Chapter 142: You give us $300 million

On the messy lawn just now, all the people who were running squatted on the ground in fear. They did not dare to move or make any noise.

Tang Xiaowei raised her head and saw a European-looking man in his thirties not far ahead. There were two men beside him. All three of them had guns in their hands.

The three of them had arrogant expressions on their faces.

Seeing that everyone had quietened down and obediently squatted on the ground, the tallest man among the three spoke.

"Everyone, listen up. I don't want to cause trouble today. I just want Mr. Louis to make a deal with me. If Mr. Louis agrees to this, I will let everyone go. Otherwise, no one will be able to leave alive today."

The arrogant threat immediately made everyone present scream in fear.

Almost everyone was shouting for help and begging Louis to quickly agree to the three people's demands.

This kind of reaction seemed to be what the three people wanted. They did not stop these people from shouting.

On the contrary, the more they begged Louis, the happier they were.

The people upstairs soon found out what had happened on the lawn.

The door that had been closed earlier was opened.

The person who walked out was not Louis, but the nervous Huangfu Qiye.

He didn't say anything or care about anything. Knowing that something had happened outside, he quickly walked to the room where Tang Xiaowei was resting.

He didn't care if others were threatened or kidnapped.

All he needed to do was to see that Tang Xiaowei was safe.

However, when he saw him rushing to the room where Tang Xiaowei was resting.. Yuan Qi fearlessly reminded him, "Young master, are you going to look for Miss Tang? She wasn't in the room. She came to look for you just now, but you told her not to disturb your discussion with Mr. Louis, so she went downstairs with Yuan Shan."

"Went downstairs? " Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye stopped in his tracks and stared coldly at Yuan Qi.

Going downstairs meant that Tang Xiaowei was also threatened by those three people, on the lawn downstairs?

Yuan Qi knew what his young master meant, but he still braced himself and nodded. "Yes, Miss Tang is now on the lawn downstairs."

"Bang!" Huangfu Qiye got the answer and punched Yuan Qi's face hard. The force was so terrifying that Yuan Qi's nose immediately bled and he almost lost his balance.

"This is how you guys act as bodyguards. If I don't ask you to protect the people you're protecting, what use do I have for you guys? Huh?" Huangfu Qiye kicked Yuan Qi away angrily. Then, he rushed to the corridor and stared at the crowd below.

Damn it.

There were a lot of people below, and almost everyone was scared out of their wits. Everyone was squatting on the ground, so he could not know which one was her.

Thinking of the conditions that the three people had just proposed, he immediately turned around and grabbed Louis, who had just come out of the room. He was a fat French man in his forties.

"Agree to the three men's demands immediately and tell them to scram!"

If he could, he would have killed the three men directly.

However, he did not know where Tang Xiaowei was on the lawn. He was worried that the three men would get angry before they were killed, and then they would randomly shoot at the people on the lawn.

Even if the people around him, including his skills, were very good and could kill the three men directly, he did not dare to gamble.

Louis almost lost his balance when he was grabbed by him like this.

He had never seen Huangfu Qiye show a nervous expression before. At that moment, he was also shocked. Then, he hurriedly said, "Mr. Huangfu, don't be anxious. Let me ask the three people what deal they want to make with me."

Only then did Huangfu Qiye let go of Louis'collar.

Louis walked to the end of the corridor, and the bodyguards beside him protected him.

He looked at the frightened guests below and stared at the three uninvited guests with some displeasure.

"Excuse me, do the three of you have any deal to make with me? If so, please put away your weapons and come to my office. We will sit down and talk in detail."

"Cut the crap. We will not put away our weapons and come to your office to discuss it. If you want to talk, let's talk here. Our request is very simple. We just want you to give us 300 million US dollars. If you give us 300 million US dollars, we let your guests go. I think you should feel that such a deal is very cost-effective."

"300 million US dollars? Your appetite is not small, is it?" Louis sneered. "Do you think that with just the three of you, and with you standing in such a conspicuous position, I will be afraid of you?"

Louis suddenly waved his hand, and the dozen or so bodyguards behind him stepped forward, each of them holding a gun.

And those guns were pointed at the three people on the lawn.

They stood so conspicuously that if they started fighting now, they would definitely be beaten into a hornet's nest.

However, everyone originally thought that after Louis did this, the three people would be afraid.

But the reality was not like that.

The tallest man among the three suddenly sneered. He raised his head and looked at Louis. "Mr. Louis, do I look familiar to you?"

Louis narrowed his eyes and looked at him carefully. Suddenly, he thought of something. He pointed at the man angrily. "You were the butler of my house. You were kicked out for doing something wrong. Why did you bring people back to cause trouble? Do you want to go to jail?"

"Yes, it's my honor that Mr. Louis still remembers me as a butler. "So I want to tell you that you have a lot of people. You can kill me instantly. But when I used to work here, I planted explosives under your house. I set the time when no one was looking. If you promise to give me money, I will let everyone go. If you don't, we will all die today."

"Ah? You planted explosives?"

"Oh my God, what should I do? I don't want to die."

"It's just a banquet. I don't want to give up my life."

Hearing the man say that he planted explosives around the house, everyone was in an uproar.

Including Tang Xiaowei and Yuan Shan who were still on the lawn.

Because those people were speaking in English, Tang Xiaowei understood everything.

She grabbed Yuan Shan's hand. "What should we do? Are we really going to die here?"

This was the first time Yuan Shan had encountered such a situation. Her face was full of nervousness.

However, at that moment, a few people suddenly approached them.

The two of them turned around and saw Yuan Qi, Huangfu Qiye, and a few bodyguards in black.

Tang Xiaowei was extremely shocked. The next second, Huangfu Qiye grabbed her hand, pulled her into his embrace, and carried her up.