chapter 26 Menma is angry

Team 11(Mito,Mina and Menma.Teacher itachi and kushina) were yelling at the hokage to tell him to give them a c rank mission (like Naruto did to sarutobi hiruzen).At this moment team 7 entered the hokage unnoticed by the genins of team 11.

Minato:Are they ready to go on a c rank mission.

Itachi:Yes and with 2 jounin it will be easy.

Minato:Alright team 7 and team 11 your mission is the protect this man.

Tazuna entered and started complaining about team 11 and when he was about to start with team 7 a pressure of killing intent rose and Sasuke said say one word and say goodbye to your head.Now you will stop drinking(Naruto grabs his alcohol throwing it away) and you can't remain drunk (Hinata does a detoxifying techniques on him) and complain about me or my teammate (Sasuke disappear and reappeared infront of him with a sword on his neck) you understand right now go and prepare yourself we are leaving now.Do you copy that you or should I make myself clear.

Itachi:I know you three like to kill and treaten people but you should be more refined when you talk to your employer.

Sasuke:Well he is not bleeding so I am being refined.

Itachi:Well that is improvement considering that you killed a small town just because they annoyed you.

They all left and immediate prepared to leave but itachi,Sasuke,Hinata,Naruto and kakashi were three hours late.Once they arrived Menma was angry and yelled why are you 5 three hours late.Kushina was visiblely pissed at kakashi as it is his habit of being late.

itachi:I lost track of time bird watching.

Naruto:I got lost in the path of life.

Sasuke:I saw a black cat crossing infront of me so I had to take a detour.

Hinata:I was helping an old lady by carrying her bags to her house.

Everyone was now angry.why did they come so late when they said to come immediately. Kushina was now waiting for kakashi's excuse.

Kakashi:I want to stay away from those three monster as long as I can.I am on high alert near them and they are planning something on me.I know it.

kushina was clearly mad at kakashi for teaching the three such thing.Then was shocked to find out that he was scared of them.The teams went on their way menma was praising himself and the other three uzumaki were trying to get close to Naruto. The demon brothers came out and defeated kushina and kakashi(they were hiding) team 11 went into panic and they surrounded tazuna but they couldn't do anything or move they were out of their comfort zone.

Naruto:That is enough you two or do you want to piss me off.

Demon brother 1 :That voice it can't be.

Demon brother 2 :shit we messed up.

demon brothers:Naruto sama,Hinata Sama, Sasuke Sama and itachi sama.We are truly sorry for attacking you.We were hired to kill that man by Gato a tyrant of the land of waves we shouldn't have taken the job.Zabuza and haku are waiting a bit ahead why don't we go together.

They were now surprised as why would they bow to the gennin of team 7 and itachi.They wanted answers .

Menma:Why would you listen to that useless trash.I am the child of prophecy you should be on your kneel.

Demon brother:So you are the bastard that Naruto sama talked about.We should kill you but Naruto said he will handle you himself.

kushina:How do you know such dangerous people.

itachi:We have a mission so lets go.

After half an hour of walking they met up with zabuza and haku.They were all happy to see each other and they went towards tazuna's house.

Zabuza:Gato will be at the bridge tomorrow.I already informed him to be their.

kushina:Why would Naruto be affiliated with someone like you he is only a chunin level ninja at best.

Zabuza:why don't you open the bingo book to the page 50,51 and 52.Those kid are monsters in the flesh.

Naruto medoriya

wanted:s rank

taijutsu:high kage level

ninjutsu:high kage level

genjutsu:mid kage level

fuinjutus:grand master

Has senjutsu at jiraiya level or above

warning run on sight unless having 2 kage and at least 5 teams of special jounin.

Sasuke uchiha

wanted:s rank

taijutsu:high kage level

ninjutsu:high kage level

genjutsu:high kage level

Has mangekyo sharingan

warning run on sight unless having 2 kage and at least 5 team of special jounin.

Hinata medoriya

wanted:s rank

taijutsu:mid kage level

ninjutsu:low kage level

genjutsu:high special jounin


has senjutsu equal or higher than jiraiya

warning run on sight unless having 1 kage and at least 3 team of special jounin.

They were now shocked those genins were stronger than them.They also know sage mode , fuinutus and Sasuke has the mangekyo sharingan.kushina was now wondering how much he doesn't know about her son.

Menma:How dare trash like you become strong.Yes this isn't you this is someone else.

