Chapter 162: "Who do I want to marry? Who Dares to say anything? "

After all, she did not hear the sound of his footsteps leaving.

Moreover, if he wanted to leave, based on his angry look just now, he would definitely shout a few words.

However, he did not say anything and did not react at all.

She looked in the direction of the door and called out tentatively, "Huangfu Qiye, are you still there?"

"What do you think?" Suddenly, he answered her.

However, his voice came from behind her, and there was a heavy panting in his voice.

She was shocked and almost fell down.

Fortunately, he was quick-witted and hugged her. Then, the two of them rolled down from the window onto the bathroom carpet.

He tried his best to protect her by pulling her onto him and the carpet because she was pregnant. He did not dare to be careless. He was afraid of hurting the child and also afraid of hurting her.

Outside the window, it was still raining. The ladder that he had just climbed up was now taken away by the bodyguards.

Huangfu Qiye hugged the little woman who was lying on top of him. He held back his anger and asked, "Do you know what you just did?"

Tang Xiaowei heard him question her. She hurriedly got up and wanted to stay away from him.

"Of course I know what I did. But you, you don't seem to know what you did," she replied sarcastically.

Huangfu Qiye also sat up and pulled the little woman who was about to lose her temper back into his arms.

He held her face in both anger and helplessness. He explained word by word, "I told you, there's nothing going on between me and that woman. She threw herself at me. I didn't even have time to push her away when you came. If you don't believe me, we'll go check the surveillance cameras immediately. There are surveillance cameras in my study."

She was shocked by his overbearing explanation. Because her face was held in his hands, she couldn't look away and could only look into his black eyes.

Then, she wanted to shrink back from his gaze.

His gaze didn't look like he was lying at all, nor did it look like he was deliberately toying with her.

It was especially sincere.

She could not believe that he would appear so sincere if he was lying.

Her silence made Huangfu Qiye heave a sigh of relief.

He stood up and pulled her up as well. He pulled a clean towel from the side and forcefully wiped her hair. He gave her a warning that was not too gentle: "You just took a shower and did not even blow dry your hair, yet you have the guts to sit on the window and get caught in the rain. Do you want to catch a cold? Next time you're angry and want to threaten me, don't use such a method to hurt yourself anymore, hmm?"

Her hair was wiped by him until it looked like a mess of straw.

She pushed him away angrily and took a towel herself. She said in a muffled voice, "I don't need your help. Don't talk as if you're worried about me. Even if you can look at the surveillance camera and say that you have nothing to do with Huangfu Yuner, didn't Huangfu Yuner say that your grandfather is preparing a wedding for the both of you?"

Moreover, she hadn't even looked at the surveillance camera yet. Who knew if he was lying to her?

"What's there to worry about? Who do you think can control my affairs? Whoever I want to marry, who dares to say anything?" After he heard that, he snorted arrogantly.

It was obvious that if he did not agree to it, it would be impossible for others to ask him to do something.

And no one could control him.

Tang Xiaowei did not expect him to answer like that. Moreover, his expression was especially arrogant, making it impossible for others to refute him.

After he finished speaking, he did not wait for her to react. He pulled her out and said, "Go check the surveillance footage. If you don't, you will definitely think of ways to threaten me. I really don't want to live with that kind of fear anymore."

The fear he was referring to was the moment he heard her threatening him and saying that she wanted to jump off the building.

He was really scared at that time.

That was why he didn't care about anything else and ran to the window as fast as he could to climb up and stop her.

He really didn't want to bear such a thing a second time.

Therefore, he naturally wanted her to check the surveillance footage. That way, the misunderstanding in her heart would disappear, and she wouldn't suddenly do something dangerous behind his back.

He realized that although the woman he fell in love with looked like a little white rabbit, most of the time, she had a lot of tricks up her sleeve. Every time, she would hit him right in the heart, making him extremely nervous and caught off guard.

Tang Xiaowei was dragged by him to his study room.

Then, she looked at the surveillance footage.

As expected, she realized that she had misunderstood him.

He did not do anything behind her back with Huangfu Yuner. It was Huangfu Yuner who took advantage of his grandfather's call when he was not paying attention and threatened Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan not to come up. Then, Huangfu Yuner came up alone. She sneaked into Huangfu Qiye's study room and wanted to throw herself into his arms.

At that moment, Tang Xiaowei happened to open the study room door and saw that scene.

After it all had been explained by the surveillance camera, she finally felt better.

This incident happened less than half an hour ago, but it made her heart fall into hell and see the light again.

Tang Xiaowei stared blankly at the surveillance screen, unable to come back to her senses.

The man next to her saw that the misunderstanding had been resolved, but his little woman did not seem to be able to come back to her senses. He was instantly unhappy.

She should not be angry.

However, he wanted to be angry.

She was too impulsive just now. She didn't care about her own body and threatened him like that, which made him worried to death.

He had to properly discipline, educate, and teach her so that she wouldn't be allowed to do such things in the future.

His big hand caressed her face and slowly turned her face away from the screen, so that she could only look at him.

"Are you still angry?" His voice was low and deep, and it was hard to tell whether he was happy or angry.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned. Then, she realized that the anger in her heart had slowly disappeared because of these surveillance images.

Instead, she remembered how impulsive she had been and felt a little uncomfortable.

She wanted to push him away, but she suddenly didn't want to face him at this moment.

It was true. She seemed to have misunderstood him just now, and her reaction just now was too extreme. At that time, she was very angry, and her heart hurt. She even thought of using her child to threaten him.

Now that she thought about it, she felt that she was very impulsive.

If she really fell, but she lost her child because of such a misunderstanding and lost her life, then it was really not worth it.

"I'm suddenly a little tired and want to rest. Can you let go of me?" She wanted to step back a little, not wanting to be held by his face.

However, the man who had suffered because of her impulsiveness just now would not let her go so easily.

He suddenly lowered his head and kissed her tyrannically.

"Let go of you? You misunderstood me, threatened me, and even wanted to leave here without me. How should I settle the score with you, hmm?"

Now, it was his turn to be angry.

She could not struggle at all because his strength was too great.

In the end, she was so weak that she could only sit on his lap.

He sat on the chair and held her hand affectionately.