Chapter 137: Send someone to look for him immediately!

She could not bear to stay any longer.

Therefore, since he was not coming back tonight, she would be a fool if she did not run away.

Yuan Shan accompanied Tang Xiaowei to the entrance of a supermarket.

The driver went to park the car while Yuan Shan accompanied Tang Xiaowei and walked into the supermarket together.

Tang Xiaowei chose a lot of things in the supermarket. She filled the car with a full load and a basket. Then, she smiled with satisfaction and said to Shan, "Help me push the cart to the front to settle the bill. I will carry the basket and follow behind you."

Yuan Shan saw that there were a lot of things in the cart. She was afraid that she would tire Tang Xiaowei, so she nodded.

Then, Yuan Shan pushed the cart to the front.

Tang Xiaowei carried the basket and walked behind her

Just as she was about to reach the checkout counter, Tang Xiaowei, who was walking with Yuan Shan, seemed to have been accidentally bumped by someone behind her. Then, two people cut into her line.

She was not angry. Instead, she took a few steps back.

Yuan Shan would occasionally look back at Tang Xiaowei. She would look back every few seconds, afraid that she would disappear.

This time, she turned around and saw that Tang Xiaowei, who was originally standing behind her, had been pushed to the back. She was so nervous that she wanted to stand next to Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly reminded her, "Yuan Shan, don't move. It's almost your turn. I was only cut in line by someone else. I won't line up anymore. I'll give you these things in my hands. You can pay for them together. I'll wait for you here."

Tang Xiaowei moved out of the line and handed the basket to Yuan Shan.

Tang Xiaowei's suggestion was not bad. Yuan Shan nodded and took the basket.

As for Tang Xiaowei, she stood by the side with a smile on her face, as if she was waiting.

When it was time for Yuan Shan to pay, Yuan Shan had a lot of things in front of her. She had no choice but to look at the food and supplies before talking to the cashier.

At that moment, Tang Xiaowei silently and quickly left from the other exit.

She quickly left the supermarket and got into a taxi outside. She spoke to the person in English and asked the person to send her to the nearest airport immediately.

The car drove quickly down the street.

Tang Xiaowei held her cell phone. She had just booked a plane ticket online for her return to China. She would arrive at the airport within 20 minutes and the plane that was about to take off in half an hour would be able to take her away from here.

As long as she returned to China, she could think of a way to completely leave Huangfu Qiye.

She wanted to leave him and not go abroad because she did not like the life abroad and because she was afraid of living abroad alone.

She preferred the life in China.

She also had a plan. Regardless of whether he would come to look for her after she left, she would find a place with beautiful scenery to live in.

But she was very afraid, afraid that she would fail today.

Thinking of this, her mood started to become impatient.

At the same time, she started to worry and be afraid. She was very afraid that she would be captured by him.

She urged the driver a few more times.


After Yuan Shan had settled the bill and packed everything, she turned around to tell Tang Xiaowei that she was done and could leave. Only then did she realize that the place where Tang Xiaowei was standing a moment ago was already empty.

Yuan Shan's face was pale with fear.

What was going on?

Could it be that Miss Tang had escaped again?

Thinking back to the events that had happened last night and the fact that Tang Xiaowei had not left the house for the entire day, she was obviously acting strangely.

Young master was not coming back tonight, so Miss Tang had taken this opportunity to escape?

The more Yuan Shan thought about it, the more frightened she felt.

She hurriedly took out her phone and called her master.

The call was answered by Yuan Qi. "Yuan Shan, what's the matter?"

Yuan Shan was nervous and worried. "Where's young master? Something happened to Miss Tang."

"Young master is currently discussing something with the host of the banquet. What happened to Miss Tang?" Yuan Shan glanced at Huangfu Qiye, who was talking to the host.

Yuan Shan was already panicking. "Miss Tang said that she was going out to buy something, so I came along with her. However, she suddenly disappeared from the supermarket. I'm guessing that she might have escaped. What do you think we should do?"

Hearing this, Yuan Qi was also shocked. "What? Miss Tang escaped? She..."

However, before he could finish his words, his phone was suddenly snatched by someone.

Turning around, Huangfu Qiye had already abandoned the host of the banquet. He suddenly stood up, and the phone was in his hand.

"She escaped? When did this happen?" Huangfu Qiye's face was frighteningly contorted with anger.

On the other end of the phone, Yuan Shan immediately answered carefully, "I don't know when she disappeared. After I paid the bill, Miss Tang disappeared."

"Damn it!" Huangfu Qiye roared. He almost wanted to kill Yuan Shan.

He couldn't even protect a woman.

"Send someone to look for her immediately!" Huangfu Qiye hung up the phone fiercely. With a gloomy face, he told the host of the banquet that he had something to do and left first. Without waiting for the other party to respond, he left with Yuan Qi and his bodyguards.


The 20 minutes until they arrived at the airport seemed especially long.

Although Tang Xiaowei had urged the driver several times, they still arrived at the airport 20 minutes later.

Before the car stopped, she had already paid. The moment the car stopped, she was afraid that she would not be able to board the plane in time, so she ran into the airport.

However, when she rushed into the airport, she realized that there were already many bodyguards in black clothes inside the airport.

Those people were Huangfu Qiye's bodyguards...

He actually knew that she was here, and he even rushed here before her?

Did he get someone to check the plane ticket and find out about her?

The more she thought about it, the more terrifying she felt, and her face turned pale from fright.

Now she was in a foreign country. If she didn't take a plane, how could she go back to her country?

Although she wanted to leave him, she didn't want to stay abroad.

Now she had to leave as soon as possible before they found her. Otherwise, she didn't know when she would have the chance to escape again.

She didn't want to be captured by him again.

Thinking of the other women he went to find last night, she was disgusted to the pit of her stomach.

She turned around and walked out.

However, just as she turned around, she suddenly bumped into a wall of flesh.

The man's tall figure stood in front of her. She could even smell the familiar scent of men's perfume on his body. It was very faint.

However, it was still his scent.

Tang Xiaowei raised her head.

In the next second, she was lifted up by the man's waist.

"You actually left me and ran away? You've become much bolder these two days. Yesterday, you met other men. Today, you want to run away. Tang Xiaowei, do you want to be killed by me?"

Huangfu Qiye roared and carried her back.

The passersby around him were charmed by his handsomeness, but before they could get close, they were blocked by his bodyguards.

A group of bodyguards blocked a smooth path for him.

He carried Tang Xiaowei, who was still in a daze, out of the airport and quickly got into the car.