Chapter 182: Painful torture

Her stomach was still cramping, but she really didn't have the strength to get up.

She really wanted to pick up the phone and ask Yuyan to bring someone to pick her up.

However, her cell phone kept ringing. She wanted to reach out her hand, but she couldn't do it no matter how hard she tried.

"Yo, who called you? Do you want to pick up the phone?" Suddenly, a female voice full of malice sounded.

Then, a figure ran over, and Tang Xiaowei's bag was immediately snatched away.

"Put down my bag." Tang Xiaowei looked over and only saw the figure of Huangfu Yuner. She didn't seem to be wearing anything, and the bathrobe from earlier was gone.

That's right, she was in that room with Huangfu Qiye just now. It wasn't a child playing games, so how could she still be wearing clothes.

Tang Xiaowei felt that it was very ironic, and she also felt disgusted. At the same time, this damn heart was actually throbbing in pain.

She was so angry that she wanted to punch herself. The situation was already like this, so why was she still in pain because of Huangfu Qiye?

That damn scumbag.

"Yuyan? Your friend?" Huangfu Yuner completely ignored Tang Xiaowei's shouting. She took out Tang Xiaowei's phone, took a look at it, and asked her back.

Tang Xiaowei ignored her and didn't say anything.

Huangfu Yuner held the phone and didn't pick up. She looked coldly at Tang Xiaowei's appearance.

Tang Xiaowei's current appearance was really pitiful.

There was blood all over her body. She happened to be wearing white pants, so the sight of her having a miscarriage was even more terrifying.

Moreover, her face was covered in tears. She squinted her eyes as if she could not see anything clearly. Her brows were tightly knitted together, as if she was enduring some kind of pain.

Huangfu Yuner looked at her for a few seconds, but she was still not satisfied.

She suddenly shouted, "Brother Ye, this woman is still awake even after having a miscarriage. I hate her. Come over and give her a beating. Hurry up."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei was shocked.

She had been tortured into such a state today. At that moment, she was in excruciating pain. She tried her best not to faint because there was too much pain in her heart. At the same time, there was too much hatred. This gave her some willpower to persevere. She wanted to leave this place and go to the hospital to check on her condition.

She was afraid that if she fainted, Huangfu Yuner and Huangfu Qiye would not send her to the hospital. If she continued to sleep in the hotel, her body would definitely have problems.

However, she did not expect that Huangfu Yuner would not want to let her off even though she was already in this state.

"Huangfu Yuner, are you crazy? Haven't you made me miserable enough?" Tang Xiaowei shouted.

Huangfu Yuner didn't say anything.

In the next moment, the man she called ran out. He was also naked. After the man came out, he walked toward Tang Xiaowei without asking anything. Then, he suddenly squatted down and gave Tang Xiaowei a hard slap.

Tang Xiaowei was already in so much pain that she couldn't bear it anymore.

The man was very strong. When this slap landed, she felt that her cheek was in so much pain that she lost consciousness. The next second, her vision turned black and she fainted completely.

After the man finished slapping Tang Xiaowei, he saw that she had fainted, so he stopped. He turned around and asked Huangfu Yuner, "Are you still going to hit her? "

Seeing this, Huangfu Yuner didn't want to kill Tang Xiaowei here, so she shook her head. Then, she walked back and put on her clothes. "I'm not going to hit her anymore. Let's go. Put on your clothes, and we'll leave this place. Anyway, she has nothing left to live for. She will be tortured more painfully in the future than she is now."

"Okay." The man stood up, put on his clothes with Huangfu Yuner, and then left quickly.

At the door of the room, Yuan Shan was still standing there.

Her eyes were still empty and lifeless.

Seeing that Huangfu Yuner and the others had come out, Yuan Shan followed closely behind.

The few of them quickly left the Golden Hotel and got into a car at the door of the hotel.


Tao Yuyan kept calling Tang Xiaowei.

However, no one answered the phone.

Although she suspected that Tang Xiaowei was very happy to see Huangfu Qiye, so they went to do something intimate.

But she quickly rejected this idea.

Because Tang Xiaowei was pregnant. If Huangfu Qiye really loved her like Tang Xiaowei said, he would not choose to touch Xiaowei at this time.

Therefore, feeling very uneasy, Tao Yuyan called more than a dozen times, but no one answered. Then, she took her wallet and anxiously went to go out to the Golden Hotel to find Tang Xiaowei.

As soon as she went out, there was a rush of footsteps behind her.

Soon, a familiar figure ran to her side. Tao Xian saw that her expression was not right and she was in a hurry to leave. He grabbed her hand and asked, "What's wrong? Are you going somewhere?"

Tao Yuyan wanted to shake off his hand, but she suddenly remembered that she was only a girl. If she rushed to the hotel alone to look for someone, she would definitely not be able to defeat others if she encountered anything.

However, Tao Xian was different. He was a boy and a taekwondo master. Bringing him along could help her.

For a moment, she was too lazy to care about what had happened before because she was more worried about Tang Xiaowei's safety now.

She did not shake off his hand. Instead, she explained what had happened before to him. Then, she said worriedly, "So, Xiaowei's phone has been disconnected. I'm very worried and want to go to the Golden Hotel to check out the situation."

"I'll go with you." Tao Xian knew that she was worried about her good friend, so he did not stop her.

Tao Yuyan told him these things because she agreed to let him go, so she nodded.

So, Tao Xian immediately drove the car over. At Tao Yuyan's request, he drove all the way to the Golden Hotel.

Because he was driving too fast, they arrived at the entrance of the Golden Hotel in less than 20 minutes.

At the reception desk in the lobby on the first floor, Tao Yuyan took out a photo and asked the receptionist if Tang Xiaowei had entered the hotel and where she was now.

The receptionist was not willing to reveal anything at first.

But under Tao Xian's coercion and enticement, it had to be said that she seemed to have seen the girl in the photo, which was Tang Xiaowei, going to the presidential suite in room 505.

Therefore, the front desk clerk was forced to take the room card and open room 505.

At first, although the front desk clerk was forced to open the door, she still felt that these people who had come to their hotel must be sued.

However, when the door to room 505 was opened and everyone smelled the strong smell of blood inside, the front desk clerk was dumbfounded, and Tao Yuyan was also dumbfounded. Tao Xian was only stunned for a few seconds and guessed that something must have happened inside.

He did not allow Tao Yuyan to enter, but walked in first.

As soon as he entered, he was shocked on the spot.

Although he and Tang Xiaowei were only classmates, and because Tang Xiaowei was Tao Yuyan's friend, Tang Xiaowei always said something to block him when she talked to him.

But he knew that Tang Xiaowei was a kind little girl.

However, he had just met Tang Xiaowei who was healthy and normal this morning. Why was she covered in blood and lying on the ground in a sorry state?