Chapter 164: the letter of severing family ties

"Something came up just now. What's the matter, Mr. Huangfu Qiye?" Huangfu Qiye's voice was extremely cold, as if the person across from him was just a stranger.

Huangfu Haoming, who was on the other end of the phone, was even more furious when he heard this. "Huangfu Qiye, do you still think highly of an old man like me? Have you forgotten that you're my grandson? Is this how your grandmother taught you? She really didn't..."

"Shut up!" Huangfu Qiye suddenly roared. He said in a gloomy and sarcastic tone, "I think I broke off my relationship with Mr. Huangfu a year ago. Have you forgotten? We're just strangers now. What right do you have to tell me what to do? And what right do you have to mention my grandmother?"

"I'm your grandfather. How dare you disown me?" Huangfu Haoming became anxious when he heard this.

Huangfu Qiye sneered. "After you let grandma down, forced me to marry Huangfu Yuner, and set me up in my company, I don't think we have a relationship anymore. If you don't want to anger me, Mr. Huangfu, don't call me again. That way, I might remember that you're old and pitiful, so I'll give you some honour. In the future, when others mention you, I won't do anything to make you lose face. Otherwise, you should know what I'll do."

A year ago, Huangfu Qiye forced his grandfather to sign a letter of divorce with him.

From that moment on, this so-called grandfather no longer existed in his life.

However, this matter was only known to him and Huangfu Haoming.

For the sake of the Huangfu family's reputation, Huangfu Haoming begged him not to tell anyone about this matter. Therefore, in the eyes of others, Huangfu Qiye was already a very successful single diamond man. However, although many people thought that he was powerful, they still thought that he relied on the Huangfu family's inheritance.

However, many people didn't know that the Huangfu family had already split up.

And everything that Huangfu Qiye had in his hands was obtained by himself.

He now held most of the Huangfu family's assets in his hands. Huangfu Haoming was completely an empty shell. In the eyes of outsiders, he only had the title of his grandfather.

Moreover, Huangfu Haoming definitely didn't tell Huangfu Yuner about this matter. That was why Huangfu Yuner acted so arrogantly in front of Huangfu Qiye.

Without even thinking, Huangfu Qiye knew that the reason why this old man called him today was definitely because of the fact that he had just beaten Huangfu Yuner.

However, he sneered.

That woman, Huangfu Yuner, dared to harm his Tang Xiaowei. She was so sad that she shed tears. Today, he only beat Huangfu Yuner because he had no time. When he married Tang Xiaowei, he would definitely send Huangfu Yuner to hell.

Moreover, regarding this grandpa's favorite Huangfu Yuner, Huangfu Qiye suddenly recalled some past events. He coldly curled the corners of his lips and revealed a vengeful smile. This so-called grandfather had dealt with him many times in the past. Since that was the case, then there were some things that Huangfu Qiye couldn't be bothered to tell this old man.

He just needed to find a suitable time to tell the old man the truth about that matter and then see the old man's interesting expression.


Just thinking about that scene made Huangfu Qiye feel much more energetic.

In Huangfu Qiye's heart, there was actually a little contrary side to him. Moreover, he himself was overbearing and powerful, so anyone who offended him would not be easily forgiven and would not be let off.

Therefore, when his grandfather offended him, he snatched the entire company from his grandfather's hands and made the old man an empty shell. He even signed a letter of disconnection with the old man to punish the old man for some of the things he had done in the past. He even planted a bomb on the old man and would say it again in the future.

On the other side, Huangfu Haoming heard Huangfu Qiye talking to him so coldly. Although he no longer had any power and had severed his relationship with Huangfu Qiye, he was still a figure who had been the head of the Huangfu family for decades.

He held back his anger and let his voice show its authority. "Don't mention those things to me. I called you today because I have something else to ask you."

"Mr. Huangfu, I'm very busy right now. You'd better make an appointment with my secretary first. If I'm free, I'll talk to you." Huangfu Qiye guessed correctly. Huangfu Haoming must have called because of Huangfu Yuner. Therefore, he immediately sneered and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, he blacklisted the other party and turned off his phone. Then, he shouted impatiently to the outside, "Yuan Qi."

Yuan Qi did not expect his young master, who had just bandaged his wound, to suddenly call out to him when he clearly did not look angry. Furthermore, from the sound of his voice, it was obvious that he wanted to lose his temper. Yuan Qi pushed open the door of the study room in fear and walked in. "Young master, please give me your orders."

"Has that b*tch, Huangfu Yuner, left?"

Huangfu Qiye resisted the urge to kill her.

Yuan Qi did not expect his young master to suddenly ask this. He did not know whether Huangfu Yuner had left or not. Therefore, he was silent for a few seconds before he said, "I'm not sure, but I'll go over to check on the situation right away."

"There's no need to look. You go and keep an eye on her. Throw her and her people out directly. From now on, in my territory, no one from old man Huangfu's side is allowed to appear. Whoever appears, throw them out!" Huangfu Qiye reached out and pressed on his aching temples.

He had a high fever once again, and the wound on his back had not yet healed. He had just been angry, and now he was angry again. He felt very uncomfortable.

Yuan Qi saw his young master's anger and immediately agreed respectfully before leaving.

After leaving, Yuan Qi immediately led a group of people and charged straight towards the villa where Huangfu Yuner was currently staying.

Before Huangfu Yuner left, her nose had been hit by Huangfu Qiye and it was constantly bleeding. She was screaming in pain and was unwilling to move. She only asked someone to find a family doctor in the winery to treat her.

When Yuan Qi arrived, Huangfu Yuner was lying on the big bed in the bedroom. There was a group of people surrounding her, but everyone was watching her carefully as they distanced themselves from her. Only the nanny Lin and the doctor who took care of her dared to approach her.

This was because if anyone else approached her, they would be grabbed, beaten, and kicked by her.

Even if she was in pain, she wanted someone else to accompany her.

Since she was so arrogant and willful, no one dared to say anything, so it was best not to approach her so easily.

Yuan Qi watched them coldly from the side. As soon as he entered the door, he wanted to tell them to scram. However, he did not expect Huangfu Yuner to see Yuan Qi coming over. She immediately struggled to sit up. She said, especially arrogantly, "Did brother Ye learn his mistake after being taught a lesson by grandfather just now, so he asked you to come and fetch me to his villa. Let me tell you this, lackey, I'm in great pain now. If you want to pick me up, your young master must come and carry me personally. Moreover, I want Tang Xiaowei to kneel in front of me and let brother Ye knock her nose out."