Chapter 136: She wanted to escape tonight

Now, he went to find another woman and gave her a heavy blow.

She did not dare to accept him if he did not love her. Now that he had gone to find another woman, she could not accept him at all.

In the future, she would never love him again.

The next morning.

Tang Xiaowei did not sleep the whole night. She only slept for a while in the small hours of the morning. She woke up again after daybreak.

She lay lazily on the bed and did not get up.

The maid came up and called for her a few times, asking her to go down for breakfast. She did not open the door and did not answer.

When she was broken up with by Ling Yijue, she was in so much pain that she almost wanted to jump into the sea to die. It was Huangfu Qiye who saved her.

But now, Huangfu Qiye had also broken her heart into pieces.

She did not know who was going to save her this time, or if no one would come to save her anymore. She could only endure it by herself.

She did not have the strength to do anything. She just wanted to lie down quietly for a while.

She waited until her heart was not so sad before she left.

She did not eat breakfast, nor did she go down for lunch.

It was not until dinner time that the maid came up to ask her to go down for dinner. She also refused, and she still had not woken up. Finally, she angered a certain man.

The lights were not turned on in the bedroom, and it was already dark outside.

Ever since she came back last night, she had not eaten or drank anything for a day and a night.

Actually, her body was uncomfortable, but the physical discomfort was not as bad as the psychological discomfort.

Just thinking about how Huangfu Qiye had found other women to do that with him last night made her want to leave his side immediately and never see him again.

However, her entire body was weak and she could not muster the strength to leave.

She curled up her body and hid under the blanket, closing her eyes tightly.

However, because she had been hungry for a day and a night, her stomach had long been uncomfortable. Also, because she would vomit due to pregnancy during this period of time, she held it in for a while before suddenly retching.

She stood up in a daze and lay weakly on the side of the bed retching.

At this moment, the bedroom door was opened from the outside, and the lights in the bedroom were also turned on. In an instant, bright light illuminated the entire bedroom. At the door, a man stood there staring at her.

Tang Xiaowei covered her mouth and vomited for a while, her face as pale as a sheet.

When she found out that he had returned, she shrank back and wanted to hide.

She was unwilling to tell him that she was pregnant, so she couldn't let him think that there was anything wrong with her vomiting at this moment.

She hurriedly got out of bed and wanted to hide in the bathroom.

However, when she saw that she had appeared and wanted to hide, Huangfu Qiye's face instantly turned extremely ugly.

"Go downstairs and eat," he didn't come close to her, but just stood at the door and said this coldly.

Tang Xiaowei heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that he did not come over. "Okay, I'll go down later."

Her intention was very clear. She did not want to go down with him.

Huangfu Qiye's cold gaze swept across her entire body. "Change your clothes before going down."

She lowered her head to look at the clothes on her body. It was still the bathrobe from yesterday, and she was sleeping a little crumpled.

She nodded. "I got it."

Huangfu Qiye did not stay any longer. He turned around and left, closing the door behind him.

Hearing the sound of him slamming the door, she suddenly remembered what had happened last night.

He said that he did not lack women, so he must have found another woman.

Her heart suddenly began to ache.

She walked into the bathroom and did not want to vomit anymore, so she casually washed up and changed her clothes. She also tidied up her other clothes and took out her personal bag, her ID card, and wallet. She packed everything and went downstairs.


In the restaurant.

Dinner had been prepared a long time ago. It was very sumptuous and was a Chinese-style dish.

When Tang Xiaowei arrived at the restaurant, she saw that Huangfu Qiye was already eating.

She didn't greet him, nor did he look at her. Both of them treated each other as if they didn't exist.

Tang Xiaowei's heart ached slightly. She gritted her teeth and sat down. She casually ate some food, then drank some soup before getting up and leaving. "I'm done eating. Mr. Huangfu, take your time."

Mr. Huangfu?

Huangfu Qiye frowned.

Yesterday, she had said that she was his woman in front of her male classmate. Although she had been forced by him, she had indeed said it.

But now, after only one night, she had started to call him Mr. Huangfu!

Last night, he had been merciful and let her go, but she still dared to challenge his dignity like this!

"Go back and rest after eating. I'm going to attend a banquet tonight and won't be back until tomorrow." He wanted to get angry, but he remembered that she had not put out his anger yesterday. If he got angry again today, it would just be a waste of his discomfort.

Tang Xiaowei did not expect that he would go out to attend a banquet tonight.

However, it was better this way.

She nodded and did not say anything. She turned around and left the restaurant.

After she returned to her bedroom, she heard the sound of a car leaving half an hour later. She quietly went to the window to take a look. As expected, she saw Huangfu Qiye's car leaving the winery under the night sky.

He said that he would not be back until the next day.

And at that moment, he was not here.

This meant that she had a chance to leave.

She did not hesitate. She immediately found her phone and wanted to call her parents.

However, after the call was made, there was no answer, indicating that the other party's phone had been switched off.

She simply sent a message to her parents, saying that she would leave Huangfu Qiye's side, asking them to avoid him whenever they saw him in the future.

After sending the message, it was not convenient for her to take her luggage, so she could only take out the bag she wanted to carry.

However, the clothes in the luggage were bought by Huangfu Qiye, so there was no need for her to take them.

After she carried the bag, she went downstairs.

Downstairs, Yuan Shan saw that Tang Xiaowei, who had not left the house for a whole day, suddenly put on her bag and looked like she wanted to go out. She hurriedly walked over and asked, "Miss Tang, where are you going?"

"I want to go to the supermarket. I have something I need to buy," Tang Xiaowei explained calmly and walked out.

Yuan Shan hurriedly said, "I can send someone to buy it for you. It's already very late, so you don't need to go alone."

"I want to buy something for my personal use. I want to pick it up myself." Tang Xiaowei looked at Yuan Shan with determination.

Yuan Shan was unable to stop her after she looked at her like that. She could only say, "Then I'll go with you."

"Sure." Tang Xiaowei did not stop her.

If she deliberately found an excuse to stop her, Yuan Shan would suspect her.

She wanted to escape tonight.

When she knew that Huangfu Qiye hated her, she felt very uncomfortable and wanted to leave him. However, she wanted to leave after she returned to the country.

Yet, after last night, when he said that he wanted to find another woman, she suddenly felt that he was so dirty and could not accept staying by his side anymore.