Final battle

Fire and light danced through the air while the surroundings were rendered unrecognizable. Throughout the entirety of the Seireitei, the oppressive will forced all the weaker shinigami to their knees. Some of them even lost their consciousness as bodies were scattered on the ground.

The Head-Captain Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto stood at the focus of this dominating pressure as if he didn't register it. However with the wounds piling up on his body, it was obvious that he was slower than usual. The Ryoka's speed had become as fast as light itself, perhaps even faster. His old eyes followed his flying enemy as he made another blitz towards him.

Hessian appeared right before the old man with a downward slash, using his newly formed light sword. The blades on his back continued to amp up the pressure and enhance his abilities as the fight went on. Hessian had a near insane grin on his face as he became drunk on the massive power at his disposal. It was as if he finally had an outlet for the infinite energy of his soul.

The pure force of the slash created a long and deep crevice in the ground. With a gesture, Hessian formed 5 resplendent blades above the Head-Captain. They descended on command causing massive pillars of light to follow, as if it was judgement from the heavens. The old man became slightly seared, yet it didn't seem to deter him much. Hessian disappeared again with a flash, but the old captain showed his experience by sending a massive inferno towards his new position. The flames rose up and engulfed Hessian in a fiery vortex.

The inferno was forced to disperse, revealing a giant translucent light blade that pierced the heavens. The clouds parted with a descending slash towards Yamamoto. The Head-Captain peered at the colossal blade with calm eyes, despite the fact that it was heading right for him.

"Bankai." Hessian heard the Head-Captain's voice as all the flames disappeared into Ryuujin Jakka. Yamamoto slashed towards the descending blade with the heat that rivaled the sun itself. In the ensuing clash, the soul reapers of the Seireitei were in panic. Not only was there ungodly pressure weighing down on them. The atmosphere itself was heating up, at this rate Soul Society would be destroyed from the presence of the two's chaotic battle.


"AIZEN!" Toshiro Hitsugaya flapped his ice wings towards the betrayer with a roar. However before he got more than half-way there. The ice that was composed of his Bankai melted as the water in the atmosphere burned away.

"DAMNIT HEAD-CAPTAIN!" The white-haired prodigy cried out indignantly as Aizen watched him with an expression of amusement.

Hessian POV

"Oh? So you finally used your bankai." I grinned as I had never felt this powerful. I knew my soul had an infinite amount of energy, but I was never able to utilize it to this extent.

"If I remember right, your Bankai covers you in flames that rival the sun itself right?" he didn't seem to be surprised that I knew of his Bankai, or he just didn't care that I knew.

"That's great, LET'S KICK THIS UP A NOTCH!" I shout with glee as the sword wings on my back practically howled in excitement at the prospect of a better fight. However before I could make another dash towards him, I felt something. Pain.

I shouldn't be able to be hurt easily while in Bankai. Similar to Yamamoto's bankai, mine covers me in layer of refined spiritual essence. This pain... is coming from within. I place a hand on my chest to feel a pulse reverberate throughout my body. What the hell?

"It seems, you've finally reached your limit." I turn to the old man with a questioning glance.

"Naive. You are so naive that I can't believe how much of a green horn you are." he actually grinned. I don't like that grin. What the hell is he talking about?

"Listen closely boy, Bankai is considered a shinigami's ultimate technique. I have seen many over the thousand years that I have been Head-Captain of the Gotei 13." he spoke as the pain started to get worst. "To achieve Bankai, a Shinigami would usually train upward of ten years to both subjugate and materialize their Zanpakuto spirit in the real world. Afterwards, they must complete additional training to fully master their Bankai before it is useable in combat." he explained

"It's impressive that you've attained a Bankai of this much power. However without mastery, you will be crushed by your own power. Do you not feel it? That pain that you are experiencing is your soul being either too powerful or too abundant of spiritual energy for your body to handle." I feel another pulse that nearly made me bite a yell back. So I'm literally dying because I have too much power? I guess I should have expected this to happen with an untrained Bankai.

