Chapter 139: Finding out that she was having a nightmare

"If I can, I really want to strangle you to death." In this way, she would not think of running away, would not leave, and would not fall in love with any man other than him.

It was just that he was not that perverted.

Although he could not strangle her to death, when he said that he really wanted to strangle her to death, his expression was extremely cold and serious.

Tang Xiaowei was shocked.

She had not been having a good time these two days. Her heart was filled with pain.

Because she had thought too much, and because of the pregnancy sickness, she was actually very weak. Now that she was being held by his collar and threatened by him, she suddenly broke down. Tears slowly flowed down from her eyes and left a mark on her pale face. "Since you hate me so much, then strangle me to death."

Huangfu Qiye originally wanted to have a good talk with her and figure things out.

But now, he couldn't help but lose his temper and even scared her to tears.

He let go of her irritably, turned around, and said coldly, "Forget it, I don't want to ask anymore. Go upstairs and rest immediately."

Now, it was Tang Xiaowei who was confused.

Wasn't he still very angry just now?

Didn't he look like he still wanted to strangle her to death?

Why did he let her go now and let her go upstairs to rest?

However, she was too lazy to think that she could escape from his hands. She wouldn't be punished by him for escaping tonight. She should have listened to him and gone upstairs. Otherwise, he would go crazy again and she would be finished.

Without saying anything, she turned around and hurriedly left the living room and went upstairs.

Her escape had failed. She had thought about it before she escaped, so she wasn't too disappointed now.

After she went upstairs, she originally wanted to find a random guest room to stay in. She didn't want to go to his room.

However, all the guest rooms were locked, and only his bedroom was open. She thought about it, but still walked in.

She was too lazy to take a shower, so she just found a band-aid and stuck it on the back of her hand, which had a small cut. Then, she hugged the bed and the quilt on it and slept on the sofa in the bedroom, using the quilt to wrap herself up tightly.

A long time passed, but Huangfu Qiye didn't come up.

In the beginning, she was afraid to worry, but then she dozed off, and then she fell asleep unconsciously. She didn't wait for him to come back.

Actually, it was not really waiting for him.

She was just afraid that he would suddenly get angry at her again after he came up.

But before he came up, she fell asleep.


Huangfu Qiye sat in the living room downstairs for a long time. After a few hours, he got up and went upstairs.

When he opened the door, he saw that his bed and quilt were gone, and there was no one on the bed.

Didn't he tell her to come up and rest first?

Why was there no one there now?

He was so lenient that he did not teach her a lesson and let her rest, but she actually sneaked away again?

This damn woman.

Didn't she know that this was a foreign country? It could be dangerous to go out at night.

He was so angry that he wanted to rush out of the room to look for her, but he suddenly felt that something was wrong in the room.

Something seemed wrong on the sofa.

The sofa, which usually looked very spacious, now had his quilt on it, and there seemed to be something wrapped under the quilt.

He strode over and found that she hadn't run away, but fallen asleep on the sofa.

He could not help but crouch down. He reached out and pulled the blanket over her small face away so that it would not block her breath.

After the blanket was pulled away, her sleeping face looked pink and fragile, like a glass crystal that would shatter at the touch.

His originally angry and anxious heart gradually calmed down after seeing her like this.

He could not help but reach out his hand, wanting to touch her cheek gently.

However, just as he reached out his hand, he suddenly saw her originally calm sleeping face suddenly become distorted and frightened.

Her breathing also became rapid, and even her lips began to shout something.

She must have had a nightmare.

He became nervous and wanted to lift her up, but he did not dare to do so. He could only watch helplessly as she revealed a pained and frightened expression.

Very soon, the sound from her mouth became louder and clearer.

He finally heard what she was saying.

"Please let me go, please."

"Don't hit me anymore. I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't have hidden it from you. Don't hit me anymore."

"It hurts. Please don't hit me anymore."

"Huangfu Qiye, you..."

Huangfu Qiye's eyes suddenly widened. He stood up and stared at her in disbelief.

She was actually dreaming about him, and it seemed like she was dreaming about him hitting her.

Moreover, she even said that there was something that she shouldn't have hidden from him.

He frowned fiercely. He often wanted to kill people because of her, but in the end, he didn't do anything to her. But she actually dreamed that he was hitting her. Was he such a vicious person in her heart?

He turned around in anger and wanted to leave.

She hated him in reality, so it was fine if she didn't like him.

In her dream, she also dreamed that he was a vicious person who hit her. He suddenly felt that he had failed to show himself at his best in front of her.

He originally wanted to leave, but after taking only two steps, he was worried that she would fall off the sofa. He walked back helplessly and picked her up from the sofa with the quilt. He then gently placed her on the bed.

After he moved her a little, he carefully looked at her sleeping face again.

She didn't wake up.

But the only good thing was that she didn't seem to have that nightmare again.

She no longer showed a distorted expression, nor did she scream. Her eyes returned to their normal state.

Huangfu Qiye was unwilling to leave again.

He put her hand into the quilt and found a band-aid on the back of her hand. It seemed that she had just put it on.

He suddenly remembered that he had just broken the glass table. Could it be that he had hurt her just now, so she didn't say anything?

What was this woman thinking?

He put her hand under the quilt, and his mood became bad again.

Turning off the light, he directly laid down next to her and reached out to pull her into his arms.

Although he knew very well that he could hold her body, he could not get her heart. But at that moment, as long as he could have her, it was enough.

He did not want to care about anything else now.


When Tang Xiaowei woke up, she found that the sky was already bright.

After looking at the ceiling for a while, she moved her body to get up.


She turned her head and found that she was tightly hugged by someone.

She was hugged by Huangfu Qiye, and the two of them slept together on his big bed.

She remembered that she had fallen asleep on the sofa last night, and he didn't come upstairs before she fell asleep.

So, he came up after she fell asleep, and he even carried her to his bed without her knowing?

"You're awake?" Huangfu Qiye suddenly opened his mouth. In the next second, his big hand gently stroked her face. "Did you have a nightmare last night?"