Chapter 170: "Young Master, something big has happened. "

She sat beside him and applied medicine and bandaged him. Soon, half an hour later, she let out a breath. "Alright, hurry up and get up. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I'm starving to death."

"You go down and eat breakfast first. I'll go down after I wash." The man had just enjoyed her applying medicine and bandaging him. Now that he thought about it, he realized that his body was still a little numb

When he heard that she was hungry again, he didn't want his somewhat heavy body to press down on her, so he could only find an excuse to send her off first.

Tang Xiaowei didn't doubt him. She nodded and walked out.

After she walked out, Huangfu Qiye gritted his teeth and propped himself on the bed with both hands, getting up with difficulty.

However, Tang Xiaowei, who had just left, suddenly turned around and walked back.

When she came back, she saw his difficult and slightly stiff posture. She immediately felt that it wasn't right, so she hurriedly ran over to support him. "Did you sleep until your body is numb? Why didn't you tell me just now?"

Huangfu Qiye's expression was not very good. It was dark and red. He was completely embarrassed.

With her help, he finally sat up. However, he looked at her somewhat stubbornly. "Didn't I tell you to go down and eat something first?"

She had clearly left and he had just woken up. Why did she suddenly come back?

"Oh, I suddenly remembered that I haven't asked you what you want to eat, so I came back to ask you. I plan to get someone to prepare the things you want to eat before you go down," she explained with a serious expression. After she finished speaking, she thought of his actions just now. As well as his somewhat awkward look, she suddenly understood and couldn't help but want to laugh.

"You deliberately sent me away just now, didn't you? Do you feel embarrassed that you can't get up?" She guessed it, but she was unwilling to let him go. She even said it on purpose and winked at him. She smiled very happily and comforted him, "What's there to be embarrassed about? Didn't you say that we're about to get married? Since we're about to get married, just tell me directly when you need me. I won't let you go and leave you alone, and I won't laugh at you."

"You can shut up now." Huangfu Qiye's face turned even uglier when this little woman guessed his thoughts.

"Are you angry?" His sudden change of expression didn't scare Tang Xiaowei.

Because she knew that she had guessed right. This man was indeed embarrassed just now.

She felt very happy. She didn't expect that such an overbearing person like him would be embarrassed at times.

"If you keep laughing, I'll make you unable to get out of bed today!" Seeing that she was still smiling with great interest, he was sure that she was laughing at him, so he didn't threaten her. Wouldn't his prestige be trampled down by her?

They had just gotten along well for a day, and she was bold enough to start laughing at him. In the future, when they got married, she would ride on his head.

"Didn't you say that you won't do anything to me if I'm pregnant?" She didn't believe that he would do anything to her, so she was completely fearless.

"I can use other methods to make it so that you can't get out of bed. Are you sure you want to try?'' Huangfu Qiye's body was no longer numb after sitting for a while. He suddenly stood up and his tall body stood in front of her, immediately suppressing her imposing manner.

She immediately panicked.

At the same time, she began to regret how she could provoke him when his body was not in good shape. Even if his body was not in good shape, his fighting strength was still very powerful.

If he really wanted to do anything to her, she could only bear it.

She hurriedly stepped back and revealed a flattering smile. "I was just joking just now. Don't be angry. Since you're already up, quickly go and wash. I'm starving to death so I'll go down and eat first."

She retreated to the side of the bed and jumped down, wanting to leave.

However, Huangfu Qiye quickly grabbed her arm and stared down at her from above. The slight anger in his black eyes was still not gone.

"You want to run after provoking me?"

"I didn't provoke you. I'm just worried about you." She was very nervous under his gaze.

She was right. She was just worried about him.

She did indeed think that he would feel awkward just now, so she smiled at him a little.

Could it be that he was really so stingy that he was going to get angry?

"Look at you, you're so scared." He helplessly reached out and pinched her cheek.

He had originally wanted to teach her a lesson and not allow her to laugh at him so casually in the future. But seeing that she seemed to be a little scared, he couldn't bear to part with her. "Forget it, you can go down and eat first."

He let go of her, then turned around and went to the bathroom.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief. She thought that he wouldn't let her go and would do something to her.

She hurriedly shook her head. Why did she have such wild thoughts? He was already injured, why did she still have to think about those things that made her blush and her heart beat faster.

Ahhhh, she was really going crazy.

She hurriedly ran out of the bedroom and went downstairs.

As for Huangfu Qiye, who had entered the bathroom, he was originally in a good mood. He washed up while thinking about the wedding the day after tomorrow.

However, very soon, there was a knock on the bedroom door, but he did not hear it. After that, Yuan Qi, who knocked on the door, did not worry too much. He knew that his young master was still in the bedroom, so he boldly walked in. Then, he realized that there was no one in the bedroom. However, the bathroom door was closed.

Yuan Qi started knocking on the bathroom door and shouted anxiously, "Young master, something big has happened. Are you in the bathroom?"

Huangfu Qiye recovered from his thoughts.

Something big must have happened that Yuan Qi dared to barge into his bedroom and knock on the bathroom door.

He picked up a towel and wiped the water off his face. He opened the bathroom door and asked in a deep voice, "What's so urgent?"

Yuan Qi hurriedly handed the phone that he had been holding to Huangfu Qiye. "Young master, the old madam called. She said that her condition has become more serious. She wants you to hurry over."

Huangfu Qiye took the phone. His expression was frighteningly gloomy and his eyes were filled with sadness.

After answering the call for a while, he did not say anything. He only heard the person opposite him clearly explain the entire situation. He did not have time to think about it and immediately walked into the cloakroom. He casually picked up a set of clothes and put them on before running out of the bedroom with a gloomy face.

Yuan Qi followed behind him.


Not long after Tang Xiaowei went downstairs, before the breakfast prepared by the maid could be served, she suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming from upstairs.

Then, Huangfu Qiye, who was already wearing a black suit and holding a coat, came downstairs.

She was stunned.

He looked like he was going out today.

Moreover, his expression was very strange, as if it was particularly gloomy.

She felt very worried, but she still walked in his direction, wanting to ask him something.