chapter 25 shocked of the senju

Hashirama:How am I alive.Damn it brother I told you not to create such a technique.

Tobirama:No this is different.This is not my techniques we are flesh and blood not chakra structures.We were brought back to life perfectly and in our prime.

When the two were discussing this the other senju was waiting for them to finish their talk and were on their knees.They were also surprised as them as they remember from dying in different ways some of old age but most in battle.

Tobirama:The one who revived us must be nearby they can give us answers.

Hashirama:Yeah you are right brother but don't you think it is strange that we were not the only one to be revived but the entire clan was revived and they are all in their prime except those that died before their prime.

Mito:Hashi are you alright.I have waited for you for a week.

Hashirama:Mito is that you were you the one that revived us.You know it is wrong to revive the dead.

Am:(hearing what hashirama said Am couldn't help it anymore)Hahahahahahaha man that's so funny could you say that again.If I have the power to revive someone I will do it.That is my power besides they can't do anything to me.

They were all frozen when they saw a girl laughing at the God of shinobi and making fun of him.They then saw 10 tails on her which made all of them go into a battle stance ready to attack except for Tobirama and Hashirama as they knew that it was that tailed beast that revived them.They also knew that she will not hurt them as if she did she wouldn't have revive all of them.

Mito: put your weapons down this is Amphitrite midoriya the one that revived you also she is a ten tailed beast no offense.

Am:Non taken.well get in line and take a bloodline purification pill and go into that party.Come on we don't have all night.

Mito:Don't worry those pill will make you stronger and has a high chance of awakening the wood style.(Hashirama just went first and took the pill.)

Hashirama:Damn they really work I can feel my chakra increase by 5% my control over wood style has also increased.

Tobirama:Let me test the pills.(hey grabbed one and ate it.After a short minute) quite the result my chakra increased by 10% and (a small tree grows)I seem to have wood style. So the pills must be set to purify the bloodline to a certain degree.So it will be less effective on someone whose bloodline is already pure and more effective if their bloodline are weaker.

The Senju were all given the pill and everyone could use wood style and they were all celebrating.

Am:Well you two bloodlines is quite special. Why don't you put chakra in your eyes you might find a surprise just like the rest.Why don't you show them Mito.

Suddenly Mito's eye turned into the byakugan then into the sharingan then into the eternal mangekyo then into the rinnegan.Seeing this hashirama and Tobirama knew that they also had the eyes.Tobirama was pissed to be an uchiha but even he had to admit their eyes are powerful.

Hashirama:Holy shit brother look I have the eternal mangekyo just like Madara and the rinnegan.Why don't you try it.It is quite fun to use and we skipped the blindness part of it.

Am:Yeah about the uchiha well their ancient stone tablet had been tempered with and their was a very strong jutsu that would lead the reader into a power hungry person.Do you know who might have done it.It should be around 100 years.

Tobirama:What so the uchiha was just been controled now.So that would explain why Madara suddenly left the village and came back for revenge.

Hashirama:Well damn so who do you think did this.

Hey you senju let me talk with them and you go to the party with my shadow clone . Don't you dare cause a fight especially with the uchiha there .3 of them are as strong as as Madara so it is your own fault.The senju just went to the party and seeing the clan heads dancing and drinking.They also joined in and they were also surprised to find out that the uchiha clan has turned to a clan full of lovers now.

Am:Well I have got some information about a being calling himself black zetsu.He is a being born from the chakra of the 10 tails and kaguya ocotsuki's chakra.

Hashirama:What does the the ocotsuki has to do with the uchiha and senju.

Tobirama:Shut up brother she was getting to that.

Mito:Calm down you two but why are you not discussing this with the other.

Am:Well my son and daughter already know but just listen before you judge.I am going to give the tailed beast to Madara when he is brought back to life by his organization.

Hashirama:why would you do that for.Do you plan to kill us all.

Am:Just listen before I tie you up.So black zetsu went towards the son of the sage of six path.They were called Asura ocotsuki the younger brother also known as the first senju black zetsu knew that this boy couldn't be controled so he went to the other one.His name is indra ocotsuki the eldest brother also known as the first uchiha.Indra was an emotional idiot just like all uchiha so once they love someone they won't let it go but if they hate it they will kill it no matter what.So the sage of six path decided to do a test and in short Asura won.However before that Asura promise Indra that he will give Indra the clan head position even if he had to fight his father.Asura didn't keep his promise and that is how it all started the hatred of the uchiha and senju started.

Tobirama:Holy shit that is quite the history right their but why did that start a war.Indra must have loved his little brother right.

Am:Yes he was not angry at him not getting the clan head position but he was angry because his brothers lied to him and broke his promises.Indra was about to go and apologize to Asura but black zetsu used the hatred in Indra's heart and he was the one that started the war as he wanted to use the decendant of indra to use the outer path of the rinnegan and revive the 10 tails become the jinchuriki and revive his mother.So all the fights between the uchiha and senju had direct influence or had indirect influence on the wars.

Hashirama:but why do you want to unseal that kaguya ocotsuki isn't she the bad guy.

Am:She wasn't at fault it was the human that betrayed her first.Kaguya fell in love with a man that had the idea that peace must be achieved at any cost even by selling his own pregnant wife that was going to give birth to twins.The sage of six path and the progenitor of the hyuga clan.Besides she was sealed in their for 1000 years I will give her a choice between giving up on her plan or I will kill her.

Hashirama:lets do this.She doesn't sound like a bad person she sounds like the victim here. Besides we have to help her she is our ancestor.

Am:You don't have to do anything you jutsu need to convert Madara to change side after I separate him from kaguya.

Hashirama:Well I can't say I have experience in this sort of thing.Convincing him will be the easiest beside I believe that even if that kaguya said no you would still force her to end her plans.

Am:What can I say eternity is a long time to spend alone.Besides I have already killed all the ocotsuki except for her.I say she is quite the beauty.

Tobirama:Well lets go to the party now.

Am just walked to the party accompanied by the first and second hokage.Just as they arrived Mito just grabbed hashirama's hand and went to dance with the other clan wives.

Am:Well you can stay here with the Nara and me this should be fun drinking.

Tobirama:I never imagined that I would go to a party and most of all I would attend it along with the uchiha clan and that I will be drinking with a tailed beast.Honestly I never thought that the 10 tails will be like this.I would imagine that the ten tails that come from a tree would be like this.

Am:Well I am not like that but the 10 tails of this world is a terrifying tree monster.Don't worry about it you will see the tree monster in a few years just wait and watch.

The night went by the clans got along pretty well as now that Tobirama knows that they are actually brother clan he started treating them like brothers which surprised all of them.Hashirama,Tobirama and Mito had a team battle with team 7 consisting of Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata.During the sparing team 7 won but they didn't use the rinnegan but used sage mode.However Hinata,Sasuke and Naruto knew sage mode and overpowered them.The clans now had a new respect for them as they beat the 1st hokage and his wife along side his brother the 2nd hokage.

Now it was time for the c rank mission