Chapter 140: "If you fall, the child may be gone. "

Tang Xiaowei was stunned.

Then she remembered something. She really did have a nightmare last night.

And it seemed to be similar to the nightmare she had before.

She dreamed that her pregnancy was suddenly found out by Huangfu Qiye for some reason.

He was very angry at her for hiding it, so he started hitting her and kicking her crazily.

She felt so much pain in her dream.

Seeing that she was reminiscing, Huangfu Qiye knew that his guess was right. She must have had a nightmare.

Moreover, when he thought of her words in her dreams, it was obvious that she dreamt that he was hitting her.

"What did you hide from me that made me hit you in my dreams, Huh?" Huangfu Qiye suddenly sat up and pulled her up as well.

Tang Xiaowei's face was very colorful, red and white at once.

Her body started to tremble uncontrollably. "I... I didn't hide anything from you. What nonsense are you talking about? I want to go wash. Let me go first."

"You're definitely hiding something from me. Are you sure you won't tell me?" Huangfu Qiye had a premonition and was confident that she was definitely hiding something from him.

"No, I'm not hiding anything from you. I just had a nightmare. If you didn't mention it, I wouldn't be able to remember it now." She shook her head vigorously and refused to admit it.

"Alright, since there's nothing, then just treat it as a dream. Don't be afraid." He suddenly hugged her tightly.

It was only because he saw her screaming in pain and showing a distorted expression because of the dream last night.

Although he had hurt her in the dream, he still felt sorry for her and couldn't bear to part with her.

Tang Xiaowei was completely stunned.

She thought that Huangfu Qiye would be angry with her for a long time after what had happened the day before and yesterday.

But now, after he found out that she had a nightmare, he comforted her with a hug.

She was suddenly at a loss.

"Alright, get up and wash. Let's go downstairs and eat. I still have a banquet to attend tonight. Today, I won't run away for you. You come with me." Huangfu Qiye suddenly got out of bed Then, he carried her down, but he didn't put her down. Instead, he carried her to the bathroom.

Tang Xiaowei came back to her senses and realized what he had just said.

"Go to the banquet with you?" She didn't want to go, so could she refuse?

"Yes." The man's answer was simple and serious, obviously irresistible.

"I don't..."

"If you refuse, I can only tie you to the bed from now on and treat you like this so that you won't be able to get out of bed for the whole day. Only then will I be at ease to attend the banquet." Huangfu Qiye chuckled. It was as if he wasn't threatening her, but was instead mentioning something beautiful. "You have two choices. One is to accompany me to the banquet, and the other is to be tied to the bed by me. Which do you choose?"

Tang Xiaowei's escape last night had already made him wary.

She knew that she wouldn't be able to escape last night, and it would be difficult for her to escape in the future.

She didn't want to be tied to the bed by him, so she could only bite her lips and helplessly agree. "I'll accompany you to the banquet."

"You're so obedient. " Huangfu Qiye was extremely satisfied with her appearance.

The anger from yesterday seemed to have disappeared because of her obedient appearance at this moment.


As expected, he went out to work for a whole day in the morning, and she was dressed up for a whole day in the villa.

When it was almost dark, Yuan Shan knocked on the door and came in to tell Tang Xiaowei that the car had been prepared, and Huangfu Qiye was waiting for her downstairs.

Tang Xiaowei gritted her teeth and carried her loose skirt downstairs.

Downstairs, Huangfu Qiye sat on the sofa, but his gaze was fixed on the direction of the stairs.

The moment Tang Xiaowei came down, her figure was caught by his gaze.

He stood up and walked in her direction.

Today, he was wearing a very handsome handmade black suit. His entire aura was noble and charming. Coupled with his handsome appearance, if it was someone who did not know his temper and identity, they would probably jump on him at this moment.

Unfortunately, the people in this villa knew very well that this young master's temper was not to be trifled with. No one dared to jump on him, and no one dared to look at him openly.

There was only one person, Tang Xiaowei.

When she came down from the stairs, she saw that Huangfu Qiye looked especially handsome and charming after getting dressed in such fine clothes.

Although he did not love her, she still loved him at the moment.

She could not control herself and looked at him a few more times.

It was only when she almost did not notice that she had missed the step on the stairs that she came back to her senses.

However, it was already too late. She had already missed the step and was about to fall.


She was so scared that her face turned pale and her body broke out in a cold sweat.

She couldn't fall. If she fell, the baby might be gone.

However, just as she was about to fall, a figure ran over quickly and caught her in his arms.

She didn't fall, but she was carried into the arms of that handsome man.

"Are you okay? Are you scared?" Huangfu Qiye held her and took a few steps back. After he steadied himself, he held her waist with one hand and lifted her face with the other.

His dark eyes were deep, as if they would devour a person's soul.

He looked at her deeply, and the gentleness in his eyes was so natural.

She looked at him carefully. It was not her mistake.

She did see the gentleness in his eyes.

"I'm fine." She shook her head to show that she was fine. Then, she moved away from his palm and lowered her head, not daring to look at him again.

She was afraid that if she looked at him again, she would love him more and more.

It was not difficult to love someone, but it was not easy to forget someone.

If she wanted to completely forget someone, she would need to get very close to him.

Just like her. She had been separated from Ling Yijue for too long, so she had actually slowly forgotten Ling Yijue.

Did she want to forget about Huangfu Qiye? As long as she left him in the future, she would be able to forget about him?

"What are you thinking about? Since there's nothing else, let's go." Huangfu Qiye held her little hand tightly, grabbed her waist, and walked out.

Tang Xiaowei came back to her senses and didn't say anything. She quietly followed him and left.


On the way, Tang Xiaowei had been sitting properly. Because Huangfu Qiye didn't force her to sit on his lap, she felt much more relaxed.

However, halfway through the journey, she suddenly felt like vomiting again.

In the past two days, she had vomited more frequently than before.

She always hid in her room and vomited when no one was looking.

But now, she was in the car with the person she wanted to hide it from the most. She did not dare to vomit again because she was afraid that he would say that he wanted to send her to the hospital again.

She vomited in front of him a few times, but every time, she refused to go to the hospital.

She was really afraid that he would not listen to her anymore.

So, she gritted her teeth and endured it, but she did not dare to show that she wanted to vomit.

But in the end, her face as pale as paper, feeling more and more uncomfortable, she simply could not endure it any longer.