Good tastes in hobbies

Hessian POV



Not gonna lie, while this is sort of hot in a way. It's also sort of creepy. Like, this level of fanaticism is sort of off-putting to me. Plus some of them are pronouncing my name wrong, it's pronounced 'Heh-shin'. But then again, I've never done it with an angel. Maybe this is Ilias's plan to defeat me, by drowning me in a sea of pleasure. Well! I accept this challenge! I grab the rim of my haori and

"Oh, nice to see you finally decided to visit." I immediately freeze as a pair of familiar hands made contact with my shoulder.

I know that voice... it's the same one Eresh uses when she catches me doing something bad. But she can't be here right? Like, this is a completely different reality! Right?

"Pssst, Onyx!" I whisper to Onyx

[Yes Master Hessian?]

"Eresh wouldn't happen to be standing right behind me is she?"

[That depends, would you like the truth?]


[Then she is indeed standing behind you.]


[She connected herself to me when she redesigned me in the past. She is now capable of tracking you down.] Oh god, she actually learned how to tinker with stuff from watching me in the past! I'd be creeped out by that, if we weren't lovers. Oh gods, does this mean she knows everything I've been doing in this world!?

"Hessian dear, are you saying you're not happy to see me?" I felt the hands on my shoulder become colder

"What? Nooooo... I love you! Why wouldn't I be happy to see you!?" I'm sort of afraid to turn around.

"Then why aren't you looking at me? Or are you feeling guilty about something you've done?" Oi babe, you're going to make my shoulders rot from decay if you hold onto them any longer.

"But.. BUT ERESH! IT'S MONSTER GIRLS! HOW CAN I CALL MYSELF A TRASH MC IF I DON'T STEP UP TO THE CHALLENGE!?" I cried out indignantly as she dragged me away from the hoard of sexy angels

"So, I have a religion now?"

"Yes, I was planning on having envoys go down towards the earth to start converting more followers."

So the energy I've been feeling was apparently faith from my followers. Apparently gods can become stronger just through faith. Although it takes a long time to accumulate, it does make a difference. Kind of heart-warming that Eresh made a religion for me.

"Wait, how did you know I would become a god?" I mean if she made a religion for me, it probably means she was sure I'd ascend to godhood.

"You used my runes to do it." Was her explanation

Which means, she was still connected to her divine runes this whole time. Wait... does this mean I've stolen some of her divinity!? Eresh seemed to notice my worry, but she just smiled.

"Don't worry, I love you. If losing some of my divinity helps you, then I'd do it in a heartbeat."

I was speechless. Fuck, this girl is too good for me.

"Plus, we're technically connected now. So I can recover my own power from the faith of your followers."


"I made myself a part of your faith, which means I get benefits." she chirped happily

"I really need to study up on this religion." I say seriously. It'd be messed up if I didn't know what my own religion was about. " But before that." I stood up and took her into my embrace

"I missed you." I tell her with complete honesty

"I missed you too."

Before we could go any further, the door flew open as a red-head in a lab coat stepped in. Her eyes darted to me as she brought up a book.

"Lord Hessian, it's an honor to finally meet you. My name is Promestein. Could you please sign this?" she brought the book up to my face.

I blinked as I scanned the book for a moment. Wait... isn't this my research journal?

"Some of your followers have similar hobbies as you" Eresh said from the side.

"Well, ya'll have good tastes in hobbies." I gave up and just signed the journal for the fangirl.

Ilias wasn't sure where it all went wrong. Everything she tried against the Church of Hessian ended in failure. Everyone she sent had either converted or disappeared. When she decided to put a stop to it herself, she backed out. Now she didn't know where she was, it was too dark to see. She couldn't move her limbs. Her divine power was restrained and she was honestly terrified.

She didn't know how long she had been here, there was no sound, no smell and the only sense of feeling was the biting cold piercing her body. She couldn't even speak, any sound that tried to leave her throat disappeared into nothingness. She felt like crying. She didn't know how long she had been in the abyss. All she had to herself was her thoughts, and she had a lot of things to think about.

Perhaps this was the sins of her past catching up to her. It's truly nonsensical, a god being punished for sins. However, perhaps she truly did deserve this. If she could have one more chance, she'd turn over a new leaf. Make up for her past actions and truly be a better person. In the next moment, her eyes widened at the sight of a light. It was blinding, but it was so much better than the dark.

"Now, during this demonstration I'll have an assistant which you all know as Promestein." She heard a voice after so long.

"W-Where?" her voice came out in a rasp. After trying to voice her screams so long in the abyss, her throat wasn't in the best shape.

"Greetings, goddess Ilias." The gray haired man spoke as he stood above her. "We are here to conduct a thorough dissection on a god, which in this case is you." she didn't respond as it sounded too insane for her.

"But don't worry, I'm a professional. Which means after this, I'll let you go as long as you don't piss off Eresh again." Hessian smiled with some insanity in his eyes

"Which brings me to my first lesson. We are professionals, which means we have standards." the young magician turned back to the crowd of angels who were fervently taking notes.

"And professionals are always capable of keeping their subjects alive. Now, let's see what makes you tick." Hessian spoke as he made the first incision.

Promestein would finally know what it's like to dissect a god, even if she was just the assistant.