Chapter 163: He dotes on her so much that it's too late

He looked longingly at her pink cheeks.

He leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "If you weren't pregnant, I wouldn't have let you off so easily."

When she heard this, her face turned even redder, and she felt even more uncomfortable.

And most of Huangfu Qiye's anger had dissipated because of the earlier intimacy and her obedient appearance now.

"Next time if you're angry with me, don't hurt yourself. You can just hit me directly. I can wait for you to calm down, and then we can discuss things clearly." He stroked her hair and began to give her ideas.

He taught her what to do when she was angry with him in the future, as if he wasn't the one she had to deal with.

She didn't say anything, but only panted slightly.

He continued in a serious manner, "After today, we'll get married in two days. I can give you all of my trust, and you have to trust me completely."

When she heard this, her heart moved.

However, she still didn't say anything.

"So you have to believe me. I won't want another woman. I only want you. Your body is poisoned. After I touched it, I was poisoned. Other than you, I won't be interested in anyone else. Do you understand?" He had said something that wasn't clear if it was a confession or a love speech. His tone carried a touch of lingering gentleness.

Her heart jumped even more uncontrollably when she heard it.

At the same time, she felt her face turn red. What was he thinking when he said that her body was poisonous? It was really...

"Speak. Say that you will believe me." Seeing that she did not say anything, he shook her shoulders impatiently.

"It's not impossible for me to believe you. It depends on your performance in the future." She was no longer angry because of what had happened before. After all, it was just a misunderstanding. Now that she heard him speak so affectionately. Actually, her heart had softened a lot.

She really wanted to choose to believe him. However, she needed time to completely trust someone, and it was someone who had not confessed to her.

"Okay, I will definitely behave properly." Huangfu Qiye looked at her deeply and smiled meaningfully.

Tang Xiaowei did not notice his expression.

However, she began to think in her heart that she really should try to believe him.

After all, he had already done so much for her. It was just that he lacked a confession.

He had also mentioned that he would give her the answer she wanted on their wedding day. She suddenly felt a little excited and fell into deep thought.

While she was deep in thought, a certain someone suddenly turned his head and sneezed three times in a row.

Tang Xiaowei heard the sound and looked at him hurriedly. Her voice was filled with worry. "You have a cold?"

If he had a cold, it would definitely be because he had just been caught in the rain, and if he was caught in the rain, it would also be because he was shielding her from the rain. How could she not be worried?

"It might be." Huangfu Qiye had originally wanted to hug her again. He did not want to deal with the unfinished work.

However, he didn't want to infect her with the cold, so he suddenly put her down. He pinched her palm and comforted her, "Go back to your room and rest. If you're bored, watch TV."

"I'll call the doctor for you." She felt that he was more important now.

He had a cold, so how could she ignore him and go to rest instead.

"It's okay. Yuan Qi will call him. Be good and go back to your room to rest." His tone was no longer as gentle as before. Instead, it became serious.

He stood up and pulled her out of the study.

He held her hand and walked out of the study. After pushing her back into the bedroom, he warned her, "Rest well and don't run around. I'll come and see you when my cold is better."

"Alright, I understand." She knew that he was overbearing. Since he had given her such instructions, if she continued to persist, it would only waste time and prevent him from seeing the doctor as soon as possible, so she agreed.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye rub her head in satisfaction. Then, he resisted the urge to kiss her, closed the door, and left.

After he left, he couldn't help but sneeze a few more times, and his throat began to ache. It seemed that he really caught a cold.

That's right. He had just been caught in the rain, and he had even taken a shower. The wounds on his back were not completely healed, and it was possible that the wounds had already become infected, which was why he caught a cold.

However, he didn't want to tell Tang Xiaowei about these things.

She was a few years younger than him, and she had just been provoked by Huangfu Yuner today. He doted on her too much, so how could he tell her that he was not feeling well and make her worry.

Even though he really wanted her to worry about him and take care of him by his side.

However, it was better to forget about it this time.

He randomly found a bedroom and asked Yuan Qi to call the family doctor over.

After the doctor came over, he removed all the bandages on his back. Only then did he realize that the wounds that were almost healed were starting to become inflamed again.

His body was also starting to heat up. It was obvious that he had a high fever again.

When the doctor and Yuan Qi saw this, they were worried to death.

During this period of time, their young master had always been injured and sick. This was something that had never happened before.

The doctor carefully treated Huangfu Qiye's inflamed wound, applied medicine, bandaged it, and gave him an injection. Then, he said in a low voice, "Young master, your physical condition is not looking good now. However, as long as you recuperate well in the next few days and don't let your wound touch water, you will recover very quickly."

"Alright, I understand. All of you, get out." Huangfu Qiye said in a low voice. It was obvious that he did not want to be disturbed.

The doctor and Yuan Qi did not expect the young master to be so easy to talk to today. They were not yelled at, so they heaved a sigh of relief and left the study.

After they left, Huangfu Qiye let out a huge sigh of relief and took a deep breath.

Damn it.

The wound on his back had just been treated with medicine. It was really incredibly painful.

At that moment, he really wanted to hold Tang Xiaowei in his arms. Only she could make him forget the pain.

However, he could not help but sneeze again. He thought about whether he was willing to pass the cold to her, so he stopped this thought.

He closed his eyes to rest, but he could not fall asleep. He got up and went to the study room to continue with the unfinished business.

At that moment, his private phone suddenly rang.

His private phone happened to be in the study room. He walked over and picked up the phone on his desk. The name on the caller ID made him suddenly frown.

He just stared at the name on the phone and did not pick it up.

The phone rang for a while, and then he had to hang up.

At that moment, he realized that there were already a few missed calls on his phone, and all of them were from the previous number.

Just then, the phone that had just hung up rang again.

Huangfu Qiye frowned and finally picked up the call. His tone was distant and cold as he said, "Hello."

"You little brat, why haven't you picked up the phone for so long?" An angry reprimand came from the other end of the line. The voice clearly belonged to an elderly man.