"The fact that you've lasted this long is testament to the strength of your soul." he praised

My breathing starts to become a little heavier. The sword wings on my back are still raising up the pressure. Feels bad when you're too OP sometimes I guess. I need to end this now.

"Then I'll just end this in one attack!" Hessian's glowing eyes locked onto Yamamoto's form as the Head-Captain felt the oppressive will completely lock him down. He wouldn't be able to move away from the next attack. However even if he could move away, he wouldn't. He would take on the boy's final attack.

Hessian flew towards the sky in a beam of light. The sword wings on his back shined even brighter. The resplendent light blinded the world as Hessian went higher to illuminate the world beneath him. After believing himself high enough, he dived down head first towards the Head-Captain. His entire visage shifted into a sword of immense size.

"THIS IS MY LAST ATTACK! MY FINAL ANNIHILATION!" The descending sword image emitted sword hymns that resonated throughout the world.

Yamamoto readied himself for the oncoming attack with a straight stance. His stance was simple, yet without flaws. Honed to perfection through years of training towards true mastery.

"Zanka no Tachi, Kita: Tenchi Kaijin. (Longsword of the Remnant Flame, North: Heaven and Earth End in Ashes)" With a single slash, he aimed to erase his enemy from existence.

The two blades collided. Sound and space were distorted. The realm of souls seemed to tremble in fear. The clash affected even the other realms from the sheer concentration of power. Some bystanders far away actually had their souls dissipate from their clash. However the two did not care for this. For all that was on their mind was to cut down the powerful opponent before them. Eventually space itself broke down first before the two, ending it in an instant.

When the dust settled, the two stood still across from eachother. Hessian's sword wings were shattered to pieces, but it was fine since they were made of spiritual essence. His eyes were nearly empty perhaps dead, if not for the faint glint that still showed he had life. His clothes were completely ruined, the fur on his shoulders were reduced to ashes and his top robe was gone.

Yamamoto stood frozen with wide eyes, as if in disbelief. He placed a palm over his scarred chest. He brought his palm up to see blood on his hands. He was in disbelief that the boy had managed to cut through his flame cloak that was as hot as the sun itself. He still had power to spare, but in that single clash. Despite the boy being on his last leg, he had won that clash of power.

Hessian grinned with pure joy at the sight of the newly added wound that would be a scar on the Head-Captain's body for years to come. He would laugh but he didn't seem to have the strength to laugh. Technically this counted as a win, at least to him. He felt the overbearing burning pressure bear it's weight on him again as the old man took short steps towards him.

"Truly, I am impressed. I have not had a fight like this in ages. Unfortunately... we are still enemies and I have a duty to cut you down here." Yamamoto was no longer using his Bankai. He would not need it for his enemy's current state.

Hessian watched unblinkingly as the old man came closer. He was preparing to teleport away, but surprisingly it hurt to even try that. 'Well shit' he thought to himself as his vision blurred.

Head-Captain Yamamoto was nearly upon Hessian, until he noticed the cage strapped around his belt rattling. He rose a brow at the blue flame within the cage that seemed to be pulsing deathly light. He stopped when he noticed the cage shattered to pieces as an even larger cage surrounded the boy. Hessian lost his balance and instead of falling to the ground. He fell head first towards the lap of a ethereal red-cloaked figure.

Yamamoto stared at the ethereal girl's eyes that glowed pitch black light. As if she was challenging him, the silhouette of a skeleton manifested behind the giant cage.

"Yama-ji! There's trouble at Sokyoku hill, we need to go now!" Captain Kyoraku appeared from the side with Ukitake

The Head-Captain stared at the Gallu Spirit for a moment longer before turning around.

"Young ones truly are willful these days." he muttered to himself as he left the couple alone.

Hessian turned his head to look at the ghostly figure as she stroked his head on her lap.

"Thank's babe..." he muttered before blacking out

Even across dimensions, his lover was looking out for him.