Mission accomplished

After Aizen Sosuke betrayed Soul Society and left like a boss, the Seireitei were focused on healing the injured. Orihime was focused on healing Ichigo after she awoke from her slumber. She wasn't sure why she was knocked out cold, all she could remember was some ungodly pressure descending down on her from out of nowhere.

"Ichigo, are you alright?" Rukia asked when she noticed him awake after checking up on her brother

"Yeah, what happened?" he asked as he sat himself upright.

"Captain- no, Aizen Sosuke got away." she went on to explain the events that happened after he got rekt by the antagonist.

"There are talks of placing most of the blame on him, which means a good chance that you will all be pardoned for your crimes." she smiles, mostly because central 46 was all dead. Which meant that the decision laid within the Head-Captain's hands now.

"I'm alive!" the group turned to see the familiar magician who was now topless and seen better days.

"Where have you been?"

"I helped an old man cross the street" Hessian spoke in monotone "But enough about that!" he exclaimed with a gesture. The group watched him look around the area as his eyes set on his target.

Hessian ran towards the woman named Kukaku Shiba at the speed an injured person should not move at. She turned her head to see the approaching magician, however she had never met him before. "You got business with me or somethin?" she asked while he stood in front of her, catching his breath

"Yah, when I came here. I made a promise to do something. And I am a man of my promises!" Hessian spoke with conviction as his hands moved with perfection towards her twin peaks.


Through practiced movements with years of experience, Hessian fondled them using his now divine groping technique. It was so incredible that it managed to make the woman speechless. Ganju stood to the side in disbelief as he watched Hessian continue to sexually harass his sister.

"You....YOU....ahhhh~!" Before she could become enraged and send the pervert flying, Hessian's groping abilities had finally transcended the mortal realm and forced her to orgasm. His perseverance had finally paid off, after years of getting smacked through the air. He was finally capable of sending the opposite sex to bliss with his now divine technique.

"MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" Hessian fist pumped the air with a ray of holy light illuminating his form for the world to witness.

Everyone watched from the side, unsure of how to react.

"Seeing as how recent events were mainly orchestrated by the traitor Aizen Sosuke. You will be pardoned and treated as guests of Soul Society from now on." The group stood before the Head-Captain as he spoke in a more relaxed elderly voice. Most of them were recovering and Hessian finally fixed his clothes. The group breathed an air of relief at their pardon. However before they could celebrate, the Head-Captain opened his eyes wide and yelled

"HOWEVER!" he pointed towards Hessian who looked confused as he looked around for who the old man was pointing at. "Your recklessness have caused countless injuries through-out our ranks!" he yelled

"Eh? But I'm pretty sure you were responsible for some of that too!" Hessian complained indignantly since he also should have nearly killed people with his Bankai. However despite that, Yamamoto did not keep his Bankai released for as long as him.

The Head-Captain ignored his complaints as he took a few steps forward.

"You must take responsibility for this, seeing as how our ranks have decreased after Aizen Sosuke's defection. As punishment and to help fill up empty positions, you must take on the role of a Captain!" he declared

"Eeeeh?" the group became surprised at the declaration

"Wut?" Hessian became speechless as the Head-captain took out a Haori.

"If I remember right, you wanted a haori correct? Very well, then do your rank proud Captain of the 5th division!" he placed the haori in Hessian's hands while he was still processing the situation.

"Wait! hold up! Isn't there a procedure to this kind of stuff!?" Hessian asked as he snapped out of his confusion. Yamamoto looked at the new captain with a smirk.

"There are 3 ways to become a captain. You have already completed two of them." He began to explain. "First, a Captain's proficiency test. Which requires the ability to perform Bankai. There must be at least 3 existing Captains including myself to witness the test." Which was when Kyoraku and Ukitake watched the fight between Hessian and the Head-Captain.

"Second. To have the recommendation of at least 6 captains and the approval of atleast 3 of the remaining 7. With the recent loss of our ranks, the amount needed is now halved." Due to the situation, only 3 reccomendations and the approval of 2 of the remaining were required.

"Someone recommended me?" Hessian tilted his head

"Indeed, it was Captains Kyoraku, Ukitake and myself who recommended you. While you received approval from Captains Unohana and Kurotsuchi." At some random point in time, he had actually met the Captain of R&D and had an intellectual discussion with him.

With these two reasons, Hessian was qualified to be a captain. Besides the fact that he never went to the academy. But considering there were Captains who didn't come from the academy present, it was unnecessary. Hessian turned the haori around to take a look at it before placing it on.

"Well it's still stylish I guess." He commented as it was a sleeveless haori to accomodate the fact that one of his sleeves were missing.

"Congratulations 5th Captain, I got some sake here if you're up for a celebration." Kyoraku showed up with a bottle of sake.

"You do realize, that I'll be gone half the time right?" Hessian informed as the Head-Captain went back to his desk.

"As long as you fulfill your duties (paperwork) and can be contacted, then you are free to do as you wish." Yamamoto spoke as he took a seat.

"Huh, that's fine I guess. Paperwork shouldn't be too difficult."

Hessian POV

I stand corrected. Paperwork is hell. At first it wasn't so bad, a stamp of approval here or a signature there. But then more and more paperwork continued to pile up. I glare at the mountain of paperwork at the corner of my new office. Supposedly it usually isn't this bad, but due to recent events. More work is piling up and I don't even have a vice-captain to help because she's currently traumatized by the fact that her former Captain betrayed Soul Society!

[Master Hessian, perhaps assisting your vice-captain's recovery would be the best option.] Onyx advised from my belt

"Hmm, guess you got a point." I sighed as I stood up to make my way towards my lieutenant's room

I kick the door open and examine her from the entrance. She didn't react to my entrance, her eyes seem empty with bags under them. She hasn't rested enough, while I admit this is in poor taste. I need all the competent help I can get.

"Hinamori Momo." I call her name as I kneel down to her, so we were at eye level. "As your new Captain, I have a responsibility to help you rehabilitate." I tell her as pages scatter around the room.

"So I am going to use all my experience as a mage who specializes in memories to make you see and accept the truth!" my mana flared up, forcing us into a sea of memories.

The vice-captain reacted as her eyes took in her new surroundings. She was sitting above a sea of water. Nothing but water, however in the distance she could barely make out the form of a mountain that belonged to Nanashi. "Vice-Captain Hinamori" she silently turned her gaze back to me.

"Before you can heal, you must accept." I spoke as I willed something from underneath the water to move, a glowing light rose to the air. Her eyes widened in disbelief as her life began to play back before her.

I had learned how to bring about and manipulate the memories of others that I bring in this world. I'm going to make full use of it, to get this girl to see her time with Aizen. Without the her senses blinded by a false reality.

I estimate that it will take me a week at most to rehabilitate her. There is going to be a lot of crying, anger and other depressing shit. But by the root, I need help with my paperwork!