Chapter 149: "That's right, I like you. "

He did not mind the dust on her forehead at all.

"Really? " When she heard that, her whole heart was alive.

"I don't like lying, especially to you when you're crying." He kissed her forehead again.

He had been very confident before and knew that his subordinates would come to save them within 24 hours.

But now, the situation had changed. He was not sure if he and she would walk out of there, so he did not want to hide some things from her anymore.

He also faintly felt that she didn't seem to treat him like how he had thought before.

She didn't have no feelings for him at all.

"Do you know how hard it was for me when you said that you were going to find another woman?" She heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, even though he had said that back then, he didn't go.

Finally, she didn't feel as hard towards him as before.

"I can understand that you're saying this because you like me?" He was a little surprised.

"That's right. I like you. Although I have only told you before I died, I don't feel regretful anymore." After all, she was able to be with the man she loved before she died, and she had finally confessed to him.

She knew that they couldn't get out, so she wasn't greedy.

As long as she could tell him about her feelings, it would be enough.

However, she didn't know that Huangfu Qiye was shocked when she admitted that she liked him.

He was stunned on the spot and couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

However, when he came back to his senses and couldn't wait to speak, many stones suddenly fell from behind him, and a big stone smashed onto his head.

He lost consciousness immediately, and then he pressed her down with his body, and the two of them fell to the ground together.

Tang Xiaowei was suddenly pressed to the ground by him. She also heard the sound of him being hit by a stone. She was extremely worried, but there was no time for her to think. Her head also knocked into the stone on the ground and she fainted.


When she woke up again, Tang Xiaowei had not even opened her eyes when she sensed that her surroundings were pitch black and her entire body was in pain.

More importantly, she felt that she was being hugged by someone, and the person who hugged her seemed to be sitting on the ground, breathing very lightly.

She slowly opened her eyes, trying hard to ignore the pain on her head and body. Only then did she realize that she was still in the basement room because the surroundings were still dark, and there was still the smell of dust in the room.

Also, she could feel that the man holding her was her beloved man.

What made it even more difficult for her to ignore was that she smelled a very strong smell of blood in the air.

She guessed that he must have been injured and bleeding.

And her head was also in extreme pain, so she must be bleeding too.

"You're awake?" His voice sounded above her head. It was no longer as relaxed as before. Instead, it was a little dry and much weaker.

However, his tone was full of worry.

"Yes," she replied. Then, she wanted to sit up and ask him how long they had been unconscious.

However, she felt thirsty. Because of her special thirst, she subconsciously licked her lower lip.

And because of this, she suddenly tasted something.

The smell of blood spread from her lips.

She only had a head injury and some minor abrasions on her arms and calves. These were the only parts of her body that were in pain.

Then, why was there the smell of blood on her lips?

She was shocked and raised her head to look in his direction. Unfortunately, it was still dark there. She couldn't see anything at all. She could only hear his breathing.

"Why...why is there blood on my lips?" She grabbed his arm tightly, her tone filled with disbelief and panic.

Should she understand that he knew she was thirsty and that he had used his blood to quench her thirst before she woke up?

If that was really the case, then what was he thinking?

She remembered that before she fainted, she was the only one who confessed and he didn't say anything.

But his current behavior...

"It might be the blood from the wound on my hand that I accidentally stained. Don't make a fuss about it." His tone sounded very normal, as if she was overthinking it.

But after she swallowed her saliva and realized that there was also the smell of blood in her throat, she immediately wanted to vomit.

She was pregnant and had always vomited during pregnancy. Now that she realized that there was a strange smell in her throat, she couldn't control it at all.

She didn't hate or dislike his blood because she knew that he was lying to her. If it was just his blood that accidentally stained her lips, then how could she explain the blood in her throat?

This man fed her blood like water but was unwilling to admit it.

Although he still didn't say that he loved her or liked her, she was sure that he definitely didn't have feelings for her like she thought before.

Maybe she was thinking too much in the past.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" Hearing the sound of her vomiting, Huangfu Qiye nervously tightened his grip on her.

"Nothing... It's just..." she panted in pain and wanted to explain, but she suddenly realized that there was a faint light above her head.

She was stunned and didn't continue.

Meanwhile, Huangfu Qiye also noticed that something was wrong above his head.

He also looked up.

Sure enough, a beam of light shone down from above in the previously dark room.

It was because there seemed to be someone clearing up the stones, trying to excavate the ruins.

That's right, the two of them were buried in the ruins.

After the room was blown up, the stones kept falling down, turning the original room into a ruin.

However, because Huangfu Qiye had always protected her well and blocked many stones, they had a relatively safe position. He sat in this safe position and hugged her.

The surroundings were all rocks and ruins.

"Did someone come to save us?" Tang Xiaowei thought that she and he would die here.

She wasn't surprised to find that they weren't dead when she woke up, because they weren't crushed to death, but they might starve to death here.

But now, although the room above was no longer shaking and collapsing, there was light shining down.

This meant that someone was digging into the ruins.

"It could be someone who saved us, or it could be someone who wanted to kill us," Huangfu Qiye answered her calmly. Taking advantage of the light from above, he could finally see her.

Although the room was still very dark, he could no longer only see the darkness. At that moment, he could already see her blurry shadow in front of him.

When she heard his answer, she immediately became nervous again and leaned closer into his arms. "Then what should we do?"

Previously, she thought that in such a situation, she should just die, so she was not afraid.

Now that she did not die, after knowing that there were people digging up the ruins, she was afraid of dying.

In fact, she was afraid that the people digging up the ruins were Louis and the others. She did not want to be tortured to death by them.