Chapter 150: She was injected with an anesthetic

Huangfu Qiye endured the pain all over his body and hugged her tightly. "Don't be afraid."

"But..." How could she not be afraid?

He comforted her gently, "The people above are most likely my people."


"Because I won't die in such a cowardly manner, and I won't let you die in front of me." He spoke in his domineering tone again.

Although she was still afraid, she was willing to believe him, so she didn't say anything more.

At that moment, the ruins above were slowly being excavated. The light was getting brighter and brighter, and a series of worried calls could be heard from above.

"Young master, are you down there?"

"Young master..."

"Miss Tang..."

Authentic Chinese came from above, and the people they were calling were Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei was pleasantly surprised. "They're looking for us. They're here to save us. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, I hear you." Huangfu Qiye's tone was obviously much more relaxed.

When Tang Xiaowei turned around to look at him, she saw that he had already closed his eyes and his body was limp as he fell backwards.

She was extremely worried, but she could not carry him, much less support him. She could only hold onto his arm worriedly. "What's wrong? Huangfu Qiye, don't sleep."

His large hand held her hand tightly. He closed his eyes to comfort her. "I'm fine. I'm just a little tired. Let me rest for a while."

He had tried his best to hold on for so long. He was afraid that she would be afraid, so even though his body was in great pain and tired, he did not dare to let himself fall asleep so easily.

Now that his people had finally arrived, he naturally felt much more relaxed.

Tang Xiaowei only heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that he was still able to answer her.

Then, she raised her head and began to call for help from the people above.

An hour later.

They were rescued and sent to the hospital.

Meanwhile, Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye were separated and each went into the operating theater to have the wounds on their bodies treated.

Because her head had also been smashed, she was injected with anesthetic in order to get stitches.

Then, she fell asleep.

When she woke up again, she looked around and saw a snow-white room. It was a standard hospital decoration.

The ward was very quiet. She was alone.

She remembered that when she and Huangfu Qiye were rescued, it was already dawn outside. She also saw very clearly that his body was covered in wounds, his back, especially, was very serious.

Those wounds were caused by him blocking the rocks for her.

Although he was wearing a very thick coat and shirt, his back was still smashed into a bloody mess. His coat had fallen off, and his white shirt had long turned red.

His face was as pale as paper.

She did not know how he could still hug her so tightly and protect her in such a dark environment.

Unfortunately, the situation had been very urgent at that time. The bodyguards who found them immediately sent them to the hospital.

After that, she entered the operating room and was separated from him.

Now, she did not know how he was doing.

She got out of bed with only one thought in her mind. She wanted to see him, and she wanted to see him now.

However, just as she walked to the door of the ward, it was opened from the outside.

It was a doctor, two nurses, and two bodyguards in black clothes.

The doctor and nurse, Tang Xiaowei did not know either, but the two bodyguards were obviously Huangfu Qiye's people. Although Tang Xiaowei did not know their faces, she knew their clothes.

When they came in and saw that Tang Xiaowei's eyes were open, they were stunned.

Then, one of the two bodyguards said respectfully, "Miss Tang, when did you wake up? Quick, let the doctor take a look at you."

Tang Xiaowei nodded in agreement and then said thank you to the bodyguards.

After all, these bodyguards were the ones who saved them.

Then, she retreated to the hospital bed, sat down, and asked the doctor to examine her.

Soon, the doctor said seriously in English, "Miss, your body hasn't recovered yet. You need to stay in the hospital for half a month to recover from the injury on your head before you can be discharged."

Tang Xiaowei thought of the child in her stomach.

Although she hadn't felt any pain in her stomach since she was locked in the basement, she was still worried about the child.

Anyway, she knew that Huangfu Qiye would know that she was pregnant when he woke up. After all, he had said that he would ask the doctor to examine her after he came out.

Therefore, although Huangfu Qiye's bodyguards were still in the ward, she still asked the doctor in a low voice, "Doctor, is the child I am carrying okay?"

"Yes, the child in your stomach is very healthy. There's no problem," the doctor answered happily when he heard that. After all, when Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye were sent to the hospital, both of them were injured. Tang Xiaowei's head was fractured.

However, her stomach was not injured, and the child was fine, so the doctor was naturally happy for this lucky child.

Tang Xiaowei was finally relieved. Then, she thought of Huangfu Qiye and continued to ask the doctor, "What about the man who came into the hospital with me? How is his condition?"

"That gentleman's injury is more serious. He will be hospitalized for at least a month before he can be discharged," the doctor replied.

"Where is he now? Can I go and see him?" Tang Xiaowei got out of bed.

"He's in the ward next to yours. Because his back injury was very serious, the anesthesia took a long time during the surgery. He hasn't woken up yet." The doctor did not hide anything and told her everything.

After saying thank you to the doctor, Tang Xiaowei anxiously walked out of the ward.

Although the doctor and the two bodyguards wanted to persuade her to rest more in the ward, seeing that she ran away quickly and disappeared, they could not say anything.

Tang Xiaowei walked out of her ward and saw four bodyguards standing at the door of the ward next to hers.

They were dressed in the same black clothes as the two bodyguards who had just entered her ward.

Then, this must be Huangfu Qiye's ward.

She walked over. Although the bodyguards at the door looked a little embarrassed, they did not stop her. They knew that she wanted to go in to see Huangfu Qiye, so they opened the door for her.

She thanked him and walked in alone.

His ward was very quiet, and he was the only one there.

However, he was not like her, who could wake up so quickly.

He was lying on his stomach, because his entire upper body was bound with bandages. His head, his arms and legs were all bandaged, and there were obvious bloody marks on the bandages This meant that his back injury was really serious.

She walked over and stopped by his bed.

There was a chair beside the bed, so she simply sat down and stared at him.

His side profile was still handsome, but it was frighteningly pale.

She even felt that after just one night, he seemed to have lost a lot of weight.