Chapter 158: Good Morning

"What did you say?' 'However, when he heard that she suddenly got angry and denied that she didn't like him, Huangfu Qiye's good mood and good expression instantly disappeared without a trace.

His face was gloomy, and his entire body was filled with coldness as he stared at her coldly.

"You want to hear it a second time?" Her tone was somewhat mocking. "Why do you like to hear everything a few more times? Then, do you know that I have to say everything a few more times if I don't like it?"

Her meaning was very clear, and she didn't want to say it again.

Including liking him.

Or saying that she didn't like him in a moment of anger.

She wouldn't say it again.

Huangfu Qiye just stared at her coldly.

He knew very well that she was just angry and spouting nonsense.

Because last night, when she didn't know that he was outside the ward, she had told her own good friend that she liked him.

But now she suddenly denied liking him. She was probably still angry that he wouldn't confess.

However, he was still a little angry and a little uncomfortable.

"Be obedient and go out for breakfast. We will get married in three days. When that time comes, I will give you the answer you want," he said in a deep voice. After saying that, he gave her a dark look and then walked out.

Soon after, a very soft sound came from the ward door, indicating that he had opened the door and closed it.

Tang Xiaowei was initially stunned for a long time before she slowly came back to her senses.

Just now, what did he say?

To her surprise, he did not get angry and beat her or punish her because of her loud roar.

Instead, he said that he would give her the answer she wanted on the day of the wedding three days later?

The answer she wanted? What answer?

Could it be...?

The confession she wanted from him?

But would he really confess?

If he would, why did he have to choose the day of the wedding?

And not now?


The next day, Tang Xiaowei woke up and found Huangfu Qiye in her ward again.

But before she could question him, he stood up and told her in a low voice, "The discharge procedures have been completed. You will be discharged today and go back."

"Back? To the winery?" She was stunned. She wanted to know whether she should go back to the winery or go back home directly.

Indeed, she didn't want to stay in the hospital every day. Anyway, the stitches on her head had been removed, so she was almost healed.

"Back to the winery," Huangfu Qiye said. He started to take off his clothes and put on the folded clothes at the side.

Therefore, an hour later.

Tang Xiaowei changed her clothes and was stuffed into the car to sit with Huangfu Qiye.

However, he was a little busy. He put a computer on his lap and was busy with work.

As for her, she was taking small bites of the cake that he had just stuffed into her mouth.

At that moment, he didn't look as pathetic as when he was hurt by a rock the other day. Instead, he looked as if he had never been injured before.

Although his injury hadn't completely healed, it was more than half healed.

Now that he had changed into a formal suit, his entire temperament was different.

"Am I more attractive than the cake?" He suddenly turned around and looked at her with a smile on his lips.

Tang Xiaowei finally came back to her senses. She had actually lost her focus when she saw him staring at her.

She hurriedly turned her head away and took another bite of the cake. Her tone sounded as if she was trying her best to avoid it. " is that possible? Aren't you being too narcissistic?"

"Since you're not attracted to me, why do you keep staring?" He put down the computer and kept staring at her, his eyes full of indulgence. "Don't you know that I'm working? It's really easy for me to be distracted when you're staring at me like that."

"Don't...don't say it. I won't look, okay?" Her face turned red from his words. With him staring at her like that, she wanted to find a place to hide.

Damn it.

She had only stared at him for a short while, but she was caught by him.

"I don't think I've eaten breakfast yet." Huangfu Qiye put the computer aside and reached out with his big hand to hold her hand. The next second, he pulled her hand over, and the cake in her hand was sent into his mouth. He took a bite of it without her being able to stop him.

Moreover, he took a bite of the place where she had just taken a bite.

It was really...too...much!

Her hand went soft, and the cake loosened. She stuttered, "Since you like it...then I'll let you eat it. "

"Don't let go." He held her hand even tighter so that the cake didn't fall out.

Then, he looked at her wickedly and smiled, "I like you feeding me."

"How can this be considered as me feeding you? You forced me to do it," she retorted, but her heart was filled with a sweet feeling from his gaze.

This kind of feeling could not be blocked.

"Then in the future, you have to take the initiative to feed me so that I won't force you, hmm?" He finished all the cake in her hand, then took out a tissue to wipe her hand, then her lips, and then his own lips.

Tang Xiaowei thought that he would let her go after he wiped her hand.

But he didn't.

He also wiped her mouth. After that, just when she thought that he should let her go, after he wiped his mouth, he suddenly went over and kissed her.

Her whole body suddenly stiffened.

Huangfu Qiye was very satisfied that she didn't struggle and resist. A smile appeared on his handsome face, and he closed his eyes slightly. After he was satisfied with the good morning benefits, he let go of her.

"There's still some time before we reach the winery. You can continue to eat, or you can rest for a while. I still have things to do. Be good, okay?" After he let go of her, he reached out and caressed her cheeks, which had turned red from his kiss. Then, he let go of her hand, turned around, and took the computer, continuing with his work.

Tang Xiaowei did not regain her senses for a long time.

When she came back to her senses, he was focused on his work. She could only glare at him a few times, then took the cake again and took a few rough bites.

Damn it, it was really too much.

He had actually kissed her so suddenly. Why did he always like to do this recently?

Although she didn't hate that feeling, she was really used to it, especially since he hadn't confessed yet. She still didn't feel safe, so she really couldn't enjoy this kind of kiss.

Until she returned to the entrance of the winery, he was still dealing with work and didn't tease her anymore.

And because of what happened before, she didn't want to talk to him at all.

The weather today wasn't very good. It had been gloomy and miserable all morning. When she got out of the car at the winery, it was already drizzling outside.

Tang Xiaowei saw the car stop. Because it was raining outside, she did not get out immediately. Instead, she wanted to ask if the person in the car had prepared an umbrella.

However, the man next to her immediately noticed from the bodyguard's questioning gaze that the car did not have an umbrella.

His gaze darkened slightly, but he did not say anything. He put down the computer, got out of the car, walked into the rain, and went around to Tang Xiaowei's side.