at this rate.

How the hell is my blade not cleaving through his!? My eyes examine his blade, through the flames I see something frightening. THIS OLD MAN CAN MAKE REFINED SPIRITUAL ESSENCE TOO! It's not as much as myself, but he's literally using the smallest amount at the greatest effect. This old bastard knows how to stop Nanashi from cutting through.

In my experience, other captains can stop Nanashi from cutting through their blades using their immense spiritual pressure, and making sure that they don't clash blades for long. However this old man knows exactly how to deal with me head on.

A fiery explosion erupted from our clash. I was forced back a few meters away.

"HAH!" with a shout, the smoke dispersed, yet the old man was gone again. I begin to move at super speed, as long as I keep moving then he'll have a harder time jumping me.

"Where are you running to, boy?" Flames rose from the ground, cutting off my movements. With a stomp, I ascend towards the air. Escaping is impossible with these flames covering the sky as well.

"Blades!" 50 refined light blades take form around me. If I can't escape, then I'll just take him out!

"Spread!" I command as the blades moved outwards in a formation.

"Now rain!" the light became even more resplendent as spiritual energy gathered at their tips. That's right! I can spam laser blasts! I allow the 50 light blades to rain destruction on everything inside the flame dome. Odd, I don't see any trace of the old man.

"Where are you looking?" I turn my head but it was too late

"Torch!" So much flames, I HATE FIRE! I hurtle towards the ground wreathed in scorching flames. The flames disperse as Onyx activated emergency measures.

My lungs feel heavy as I pant. How the hell does a spiritual body have trouble with breathing!?

"How pathetic. If this is all you can do, then you can forget about taking this haori." he stood in the air as he looked down at me. He never took off his haori, it was fluttering in the wind. Where the hell is the wind coming from?

"You talk too much old man." I retort with a serious expression. I won't be able to beat this old man with half baked measures. I look at the floating blades around me. No, numbers aren't enough to deal with him. I feel the refined spiritual essence that I've spread out the battlefield.

It's not enough, I need to condense even more power. Just one attack is all I need. The floating blades descend towards me and ignore the old man. I held Nanashi behind me with my right arm in a low stance. My still broken left arm droops down in front of me. The light blades condensed within Nanashi. The radiant glow emitted from the sword seemed unstable.

It's not enough. I need more, I need it to become even more refined. The light around Nanashi pulsed in response and disappeared. I'm amazed that the old man is still just watching me and allowing me to do this. Nanashi begins to let out a low sword hymn. I see Head-Captain Yamamoto react to the hymn. Even hotter flames are unleashed around him, but I'm ready for it. With clenched teeth I let it rip.

"Annihilate!" with a slash of my blade, at first nothing appeared before me. In one moment the space in front of me flashed out as all sound and color is rendered non-existent. Space itself disappeared within the radius of the blast. At the end of it all I'm left on the ground, my right leg was gone since it was caught in the attack before I could escape.

"Hahahahahaha!" I give out a joyful laugh. I haven't had a fight like this before. This was truly the most exhilarating experience I've ever felt since gaming! I can sort of understand those damn battle maniacs a bit now.

"Hoh, and what are you laughing about?" I'm not even surprised he survived. I raise my head towards the Head-Captain. His top robe was gone, displaying all the scars accumulated on his body.

"I'm just, so godamn happy. I don't get to experience something like this often." I say with a cheeky smile despite my body being in poor shape.

The head captain rose a brow. "That last move was impressive. In that split second, you forced me to release my Bankai. Although it was only for a short moment, that is a feat worthy of praise." he spoke sincerely to me.

"Yet, it still wasn't enough. I lost." I chuckle with pity.

"Indeed, have you learned your lesson, boy?" Ah, this old man knows I can escape.

"Yeah I did, I'll be back for that haori. Just you wait old man! I'll have Bankai next time!" I declare to the overpowered old man as my body dispersed into pages.

Within an undisclosed location, Ichigo trained with Zangetsu on a field of swords. Yoruichi watched silently from the side. She turned her head towards the entrance as she felt an intruder. She didn't tense as she calmly watched the entrance. The hatch opened and a familiar figure dropped down like a kite without it's strings.

She flash stepped towards the falling magician and caught him mid-air.

"My hero...." Hessian joked quietly as Yoruichi examined his beaten body.

"You look like you've seen better days." she commented.

"Yep... just let me get some sleep and I'll heal myself later." he says as he finally succumbed to his injuries and blacked out