Chapter 161: She wants to jump off a building

Apart from this, the grandfather that Huangfu Yuner mentioned also made Tang Xiaowei worried.

The grandfather that Huangfu Yuner mentioned seemed to have promised to help Huangfu Yuner marry Huangfu Qiye and was helping them prepare for their wedding.

In that case, Huangfu Qiye wouldn't confess to her.

Was it because he had feelings for Huangfu Yuner that he wanted to wait for Huangfu Yuner to marry him?

Then who would marry whom three days later?

Tang Xiaowei wiped away her tears, which flowed out again. She suddenly wanted to leave this place.

If Huangfu Qiye wanted to think about someone else, he could just tell her directly?

Although she liked him, she wouldn't pester him. Was it necessary for him to keep her like this and seduce other women at the same time?

Other women didn't mind, but she did mind a lot!

"Tang Xiaowei, I told you to open the door. Didn't you hear me?"

"If you don't open the door, I'll get someone to come over and dismantle it!"

"Okay, then you stay away from me. I'll get someone to tear the door down immediately."

He shouted outside for a long time but didn't get a response from her. He was very worried that she would do something stupid inside.

So he started to threaten her, but it was obviously useless.

He could only turn around and he really planned to get someone to tear the door down.

A few minutes later, he dragged Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan, who had just put Huangfu Yuner out of the villa, downstairs.

He didn't have time to punish these two disobedient bodyguards. Huangfu Qiye ordered coldly, "Tear the door down. I'll give you one minute."

Yuan Shan and Yuan Qi had no choice but to stay downstairs and let Huangfu Yuner come up. They had just seen Huangfu Yuner leave with blood all over her face.

Now that the young master was so angry and wanted to remove the bedroom door, something must have happened.

Therefore, the two of them quickly made their move with the intention of atoning for their mistakes. Therefore, a minute later, a good door was removed.

After the door was removed, Huangfu Qiye pushed the two of them aside and rushed in immediately.

However, there was no one in the bedroom. There was no sign of Tang Xiaowei at all.

He had clearly seen her run into this bedroom. Why was she not there now?

Then, where did she go?

His gaze quickly locked onto the direction of the bathroom.

He quickly strode over.

The bathroom door was locked from the inside.

This meant that his guess was right. She heard that the door was about to be removed, so she hid behind another door.

He remembered that on the way back, in the car, she had been very obedient and stopped pursuing her confession. This made him sigh in relief.

He was also in a particularly good mood.

It was just that, after Huangfu Yuner, that damnable woman, appeared, she had messed up the relationship between him and Tang Xiaowei to such an extent.

When he and Tang Xiaowei got married, he had to deal with Huangfu Yuner first, so that there would be no future trouble.

He began to knock on the door. "I know you're hiding in the bathroom. Be Oobedient and open the door for me. There's really nothing between me and that woman. If you don't believe me, come and check."

"I took off my clothes for you to check. My body was not touched by her. She just touched my clothes just now."

"Although I am very happy that you care about me so much, I really did not betray you. You are not allowed to lock yourself up like this again, do you hear me?"

"Tang Xiaowei, did you hear what I said?"

"Tang Xiaowei, do you want me to remove the bathroom door as well? Are you satisfied only when you have nowhere to hide?"

He was not a patient person to begin with, and he was used to being overbearing and arrogant. Other than being gentle to her and willing to put in effort, he did not look at anyone else.

Of course, his grandmother was also an exception.

However, he had been trying to persuade her for so long, but she was still unmoved. He was a little displeased.

"Stop talking and don't open the door again. If you dare to open the door, I'll jump out of the window." Tang Xiaowei's voice finally came from the bathroom.

"What did you say?'' His expression immediately changed when he heard her.

Damn it.

She had not spoken for so long, but she suddenly threatened him. She wanted to jump off the building.

At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to grab her into his arms and spank her butt.

This disobedient little woman.

She did not listen to his explanation at all. She was obviously still angry.

For the first time, he felt that it was so difficult and impossible to coax a woman.

"I said, if you dare to open the door again, I will jump out of the window. Also, I am now asking you to send me back home immediately. Otherwise, I will also jump down. I will give you five minutes to consider. If you are done, immediately prepare the car to send me away." At that moment, Tang Xiaowei was already sitting on the bathroom window. Her face was pale as she threatened the man outside the bathroom.

There was no balcony outside the bathroom window. If she opened it, there would be a lawn outside. However, because the building here was very tall, she sat on the window and looked down. There was still some distance to the ground.

Even if she didn't die from the fall, the child in her stomach would definitely be gone.

She didn't want to kill this child. She just wanted to threaten him.

He would definitely care about this child and send her away.

She really didn't want to stay by his side anymore. She was afraid, afraid that this man with flowery words and deep thoughts would continue to stay by her side.

"Are you threatening me?" Huangfu Qiye was silent for a few seconds before he shouted into the bathroom.

Although there was a door between them, she could still feel his anger.

Because Tang Xiaowei was sitting on the balcony, some of her body was drenched by the rain.

She endured it and calmly replied, "You still have four minutes to consider."

"Tang Xiaowei, don't test my patience!" Huangfu Qiye suddenly punched the bathroom door, making a loud noise.

Tang Xiaowei, who was sitting on the balcony, was shocked. She almost lost her balance and almost fell down.

She gripped the wall beside her tightly, afraid that she would really fall down.

She didn't really want to jump down, she just wanted to threaten him.

"Do you still not want to agree? Or do you not care about this child at all, so you don't mind me jumping down the stairs with this child in four minutes?" She spoke again. Her tone was so calm that it was as if this child wasn't hers.

Therefore, outside the door, this time, Huangfu Qiye was silent for a long, long time. He didn't respond to her.

After she felt that something was wrong, she spoke again, "Huangfu Qiye, are you still there? Did you promise me?"

Outside the bathroom door, there was still no sound.

She felt that something was very wrong, but she couldn't figure out what was wrong.

The only strange thing was that he was so angry just a moment ago. Why was there suddenly no sound?

But the sound of rain was all around her ears. She had been so angry and anxious that she had not noticed whether he was still outside the bathroom door or had already left.