Chapter 159: Huangfu Yuner's entanglement

Then, he suddenly opened the car door, took off his coat, and looked at her. "I didn't prepare an umbrella. Come down and go back like this."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei could only get out of the car.

As soon as she got out of the car, she was embraced by him, and his coat covered her head, covering her whole body. The rain couldn't reach her at all.

However, he was wearing a sweater at the moment, and there were some transparent and sparkling water droplets on it.

He didn't care. Instead, he hugged her. As long as she wasn't drenched by the rain, it was fine. The two of them quickly walked over the lawn and headed towards the villa.

The villa staff had prepared an umbrella at this moment. The maid who was a step late was also shocked by their arrival. She forgot to send the umbrella out and only stood at the villa's entrance to watch.

At that moment, in another villa, Huangfu Yuner was standing on the balcony. She was wearing thick pajamas and had curly hair. When she saw Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei, who hadn't appeared for a few days, suddenly appear, they gave off such a sweet impression that she immediately became even more furious.

She walked back to her room hatefully and took out her cell phone to make a call. After the other party picked up, she immediately huffed and whined, "Grandfather, a woman appeared beside brother Ye. He cares about this woman very much and doesn't care about me at all. I don't care. Grandfather, you have to help me. I must marry brother Ye."

The person on the other side said something to her. When Huangfu Yuner heard this, her expression became a little better. Then, she smiled and replied, "Thank you, grandfather. I will be obedient and wait for grandfather to help Yuner."

Huangfu Yuner was extremely excited. As long as her grandfather helped her, brother Ye would definitely be hers.

She greeted the old man on the other end of the line and expressed her concern. Then, she hung up the phone and excitedly started to put on her makeup.


Huangfu Qiye carried Tang Xiaowei back to the entrance of the villa. Only then did he take down the coat that covered her from the rain.

There was a thick layer of water on the coat.

He was afraid that she would get wet and sick. After all, she was still pregnant.

Even if she wasn't pregnant, he couldn't bear to let her get wet.

However, after taking off his coat, he was still worried that she would catch a cold, so he gently instructed her, "Go back to your room and take a hot shower first."

Tang Xiaowei had just been carried by him domineeringly towards the villa.

Because it was raining outside and he was in a hurry to leave, she didn't have the chance to refuse.

Now that she had finally returned to the villa, it didn't rain here anymore.

Only then did she have the chance to raise her head to look at him. When she saw this, she was a little stunned.

At that moment, he was only wearing a sweater and long pants. His overcoat was wet and had been taken away by the maid.

She could see very clearly that his hair, the sweater he was wearing, and his pants were all wet.

So, he had just taken the clothes to cover her from the rain, but he himself had walked through the rain all the way.

Why did he do this?

He did this for her and did not care about himself.

She was moved by him once again.

However, his actions clearly showed that he liked her. Why was this man not willing to confess?

"Why are you standing there like a fool? Go upstairs and take a shower. Hurry up and be obedient." Seeing that she did not move but was distracted and thinking about something, Huangfu Qiye suddenly reached out and pinched her cheek.

She came back to her senses and patted his hand. "Got it."

She could not be bothered to interrogate him. Anyway, looking at his current appearance, he would not tell her at all. Since he said that he would tell her on the wedding day, she would reluctantly wait.

She turned around and went upstairs to the bathroom to take a hot shower.

Huangfu Qiye was very satisfied with her obedience. He did not want to catch a cold or get sick, and he knew that she was pregnant and could not be touched by him.

He was afraid that he could not control himself, so he went to the bathroom in the guest room to take a shower.


Huangfu Qiye was the first to come out of the shower.

After he came out, he returned to the bedroom where they lived. He found that she was still in the bathroom, so he went to the study to deal with work while waiting for her.

In the past few days, he had been seriously injured and could not deal with work, so he had piled up a lot of things that needed to be dealt with in a timely manner.

With this busy schedule, he was completely focused on his work.

However, he did not realize that his study door had been gently pushed aside by someone. A fiery red figure walked in gracefully.

Only when he felt that there was someone else's aura around him did Huangfu Qiye come back to his senses from his work.

When he turned around, he saw Huangfu Yuner, who was wearing a red one-piece dress and wearing exquisite makeup, standing two meters away from him.

His face immediately darkened and he shouted sternly, "Who let you in? Get out!"

When Huangfu Yuner heard this, she did not explain who let her in. She put on a pitiful look and said, "Brother Ye, do you know that you've suddenly disappeared for a few days? I was so worried about you. How can you be so fierce to me?"

"I remember that I told you to get out a few days ago. Why are you still here?" Huangfu Qiye had not returned for a few days, so he had thought of Huangfu Yuner. When he saw her now, he remembered that he had asked someone to chase Huangfu Yuner away a few days ago.

Who would have thought that he would see this woman again?

Moreover, this woman was actually bold enough to barge into his study. She was really courting death!

He stood up and shouted sternly, "Yuan Qi, come in and throw this woman out! How did you guard the door? You actually let her in."

"Brother Ye, don't make things difficult for Yuan Qi and the others. It was grandfather who asked them to let me in. I only came in because I was worried about you. Don't be angry, okay?" Huangfu Yuner was shocked by Huangfu Qiye's sudden anger. But soon, she started to explain, and she looked like she was about to cry. "I'm worried about you because I like you. How can you always hurt my heart like this?"

"Get out!" Huangfu Qiye grabbed a book next to him and smacked it on Huangfu Yuner's head.

He really wanted to kill this woman.

But now was not the time.

He was preparing for his wedding with Tang Xiaowei. If he suddenly killed Huangfu Yuner, the old man would come to find trouble with him.

Although he was not afraid that the old man would come looking for trouble with him after Huangfu Yuner died, he did not want any accidents to happen before his wedding with Tang Xiaowei.

There were some things that could be endured for a few days.

Although Huangfu Yuner was hit on the head by a book and was in some pain, she still gritted her teeth and endured it. She was still unwilling to leave. She even leaned toward Huangfu Qiye with all her strength. "Brother Ye, you can hit me however you want, but I won't leave. I even personally made porridge for you that you like. I just saw you get caught in the rain and was afraid that you would catch a cold. Don't be angry. I'll bring my porridge over and after you can eat it. I'll..."