Chapter 183: She won't live more than two years after being poisoned

Judging from her appearance, it was unknown whether she was dead or alive.

However, judging from her blood-covered appearance, she must have been injured previously!


At that moment, a loud shout came from behind Tao Xian.

Tao Xian turned around with a dreamy expression. It was Tao Yuyan.

Tao Yuyan's face was pale and her entire body was trembling.

Meanwhile, behind Tao Yuyan, the receptionist girl was directly frightened by the scene in front of her and fainted.

Tao Yuyan was stunned, standing at the door, because there was the smell of blood in the room, but she still came in, in the end. However, she did not expect to see Tang Xiaowei like this.

She cried out loudly, and in the next second, tears flowed out of her eyes.

She ran in the direction of Tang Xiaowei like she had gone mad, squatted down and hugged Tang Xiaowei's body, crying loudly, "Xiaowei, what happened to you? What happened to you? Why did this happen?"

Tao Xian also came back to his senses.

He hurriedly took off his coat to cover Tang Xiaowei's lower abdomen, then carried Tang Xiaowei up and comforted the broken-down Tao Yuyan, "She's still breathing. Don't cry, we'll send her to the hospital immediately."

Tao Yuyan was scared out of her wits. Her heart ached terribly.

After hearing Tao Xian's words, she hurriedly stood up and nodded vigorously. "Yes, send Xiaowei to the hospital quickly. Hurry up."

Tao Xian couldn't care less about Tao Yuyan. After all, Tang Xiaowei's current situation was not optimistic, and Tang Xiaowei was Tao Yuyan's best friend. He had to send her to the hospital immediately.

The two of them ran out of the room. They couldn't care less about the receptionist who had just fainted from fright.

Tao Xian hugged Tang Xiaowei, and Tao Yuyan followed closely by his side. She couldn't stop crying.

They walked out of the elevator, and when they passed the lobby, many people were still shocked by their appearance and the blood stains on Tang Xiaowei's body.

Tao Xian gave the hotel a cold glance. There must be something wrong with today's incident. After he sent Tang Xiaowei to the hospital, he had to come back to investigate.

His car had just stopped outside. After the two of them came out, they immediately got into the car.

He drove crazily in front, while Tao Yuyan hugged the pale and weak Tang Xiaowei from behind.

Tao Yuyan kept crying, and her heart ached terribly.

If she had known that Xiaowei would get hurt today, she would have stopped her earlier.

However, Xiaowei was so happy at that time, saying that she could see Huangfu Qiye.

By the way, where was Huangfu Qiye?

Didn't Xiaowei say that she received a call from Huangfu Qiye's bodyguard, saying that Huangfu Qiye invited her over?

Why did she only see Xiaowei covered in blood, but not Huangfu Qiye?


Five hours later.

In the hospital.

Tang Xiaowei was still in the ICU.

After she was sent to the hospital, she was initially in the operating theater, but after the surgery was completed, she was transferred to the ICU.

The doctors had been busy inside, so Tao Xian and Tao Yuyan, who had sent her over, did not know what was going on with Tang Xiaowei at the moment.

Only three hours had passed.

The door of the ICU was opened. All the top gynecologists in the hospital that Tao Xian had found walked up to Tao Xian and said, "Mr. Tao Xian, the lady inside is not in a good condition."

"What do you mean? Why is Xiaowei not in a good condition?" Tao Yuyan sat beside Tao Xian and cried. It was not easy for her to calm down from the previous shock. Why did the doctor say that Xiaowei was not in a good condition the moment she came out?

The answer that Tao Yuyan wanted to hear was not like this.

Her good friend Xiaowei should have just had a miscarriage. How could she not be in a good condition?

When the doctor heard what she said, he looked at Tao Xian with even more difficulty.

Tao Xian held the emotionally unstable Tao Yuyan in his arms and patted her head to comfort her. Then, he reached out to call the assistant that he had just called over. As he had been working for his own company for a long time, he already had an assistant, and his identity had just been exposed. That was why he called all the top gynecologists in the hospital to save Tang Xiaowei.

He asked his assistant to watch over Tao Yuyan. Then, he comforted Tao Yuyan, "I know you're sad and worried, but I can promise you that no matter what happens to Tang Xiaowei, I will find someone to treat her. I won't let you lose this friend, understand?"

Tao Yuyan nodded. She trusted Tao Xian.

For example, just now, she brought Tao Xian to the Golden Hotel. It was because of him that she was able to see Xiaowei and then send her to the hospital.

Seeing her nod, Tao Xian was relieved. He told her not to run around and to wait for him here.

He then turned around and called the doctor, then went to the doctor's office.

When he reached the doctor's office, he closed the door and faced the doctors. He said, "Doctors, tell us what happened."

"Okay, Mr. Tao." One of the older doctors said seriously, "The young lady you sent here just now has miscarried. The reason why she miscarried was because someone injected a bacterial poison into her body. The reason why she miscarried was because the poison was too toxic. But now, not only did she miscarry the child, but her body is also in a very dangerous. condition."

"Bacterial poison?" Hearing this, Tao Xian frowned.

"Yes, we didn't find this kind of bacterial poison at the beginning, but later, we found from the instrument that this kind of micro-bacteria began to grow slowly in her blood and cells. And this kind of bacteria will grow more and more in her body until it finally absorbs all the functions and nutrients in her body. So we just found that her miscarriage was not the most terrible and serious result of the poisoning. Now, this lady's life is the most serious danger."

"So, doctor, you mean that she has been poisoned and her life may be in danger?" Tao Xian's frown deepened.

The doctor nodded. "That's right. If we don't detoxify her current condition, she will only live for two years at most, and that's just our guess."

"Then go detoxify her. Why are you still wasting time here?" Tao Xian began to worry.

He had just promised Tao Yuyan that he would get someone to save Tang Xiaowei, but he did not expect Tang Xiaowei to be injected with poison.

Who the f*ck was this? How could she be so vicious as to inject poison into Tang Xiaowei.

"Mr. Tao, we have never seen such a bacterial poison. We can't detoxify it at the moment, we can only study it. However, by the time we have finished studying it, or before we will have developed an antidote. That lady has already..." The few doctors were shocked by his roar. But they had no choice but to tell him the truth.

Tao Xian's eyes widened.

He looked at the few doctors in front of him in disbelief and then came to a realization. "Yes, you are only gynecologists. It's normal that you can't cure her poison."

He waved his hand unhappily. "Go and find the experts in your hospital. Let them take a look at the situation and get an antidote immediately."