Chapter 171: The delay of the wedding

However, she had just walked to his side. Before she could speak, he suddenly strode over and hugged her.

He hugged her for a few seconds before pushing her away. He grabbed her shoulders with both hands and lowered his head as he said seriously, "I have an urgent matter that requires me to leave for a period of time. You wait for me here, understand?"

"What urgent matter is it? Where are you going to deal with it?" She felt that there was something really wrong with his current appearance. It was as if he was extremely depressed. She did not know what he was suppressing.

He did not explain. He only kissed her lips. "Remember not to run around. I'll tell you when I return."

After that, he left immediately without waiting for her reaction.

Many of Yuan Qi's bodyguards in the villa also left with him.

She did not react for a long time. When she came back to her senses and ran to the door, she realized that he had already gotten into the car. The car left quickly.

She only saw the back of the car leaving quickly. She did not even see his back.

She did not know why, but her heart suddenly panicked. At the same time, she began to worry.

It was as if something was about to be lost.

She had a very bad premonition. It was as if once he left, she and he would never see each other again.

However, she also felt that she was imagining things. He said that he would let her wait here for him to come back. As long as she did not leave and nothing happened to him outside, how could they not be able to meet?

However, why did he leave in such an emergency? Was there really no danger in this matter?

She was extremely worried, but it was impossible for her to chase after him. She only looked around the villa and realized that Yuan Shan had not left. She hurriedly walked towards Yuan Shan and grabbed her hand. "What happened to your young master? Why did he suddenly leave?"

Yuan Shan heard this but she did not know. She could only shake her head. "Miss Tang, I'm not sure either. However, young master left so suddenly and urgently, and he even took Yuan Qi with him. I think something urgent must have happened. Don't worry, young master has settled the matter. He will definitely call back to tell you."

"You really don't know what he left for?" Tang Xiaowei was still a little unbelieving.

She had just asked Huangfu Qiye, but he was so anxious that he didn't have time to tell her.

Yuan Shan still shook her head. "I'm sorry, Miss Tang. I really don't know."

"Alright, I got it." Tang Xiaowei returned to the dining room in disappointment.

She had lost her appetite, but she didn't want to starve herself and the child in her stomach, so she still ate some breakfast.

After that, she returned to the bedroom and was in a daze.

Her mood was inexplicably bad.

She always felt that the way Huangfu Qiye looked before he left was probably the last way she would see him.

She didn't know why she had such a premonition. Such a terrifying premonition made her heart clench and hurt endlessly.

She could not stop herself from thinking this way because her entire brain was not under her control.

She stayed in this uncomfortable state for a whole day until the next day, when she finally received a call from Huangfu Qiye.

However, he did not explain why he left over the phone. He was only silent for a moment. Then, he told her, "Xiaowei, I'm sorry. The wedding may be delayed for a period of time. I can't go back now. It's not safe for you to stay in France forever. Let Yuan Shan send you back home. You wait for me back there. Do you understand?"

"Okay. I'll agree to the delay of the wedding and if you ask me to go back, but when can you come back?" She had been worried for a whole day yesterday. Now that she finally heard his voice, the worry in her heart finally lessened.

"The time is still uncertain. I'll try my best to go back to accompany you as soon as possible. Good girl, I'm very busy here now. I'll call you in two days." He was really busy, so after saying that, he directly hung up the phone.

Tang Xiaowei now didn't expect him to confess on the wedding day, nor was she angry because he said the wedding was delayed.

She only hoped that he would return safely.

Therefore, she listened to him and waited for Yuan Shan and the maid to help pack her luggage. Yuan Shan brought a few bodyguards and sent her back to her country.

Back at the forest manor, she had never had a good impression of this place except for wanting to escape.

However, because of the change in her relationship with Huangfu Qiye this time, her attitude had also changed. She no longer felt disgusted by this place. Instead, she felt that the scenery here was very good and the environment was so good that it was especially suitable for her to stay until she retired.

However, she stayed here for a few days. Until the scabs on her head had all healed, she did not receive another call from Huangfu Qiye.

Ever since that day when he called to tell her that the wedding was delayed and that he would be back for a long time, he had never called her again.

When she asked Yuan Shan, Yuan Shan did not receive any calls. She also did not know what Huangfu Qiye had done after leaving for so long.

Tang Xiaowei was worried and anxious, so she could only helplessly continue to wait.

However, she had to wait in the manor every day, bored. She would also feel uncomfortable if she waited for too long.

Therefore, she asked Yuan Shan to prepare a car and then went down from the mountain. She planned to visit her mother in the hospital.

During this period of time, she had been thinking about the matter between her and Huangfu Qiye. Moreover, she had gone abroad for a few days, so she had not visited her mother in the hospital for a long time.

However, when Yuan Shan knew that she was going to visit her mother, Yuan Shan immediately remembered that her young master seemed to have put Miss Tang's parents under house arrest. It seemed that young master did not allow them to casually tell Miss Tang about that location.

However, after Miss Tang went to the hospital, she would know that her parents were not in the hospital. What should she do?

Yuan Shan sat in the passenger seat and thought for a while. In the end, she had to confess when she was still some distance away from the hospital. "Miss Tang, your mother's illness currently requires her to recuperate. So, in order to allow your mother to enjoy better treatment, young master did not tell you before and directly sent people to bring your parents to a villa under his name to recuperate. Now, they are not in the hospital."

"When did this happen? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Tang Xiaowei was stunned when she heard that.

Although she knew that Huangfu Qiye wouldn't harm her parents, he didn't tell her. He was completely hiding it from her.

It felt uncomfortable for something important to be hidden by the person she loved.

She frowned slightly.

Yuan Shan became worried when she saw this. She was afraid that Tang Xiaowei would get angry, so she quickly found an excuse to help her young master explain. "Young master is probably worried that you wouldn't agree, so he did this. However, young master is doing this for Miss Tang's own good."

Since Yuan Shan said that Huangfu Qiye had done this before, Tang Xiaowei quickly figured it out.