
Hessian POV

Fire. I really dislike the element in general. Not that I have anything against fire users, it's just the heat itself that I find myself having issues with. It's hot, dry, sometimes scalding if you sweat.... did i mention hot?

"Is that really necessary?" Alice deadpanned at me.

"Absolutely." I respond with complete assurance as the floating pages around me were blasting me with cold air.

"Idiot." she rolled her eyes at my method of staying cool in our current environment.

We were freakin moving in a hot land, which was basically filled with volcanoes. I haven't even done anything sexual since I got here, all the monsters are too hot for me to consider enjoying. Before coming here, we had freed a colony of ant girls from slavery. Not because it was the right thing to do, but I just needed to bang the Ant Queen to check their race off the list. I'm actually close to finishing.

"You sure this is the place?" I asked my companion who was leading the way

"For the ninth time, yes!" she scowled. I can't help it, I dislike this type of terrain more than forests!

We stopped as a gush of flames spouted from the scorching rock, into the shape of a female spirit clad in flames.

"Oh thank the gods! I wasn't sure if I was gonna last much longer in this environment!" I dashed up to the spirit with super speed and engulfed her in a big hug despite the heat.

"Ah! Let go, you're too cold!" Salamander cried out as the pages spewing out frost were still following me.



And that was how I got Salamander to join

Materializing in the Ocean of Memories, Salamander took a gander at the world. Too much water for her liking. However... She noticed quite a few mountains in the distance.

"YAAYYY! SALLY IS HERE! Hey Sally, You gotta meet this guy! He's cool and all serious and does this thing with his eyes!" The energetic wind spirit dragged her sister all the way towards the peak.

The Fire spirit took a glance at the meditating sword spirit, she felt a bit aprehensive since she felt nothing but power hidden deep within him. Salamander cocked her head to the side as she noticed her sister Gnome seemed to be building an earth shrine around the man.

"What is she doing?" Salamander asked as Gnome seemed to be acting odd

"Gnomy has a crush on him!" Sylph chirped

"She seems to have affection for Nanashi, and is spending most of her time trying to get his attention." Undine rose up from a pond located on the peak.

Gnome continued to ignore everyone else as she seemed to be blinded by love.

"Well, I'm just gonna go make a volcano or something." Salamander decided to wish Gnome for success in spirit.

"I suggest picking a different mountain, Nanashi is very protective of his mountain." Undine informed with good intent

The Fire Spirit heeded the advice and left for another mountain in the distance.

After another few weeks of travel, Hessian had basically completed his list of Monster girl races to conquer in sexual combat. Also he accidentally destroyed a terrorist organization or something, he wasn't really paying much attention to that. He was satisfied, and felt like doing a dance.

"Hessian." Alice called out, stopping him before he could begin his dance number.

"Sup?" he responded frozen in mid-movement.

"I would like to tell you a story of myself. From when I was a child." She spoke in a somber tone that Hessian immediately noted.

"Is this about how after your mother let herself get killed by the heroes, you went all rage mode and rekt their shit only to regret it later?" Hessian gave a bastardized version of the story

"Yes, wait how do you know about that?!" The Monster Lord asked incredulously.

"When I'm bored, I sometimes scry the world's history. I gotta say, Ilias really knows how to manipulate people. She even got someone who basically turned your mom into a minion." He casually dropped a bomb with a bored tone.

"Wait what was that last part?" Alice's mind didn't seem to register it properly.

"If it makes you feel any better, I erased the girl who did it."

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?" She was righteously furious as she raised Hessian closer to her with her tail.

"Ah, well I didn't want to get sidetracked before I finished my sexual conquest all the races." He admitted with a deadpan. "Also, if it makes you feel any better, I still have your mom's body. Want me to bring her back?" he offered

"What?" Alice's tail began to dangerously constrict Hessian's body even tighter.

"I mean, I'd be cool with doing it. I feel like I should help you out with it since were sorta friends." Hessian continued to ignore her simmering fury as his tone remained the same.

"Just... just do it before I go insane from speaking with an idiot like you." The monster lord was finally psychologically broken after dealing with the insane magician after all this time.

Hessian released the body from his personal storage space and called down the soul of the former Monster Lord. Time ticked by slowly, until Alice saw her mother's eyes open.


"Well, c ya later travel buddy." Hessian decided it was time to leave the two alone as he had another destination in mind.

Hessian POV

I may or may not have been a bit of an ass for keeping that from Alice for so long. But my priorities were mainly focused on sexual conquest! A man's gotta have his priorities straight. Anyway, there is a place I wanted to find since I've been in this world for awhile now. I never looked for it, since I was busy with other things.

I've noticed that there is this odd energy that gets assimilated into me each day at a certain time. Even Onyx was unable to detect it, but I could with my divinity. After waiting for the right time, I felt it. The energy that felt like another being's hopes, dreams, desires being absorbed into my divine core. I narrowed my eyes as I pin-pointed the source, it was in the heavenly realm.

I have a rough idea on the kind of deity Ilias is and she probably wouldn't take it kindly if I were to intrude on her realm again. However, with my curiousity winning over logic, I'm totally doing it again. Besides, I'm pretty sure I can take Ilias easily enough.

Spreading out my senses through the overlapping dimensions. I prepare to open a portal directly there. I could sneak in easily through shifting my existence there, but I'd rather do it the fun way. Whatever sensors Ilias set up there will detect the portal. Might as well have fun kicking some angel ass. I think to myself with a smirk.

Opening the portal of myriad colors, I stepped through with a confident grin. I immedately prepared myself for-




I was not prepared for that.