Chapter 148: He actually protected her like this!

However, his words were so gentle. It made her little heart, which was originally afraid, suddenly have a lot of trust in him. She was no longer so afraid.

Instead, she wanted to use this time to ask him some questions.

The room was still collapsing. If they were to stay here in the next second, they might die.

She really wanted to ask him how he felt about her in his heart.

Under such circumstances, he couldn't lie to her, right?

"Huangfu Qiye, I have a question to ask you. Can you answer me?" She grabbed his shirt tightly and tried to see his face clearly in the dark. Unfortunately, she could only see darkness.

If he didn't hug her, if she couldn't feel his breath, she would really feel that this place was very scary.

"What question?" Huangfu Qiye only focused on the situation in front of him.

He only thought that she would ask some questions about the collapse of the room.

"Do you like me?"

She bit her lip and finally asked.

Huangfu Qi was stunned and his whole body immediately froze.

What kind of question was this?

Was this really the question she wanted to ask?

Why would she ask such a question?

"What's wrong? Is this question hard to answer?" Tang Xiaowei became even more nervous when she saw that he was silent and his whole body suddenly stiffened.

God knows how much courage she had mustered to ask such a question.

Before she died, she didn't care that he had gone to find other women.

She just wanted to die with a clear mind.

Huangfu Qiye was indeed stunned for a long time and didn't answer her question.

When she asked the second time, he asked in a low voice, "Why did you ask this?"

"Of course it's..." She almost blurted it out, but she immediately came back to her senses. "Can't you answer me first?"

"Do you really want to know the answer?" He carried her and retreated to a wall that hadn't collapsed and stopped, his tone relaxed.

"Yes." She nodded.

In fact, she was already very anxious.

The current situation was too dangerous. If he did not say anything, she was really worried that she would not be able to hear how he felt about her before she was crushed to death by these rocks.

"I'll tell you when I get out." Huangfu Qiye would not give the answer as easily as she had expected.

"I don't want this kind of answer." She could not care less. She grabbed his shirt tightly, trying to force him.

"Then what kind of answer do you want?" Huangfu Qiye finally felt that something was wrong.

She kept pressing him, as if she wanted an answer.

He was also a little curious that she would suddenly ask such a question.

"We definitely won't be able to get out. If we're going to die here today, I want to know what your motive is for pestering me. I want you to tell me now," she said.

"What motive?" These words were carefully thought over in his mind.


"I'll tell you when we get out, yes?" He still refused to answer.

When Tang Xiaowei received this response, she became a little listless.

She thought that before she died, she would be able to know why he kept pestering her.

Now it seemed that she wouldn't know the reason.

"Don't worry, we won't die here." He could feel that she was very depressed and reached out to rub her head.

"How do you know that we won't die here? The room has been blown up, and your people haven't come yet." She couldn't accept his comfort at all.

It wasn't like she didn't know the current situation.

The wall in front of them still sounded like it was collapsing. It was just that the where they were standing hadn't collapsed yet.

She could breathe in the surrounding air, which was dusty and uncomfortable.

She didn't dare to open her eyes. She could only close her eyes and bury her face in his chest.

She didn't know if the position they were standing in would be crushed by the collapsing rocks in the next second.

Just as she was thinking about this, the wall beside them began to collapse. In the darkness, many rocks fell on them.

"Ah!" She was startled, because there was nowhere to hide, so she subconsciously grabbed his clothes.

The man she grabbed, however, held her even tighter, then turned her body around, facing the position that was safe at the moment, while his back blocked the stones for her.

She could even feel stone after stone slamming into his back.

He grunted, his body trembling from the blow, but he said nothing.

Tang Xiaowei's tears immediately welled up in her eyes.

He actually...

Actually protected her like this!

If he had not been quick and willing to step out to block the rocks, she would have been the one who had been hit by them.

She had only felt that his overbearing, arrogant, and shameless attempts to imprison her were merely toying with her.

However, if he had only been toying with her, he would not have risked his life to save her like this.

Because at that moment, if he had not saved her, she might not have survived. However, he had given his life force to her and blocked the rocks.

"You were hit by the rocks. What should we do? Will we really die here?" She hugged him tightly. At that moment, she did not need him to answer anything. She knew that he definitely had her in his heart.

Whether it was love or affection...?

He was willing to risk his life to save her and protect her. This was the only sincerity he had. No one else would give it easily.

But this overbearing man gave it silently.

She was so moved that tears flowed down her face and wet his shirt.

Her heart throbbed with pain.

"Don't worry. Close Your eyes and hug me tightly. I won't let anything happen to you." His voice and eyes changed slightly. He was no longer as relaxed as before, but was suppressing something.

She didn't need to think too much. It must be because his back was injured from the impact, and it was very painful.

She felt even worse.

"Why are you crying?" Huangfu Qiye felt that something was wrong with her. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain on his back and the stones that kept falling down, protecting the petite girl under his wings.

"You're already like this, and you still want to say that you don't like me?" She sobbed.

"Do you like that I like you?" Huangfu Qiye could not free his hands to touch her face. He could only suppress the impulse in his heart and speak as gently as possible.

"Then did you really find another woman that day?" She suddenly asked a topic that caught him off guard.

"That day? Find another woman? When did this happen?" He clearly could not remember.

"It was that day. After you argued with me, you said that you did not lack women and then left." She cried even harder.

"Silly. If I said that it was just anger, would you be satisfied if I only had you as my woman from the beginning to the end?" He lowered his head and planted a kiss on her forehead, solemn and serious.