Kakashi:it is true here in my bingo book its there it also says they were last appeared 1 month ago before the graduation from the academy.So that means the children of the academy were fakes.So if I understand fukagu would be Sasuke, Mikoto would be Hinata and shusui took a 2 years break and went for a long trip so he should be acting as Naruto. While the three were not even in the village and were going around the five nation.

Itachi:You figure it out.

Kakashi: I already knew that something was wrong with their movement after fighting them.They were moving as if they went into great battles and danger just like experience ninja.

Menma:I am the child of prophecy.I am the strongest, you are just a fake this is not you. You are weak you can't do anything.

Naruto:We will know that in the chunin exam. Now haku you are going there aren't you (land of the Uzumaki.).Your parents are alive along with the Yuki clan here eat this.It will make you stronger and besides you are welcome to stay there.

Haku: They are alive.My clan is there.Thank you I will never forget this favour.😢😢

Zabuza:Well lets go there and meet your parents like you always wanted.Thank that mother of yours and judging from her thinking I bet she is around here somewhere.

The demon brothers,zabuza and Haku left towards the land of Uzumaki.Team 7 and 11 accompanied by Tazuna went to his house for the night.Tsunami was cooking and they were all smiling and talking with each other.The door was suddenly opened and Inari came into the house(events are the same as the anime except Naruto didn't react the same way)

Naruto:So do you want to see it.My life and don't come crying to me when you regret this.

Inari:Show me your life and I will be the judge of that.

At this moment Naruto used the idea showing jutsu on Inari.Inari when woken up was angry that Naruto was the same as he was saying but at the age 4 when he started seeing Naruto being captured by the villagers and tortured.Inari kept on screaming to make it stop but all he could hear was die demon and a small child getting tortured.When he saw Naruto going back home and his parents pushed him away saying he was lying.

Then from that day on 2 or 3 per month Naruto would get hunted by the villagers and it stopped when he met the uchiha and it was only once per month that was when the uchiha was busy.He saw now a 7 years old child escaping no light in his eyes was about to kill himself but was stopped as someone.

He saw how Naruto worked hard and became happy and he felt regret if that boy could rise above his limits and become strong then so could he.When regain back his body only seconds had passed and Naruto was walking away.

Inari:Why.Why would they do that and I thought that Gato was the lowest but compared to what they did to him this place doesn't seem so bad.

Menma:You useless demon.Don't worry I will defeat the demon and save your village from Gato.

The next thing that Inari said shocked most of them.Naruto is a saint and has great willpower I would have died long ago if I was him and a demon is a better mother than her. You should be ashamed of yourself to go to him as if nothing happened and want to be a family again.Eat and leave tomorrow we don't want people like you here.I would rather die than go get help from people like you.

Inari went to bed and tazuna went to ask what his grandson saw but after finding out he wanted the shinobi that could do something like this to leave his house.

That night they all thought how much they really knew Naruto and how they treated him.Menma was angry and jealousy blocked his judgement.The next day they all went towards the bridge only to see hundred of people waiting their.Naruto was also here but it seemed as if he was still angry at what inari said.Naruto just started waking towards them. Seeing a genin coming towards them they started attacking.Itachi stopped the rest from approaching.

Suddenly every step that Naruto was talking was like a mountain pressing on their shoulders.They started to fall one by one and Naruto was still walking.Due to Naruto using a lot of killing intent and conquerors haki the chakra of the people deviated and they started to explode.Now every step Naruto took 8 or so people would explode violently their guts flying around and Naruto started laughing and it was disturbing.

While they were in fear Hinata, Sasuke and itachi knew that Naruto was angry and needed to get it out of his system otherwise he might do something he regret so they let him continue.By the end Naruto was red with blood even his blood hair became reder than kushina's hair.

After that was done everyone was silent when a masked figure appeared beside Naruto and his clothes and hair was instantly cleaned. They knew that this figure was Am and kakashi heard that she was around.Am then used his elemental style to build a bridge better than tazuna was building.The figure then disappeared from sight then came back with 4 pack lunch inside of them.Naruto grabbed onto her.

Am seeing this grabbed him and lifted him princess style and was going back to the others.Kakashi was surprised no less to see that scene which made it look like the demon that was hunting his life was nothing more than an innocent child.

They then left the village and was walking back to konoha after finishing lunch. Nobody other than Naruto, Hinata,Sasuke and itachi was talking to Am.After half an hour Am just used her kamui to teleport back to konoha.