chapter 24 Naruto comes back

Mia:Well lets go to the village.Its been some time since we died.

Masahiro:Well lets us head to the village.

hinata's mother:(It seem a lot has a since my death but I guess those two loves each other. Well as long as they are happy.)yeah lets go it might get late.

Sasuke:Do we have to walk there.Can't we just teleport there they will come eventually.

Hinata:Well we could reach there faster but I don't think all of them has great physical ability to body fliker there.

Sasuke : How about animal path of the rinnegan.We could summon them and make them carry those that can't run fast.

Mito:Wait what do you mean rinnegan. Do you have the eyes of God.

Hinata:Why didn't you see my mom's,Naruto and my third eye.Sasuke also has the rinnegan but why are you yelling.

Masahiro:Oh my God you have the rinnegan. Well you are the first one since the sage of six path that has this ability.

Hinata:What do you mean Madara had it so did the ancestor of the uchiha clan indra.You are not well informed about history.We also have wood style and Sasuke also has wood style.

Mito:What do you mean Madara has the rinnegan and how do you have wood style only senju can use that.

Hinata:sorry medoriya family secret.Can't tell you but I can say mom can do a lot of things. The Senju will be revived in 5 days after the uchiha,hyuga and the Nara clan move in here.

Mito:Wait the senju are going to be revived.

Hinata:No question we are walking back to the village.

They all went towards the village and they all went in their own build making it their house.A council was decision to form and no hokage. The paper work about non ninja matters will be handle by the Nara clan head shikaku.They ninja matters will be handle by Hashirama senju,Masahiro Uzumaki, kahara Yuki, Hiashi hyuga,fukagu uchiha,shikaku Nara and yakuma kuruma.Unlike other village the clans are not divided by compound and the clans are scattered around the village.

The day passed and it was morning again and their was a meeting so Am,Naruto,Hinata and Sasuke would go their.Once arriving their kushira and kusha were looking at Naruto with eyes of love and regret.

Masahiro:So why did you revive us.You must want something from us right.

Am:I will explain everything when the senju are revived.Now why don't we prepare for the revival of the senju clan.

Mito:Well you better have a good reason to revive us.

Am:Sorry to disappoint but I don't have a good reason it is a very stupid one.

kushira: Well Naruto why don't you four come for dinner at our house.We are going to make raman.

Naruto:Well I have things to do and places to be.(while he was speaking he had a cold tone and a glare that would freeze fire.)

Am:We would gladly accept the invitation. There will be me,Naruto,Hinata and her mom. Sasuke will have to return home before his mother get piss.

Sasuke:shit I completely forgot about that.I have to go now damn it i hope she isn't angry.

Later that night,the four went to the Uzumaki clan head's house and they were greeted with a smile while they were all looking at Naruto trying to change his attitude towards them.

Mia:So you are gennin and your team is is always here.

Masahiro:Now that I think about this situation how are you able to stay here and not do D rank mission.

Naruto:I have a lot of chakra so my shadow clone can take a few hits before popping.

kushira:Well that is great . Guess having so much chakra can be useful at times.

kusha:But what about the Sasuke boy he isn't a 10 tail beast so how does he do things.

Naruto:Well he has enough chakra to compare to the 3 tails so it is still fine.The jounin doesn't care enough to say anything.

The small talk continued and they knew that they made some progress on their relation. Well them being dead and couldn't had a large amount of contribution into the relationship between them.The Uzumaki knew that Naruto doesn't blame them for what happen to him so they knew that it will be easier for them and had regret when thinking about how their daughter, niece or cousin is going to try to solve their family problems.

Days passed and the clans moved towards the land of Uzumaki but to the other people they are just fools moving towards the forest of death.In their ranks their was the entire uchiha clan, the entire Nara clan then their was the hyuga clan.

The hyuga clan was complex as Hiashi spoke out for the people of the side clan saying they don't deserve to have the bird seal.The side clan were all shocked when they heard that the clan leader was standing up to the elders for them and was about to be punished.The side clan stood up and support Hiashi as they know that this was their chance.In the revolt Neji also stood on the side clan's side and they all left the compound with only their essential.The only one remaining was the elders and their families.

Neji:So clan leader what do we do now.

Hiashi:Hahahaha call me uncle and drop the whole destiny thing all of you from now on will build their own destiny and we are going to join the uchiha and Nara clan into the forest of death. Hinata and her family has found a way to remove the bird cage seal.

The hyuga were confused but they now had hope.Neji was crying he now had a dream and he will be out of his nightmare his only wish was for his father and mother to see this.

When the three clan leader reached the forest of death what they saw was not a small wall and a forest but a giant wall and they could feel the amount of chakra infused inside the wall.When the gates opened they saw a small village inside of it.Buidings standing and houses that seem new .

Am:Now for the hyuga clan decide yourself and go to Naruto, Hinata,Sasuke and itachi to remove your seal and then join the rest join when they go inside.The hyuga clan we have an additional surprise for you.Show yourself now why don't you meet your husband and son.

Neji:Mom,dad how are you alive.😢😢

Hiashi:You are alive but how I thought you died after giving birth to hinabi.😢😢

hinabi:Mom I thought you died.😢😢

After removing the seals of the hyuga clan everyone was given a pill that would purify their bloodline and the people over 30 years were rejuvenated back into their twenties. They then we're scared to find out that Naruto, Hinata and Am were 10 tails but seeing how the clan leaders just didn't care the people knew that the clan leaders know that they are tailed beast .The hyuga clan and the uchiha clan didn't care as they saved their life and gave them a new one.The Nara clan just ignored their surplus of limbs as they thought that it was too troublesome.

Am then explained that the Nara clan will handle all the non shinobi business and the shinobi business will be handle by a council of clan leaders so their will be no hokage business.Their will be no clan compound so all of them will have to select their own house. Marriage between clans in the new village is now allowed.

Am asked the clan leaders to put their hand into the seals and a giant portal appears and they all walk inside.They were surprise to see the Mito Uzumaki the wife of the first hokage. Dozens of them almost had a heart attack and Am just made them follow her.They left the village and were at the place where the clan were revived and they started drinking. The hyuga,the uchiha was even dancing and drinking.They were celebrating without care and the wives of the clan leaders just forced them to dance with them.

Am:hey Mito come with me it's time to revive them and I don't want to explain anything to them when their is a party going on so that is your job.

Mito was glad her husband is going to come back and went with Am as she was jealous of the wives that had their husband with them dancing and drinking.

Am just created thousands of bodies out of nothing and thousands of souls went to their original bodies.They all awaken one by one and they were all in their twenties.Among the important one their was Hashirama,Tobirama, hashirama's son hirasma senju , his daughter in law Arianna senju and Dan senju.