Chapter 184: I want to kill the two of them with my own hands!

Seeing Tao Xian like this, the older doctor among the doctors felt a little uncomfortable. He took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Tao, I am an expert in this field in the hospital. However, because I have not been exposed to this kind of poison before, I really can't find an antidote at the moment..."

Tao Xian was about to go crazy.

He closed his eyes fiercely and then ignored the doctors. He pushed the door open fiercely and walked out.

As soon as he walked out, he walked towards Tao Yuyan.

Tao Yuyan saw him walking over and hurriedly went forward to greet him. She asked anxiously, "How is it? What did the doctor say?"

"It's nothing. The doctor said it's nothing." Tao Xian did not want to tell Tao Yuyan about Tang Xiaowei being poisoned and the fact that if Tang Xiaowei was not detoxified, she might not live for more than two years.

However, Tao Yuyan still felt that something was not right.

She grabbed the corner of Tao Xian's shirt and said with a choked voice, "Ah Xian, could it be that the doctors here can't treat Xiaowei? If that's the case, then we'll immediately find a better hospital, okay?"

"Alright, I'll immediately make arrangements. If the doctors in the country can't treat her, then we'll take her overseas. Even if we have to travel all over the world, I won't let you lose this friend of yours."

He didn't want Tao Yuyan to suffer, so Tang Xiaowei absolutely couldn't die!


When Tang Xiaowei woke up, it was already the second day.

Just as she opened her heavy eyelids, she heard a pleasantly surprised voice, "Xiaowei, you're awake? You're finally awake. Do you know how worried I was about you?"

Tang Xiaowei's heart was warmed by the sobbing voice.

She looked to the side and saw that it was indeed Tao Yuyan.

At that moment, Tao Yuyan was crying uncontrollably. She grabbed her hand tightly and sat on the chair beside the hospital bed. She looked very tired and her eyes were red. It was obvious that she had been crying for a long time.

Tang Xiaowei found that her body had recovered its strength and was no longer as weak as before at the hotel.

However, her body was still in some pain, so she did not move.

"Yuyan, why are you crying? Don't cry. Look, I'm fine." Tang Xiaowei tried to smile, but she found that it was very difficult for her to even smile.

"Xiaowei, what are you talking about? You were injured so badly yesterday, how can you say you're fine?" Tao Yuyan stopped her tears. She asked anxiously, "When we went to the hotel, you were the only one inside. Tell me quickly, who did this to you? Didn't you go to see Huangfu Qiye?"

At the mention of Huangfu Qiye, Tang Xiaowei's body suddenly stiffened.

Her face turned even paler. She gritted her teeth and endured the hatred in her heart. Only then did she reveal a desolate smile and said self-deprecatingly, "I did go to see him. He was also the one who injured me. By the way, Yuyan, is the child still there? It should be gone, right?"

Tao Yuyan felt as if she had been struck by lightning when she heard this.

She looked at Tang Xiaowei in disbelief and reached out to touch her ice-cold face. "Xiaowei, is what you said true? That Huangfu Qiye actually treated you like this?"

Tang Xiaowei's heart throbbed with pain. She closed her eyes and held back the tears that were about to flow out of her heart. She took a deep breath and said, "Yuyan, I will have nothing to do with him anymore. If we meet again in the future, he will be my enemy. I will definitely kill him for revenge!"

"Xiaowei, what exactly happened yesterday? Why did this happen all of a sudden He actually injured you to such a state. You don't have a child anymore, and you have to continue receiving treatment in the hospital. Ah Xian went to ask the doctor and said that your body was severely injured, so you might not be able to leave the hospital for a long time." Tao Yuyan's heart ached and she was worried.

Tang Xiaowei simply told Tao Yuyan everything that happened yesterday.

Anyway, there was no point in hiding this matter.

After saying that, her face was filled with a cold smile. "One day, I will definitely kill them both with my own hands!"

"Xiaowei, don't be like this. They are indeed very hateful. Ah Xian and I will help you find them to take revenge, but you can't be impulsive. If you kill them, won't you go to jail?" This was the first time Tao Yuyan had seen Tang Xiaowei reveal such a cold smile and say such frightening words.

She was worried about Tang Xiaowei, so it was better not to kill people.

Tang Xiaowei knew that she wanted to kill Huangfu Yuner and Huangfu Qiye to avenge herself. She really hated them that much.

However, to others, this was definitely irrational. Therefore, she did not agree with Tao Yuyan and did not continue with this topic.

Instead, she turned her head and slowly put away the coldness from before, revealing a weak smile. "Yuyan, is the child in my stomach really gone?"

"Yes." Tao Yuyan nodded dully, afraid that Tang Xiaowei would be even sadder.

Tang Xiaowei's gaze dimmed, and then her smile grew bigger. "It's good that it's gone. I hate that man, and it's impossible for me to give birth to his bastard child."

"Xiaowei..." Tao Yuyan held Tang Xiaowei's hand tightly in worry.

Tang Xiaowei continued to ask, "You just said that my body was seriously injured. What exactly is the problem? Why do I have to stay in the hospital for a longer period of time?"

"I'm not sure about that, and the doctor can't explain it either. I asked Ah Xian to ask, but he said that we can only wait for now. The doctor is still examining you." Tao Yuyan really didn't know, so she could only shake her head.

However, Tang Xiaowei was clear that there was still a problem with her body. Perhaps it was because of the medicine Huangfu Qiye injected into her.

There must be something wrong with the medicine. The medicine caused her to miscarry. There must still be something left in her body.

However, judging from Yuyan's confused look, the doctor and Tao Xian might have known about it and only hid it from the innocent Yuyan.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei collected her thoughts and looked at Tao Yuyan. "Yuyan, I feel hungry. Can you help me prepare some food?"

"Oh, right. I actually forgot to prepare food for you. Wait, I'll be back immediately." Tao Yuyan heard this and remembered that she was so happy that she forgot to prepare food for Tang Xiaowei.

Therefore, she left in a hurry.

As for Tang Xiaowei, after Tao Yuyan left, she pressed the bell at the bedside.

Soon, a doctor and two nurses rushed over.

Tang Xiaowei was now staying in a single ward, which was relatively quiet and clean.

When the doctor and nurse arrived and saw that she had woken up, they chatted with her for a while and then began to examine her.

After the examination was done and the doctor was about to leave, