Chapter 143: They were tricked into the basement

Then, Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan covered them. Without alerting the three people or anyone around them, they slowly retreated back into the main building.

The place where Yuan Shan and Tang Xiaowei were hiding was relatively dark, and there was no one behind them, so they retreated easily.

Otherwise, if the others saw them, they would alert the three people.

After returning to the main building, Huangfu Qiye held her hand and quickly walked forward, followed by a group of bodyguards.

"Where are we going?" Tang Xiaowei followed him, but it was almost as if she was running because he was walking too fast.

She knew that the situation was not good at the moment. If she stayed any longer, she might die here.

However, she did not know why he brought her to the main building instead of the front door.

"Don't talk. You'll know when we get there." Huangfu Qiye did not want to waste time explaining, but when she asked, he still told her.

However, in the middle of their conversation, he realized that she was having a hard time walking. He suddenly stopped, bent down and picked her up, then continued to walk forward.

Tang Xiaowei had many questions now, but in the face of life and death, she could only keep her mouth shut.

Soon, Huangfu Qiye carried her to a door. There were already people guarding the door.

This door looked ordinary, but it seemed particularly thick.

When these people saw that they had come, they immediately opened the door and made way.

Huangfu Qiye immediately carried Tang Xiaowei and walked in.

The bodyguards behind him followed closely.

After entering, they discovered that there was a tunnel leading down.

It was a long staircase, but fortunately, there were street lamps on both sides of the staircase, so the light was very good.

Tang Xiaowei looked at it for a while and could roughly guess what kind of place it was.

She raised her head to look at Huangfu Qiye, but she could only see his handsome chin.

"Is this some kind of basement?" She couldn't help but ask.

Although he had told her to shut up before, she was indeed quite afraid of such a place. If he didn't carry her, she would definitely not be willing to walk into it.

It felt eerie and terrifying.

"Yes, this is Louis' basement. There's a way out here and we can hide for a while." What he meant was that if the three men suddenly detonated the explosives, they would definitely not die here.

If he hadn't heard the three of them say that they had planted explosives on the villa, Huangfu Qiye wouldn't have been afraid of Tang Xiaowei getting hurt. Otherwise, he wouldn't have walked into such a place.

But now, in order to protect her and not be threatened in the slightest, he chose to take a step back and let Louis deal with his own matters.

"Oh." Tang Xiaowei nodded and no longer asked.

At that time, they also walked to the innermost part of the basement.

There was a very large room that looked like a guest room. There were a few chairs and sofas inside.

At that moment, Louis, who was just standing upstairs, was already waiting there with his subordinates.

Seeing that Huangfu Qiye and the others had come, Louis got up from the sofa and nervously said, "Mr. Huangfu, in order to wait for you to come over and leave together, we didn't dare to leave. Can we leave now?"

It was obvious that Louis wanted to leave this place together.

Tang Xiaowei was surprised. Could it be that Louis and those three people didn't come to an agreement?

Because they didn't come to an agreement, now everyone had to escape through the underground passage?

Then wouldn't those people outside who were still on the lawn be finished?

Unfortunately, there was no time for her to think too much. Huangfu Qiye nodded to Louis, then carried her and followed behind Louis and the others, preparing to leave together.

Only Louis and his bodyguards were walking in front.

Behind louis'bodyguards was Huangfu Qiye, who was carrying Tang Xiaowei, followed by Yuan Qi and Yuan Qi, followed by Huangfu Qiye's bodyguards.

There were about 50 people in the group.

Everyone walked very quickly, because if Louis did not stay behind to trade with the three people, it was very likely that the three people would be angered.

And once the three people were angered, it was very likely that the villa would be blown up in the next second.

Everyone thought the same at the beginning, including Huangfu Qiye.

However, after carrying Tang Xiaowei and following behind Louis, his expression suddenly changed.

He stopped and turned around to give Yuan Shan, Yuan Qi, and the others a look.

There was something wrong with the basement, and there was something wrong with Louis as well.

They could not continue following him.

They had been in the basement for a few minutes, but they had not walked out. Furthermore, the path was very winding, as if Louis was deliberately leading them in circles.

What was even more bizarre was that Louis had disappeared underground for so long. The three of them had clearly said that they had buried explosives in the underground of the villa, but now there was no sound coming from the ground.

Louis must have done something. There was something wrong with him.

He had deliberately tricked them into coming in.

Huangfu Qiye immediately understood this, but he did not alert the enemy. Instead, he had his own people step back and carry Tang Xiaowei further back. He had his own bodyguards stand in front of him to cover for him.

He was really careless today.

He was actually deceived by the scene outside, and then he was tricked into the basement.

Moreover, he even brought Tang Xiaowei with him.

If he had not brought her with him, he would not have been so worried.

But now that she was by his side, he could not be careless anymore. He could only carry her and step back.

His actions made the bodyguards around him realize that something was wrong, so everyone covered him and pulled a distance away from Louis and the others.

There was a corner behind them. After they hid at that corner, they could walk straight back.

There were definitely no explosives buried in the villa. As long as they retreated, they could leave safely.

However, their actions still alerted Louis' group in front of them.

Louis suddenly turned his head, and the bodyguards behind him made way for him.

He even pretended to be surprised. "Mr. Huangfu, why aren't you leaving? We'll be able to get out soon. Why are you taking your people and retreating?"

"Kill!" HUANGFU Qiye ignored Louis' question and only said one word coldly.

As soon as he said that, the bodyguards beside him all picked up their guns and shot at the people around Louis and Louis himself.

Louis' group of people also became anxious. They didn't expect that their plan would be found out by Huangfu Qiye unknowingly.

Moreover, Huangfu Qiye was such a decisive person. He didn't even need to talk to them and directly killed them.