Chapter 151: He knew she was pregnant

The more she looked at him, the sadder she felt.

He had suffered these injuries to protect her.

If he was a bad man, he would not have liked her at all, and even thought she was just a plaything for him.

Then, when the stones fell, he would not have protected her and taken the initiative to bear the pain of the stones.

But he did take the initiative to bear it.

In that environment, he did not hesitate to protect her.

She liked to let her imagination run wild. At that moment, she was thinking, if he did not love her, why would he do this for her.

He probably had her in his heart too.

She reached out and took the initiative to hold his cold palm. Then, she lowered her head and pressed her face against his hand. Tears flowed out of her eyes uncontrollably. "I'm sorry. It's all my fault that you suffered such a serious injury. You must wake up quickly."


She did not know how long she had stayed in his ward.

She only remembered that he did not wake up after waiting for a long time, but she slowly felt sleepy and fell asleep.

When she woke up again, she was no longer sitting on the chair, but lying on the hospital bed.

However, she was not lying on the bed alone. There was a handsome man lying beside her. At that moment, the man's eyes were staring at her, as if he was going to eat her up.

She was stunned for a moment. When she opened her eyes, she saw that he had woken up. Was this a dream?

She sat up and rubbed her eyes. He had not disappeared, and she could feel that her eyes were awake.

So, was he really awake?

"You're awake?" She lay down on the hospital bed again, lying on her side to avoid touching the wound on her head.

"I've been awake for a long time." Huangfu Qiye's lips were a little dry and cracked. He suddenly sat up and ignored the wound on his body. He stared at her with a cold gaze, and his tone was forceful and domineering There was a faint hint of anger in his voice. "Tang Xiaowei, you really hid it from me. You're actually one month pregnant."

He already knew.

Tang Xiaowei was completely stunned.

He woke up first when she had just fallen asleep, so he asked the doctor, right?

She didn't want to hide it from him. She had wanted to tell him in the basement, but he was suddenly so weak that he almost fainted. She was so anxious that she forgot about it.

Now that he was staring at her, she didn't lie down anymore. She sat up and looked at him carefully. "I...I was forced."

"Forced, huh?" Huangfu Qiye grabbed her shoulder and almost couldn't control his anger. His face darkened. "Pregnancy is such a big thing, and you actually told me that you were forced, so you hid it from me?"

"At that time, I didn't know that you liked me, so how could I tell you? I don't want to give birth to a child for someone who doesn't like me." She immediately retorted without thinking.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she felt that something wasn't right.

However, Huangfu Qiye understood what she meant.

He suddenly lifted her chin. Although he was a little sickly at the moment, his eyes were unexpectedly devilish. "So, now you know that I like you?"

"You don't like me? If you don't like me, why did you hurt yourself so much for me, and..." He even fed her blood.

An unnatural pink colored her face.

"Now that you mention it, I seem to remember that you confessed to me in the basement, right?" Huangfu Qiye's attention shifted from the anger of her hidden pregnancy to her previous confession.

Tang Xiaowei was initially worried that he would be very angry when he found out that she had deliberately concealed her pregnancy. She did not expect that his anger would only last for a short while before he mentioned the previous confession incident.

She immediately felt a little uncomfortable.

At that time, she really felt that she was about to die, so she was in a hurry to say it out loud. Now, however, she felt a little regretful.

He did not even say that he liked her. Everything was just her speculation.

But she had already said that she liked him personally. Could she still change it?

Based on his temper, it seemed that she could not change it!

"Aren't you angry that I hid the pregnancy from you?" She started to change the topic. At that moment, she would rather he be angry because she hid the pregnancy from him.

Huangfu Qiye stared at her with a heavy gaze.

She didn't know how angry he was that she hid the pregnancy from him.

At the same time, he was very happy and excited when he found out from the doctor that she was really pregnant.

But, after all, she had given him a shot in the basement when she was pregnant, so he wasn't particularly excited at this moment.

Of course, he wanted this child, but what he cared about more was her heart.

She confessed to him in the basement. He knew that she had said that because she felt like she was about to die.

He did not want this matter to be suppressed in the basement forever. He had to make her say that she liked him again.

At the moment, the child was no longer important to him. What was important was her.

"If you confess to me again, I won't be angry, hmm?" He suddenly leaned forward a little, and his dark eyes reflected her panicked look at that moment.

Although his tone was very gentle, it was clearly domineering.

He had always been domineering.

She had nowhere to hide from his gaze.

However, she was forced to confess at that time. How could she still say it now?

Especially since he had not confessed yet. She did not want to say it again.

"You just woke up. You should listen to the doctor and rest well. Quickly lie down. I have to go back to my own ward." She wanted to push him away and then go down.

She was sitting on the chair just now. No one knew who carried her up.

Otherwise, he would not have grabbed her shoulders.

"You want to escape?" Huangfu Qiye's body was covered in injuries and had not recovered yet, but his strength was still very strong. He grabbed her shoulders tightly, not giving her a chance to escape.

This little woman always liked to escape.

If he did not hold on tight, who knew where she would run to one day.

"No... I'm not escaping. I'm just concerned about you. After all, you saved me. If it weren't for you, those rocks would have hit me. And without your bodyguards, I would have been trapped in that basement," she explained hurriedly Then, when she mentioned the basement, she thought of something and raised her head to stare at him. "Oh right, did you think of a way to deal with that Louis?"

"Before you woke up, I had already sent people to destroy his lair." Huangfu Qiye's tone was calm, as if he was talking about some trivial matter.

For example, the sun was really bright today.

His attitude was really stimulating. If Louis knew that he would fail to kill Huangfu Qiye, he wouldn't have made Huangfu Qiye so angry. Instead, he would have let Huangfu Qiye destroy his lair calmly.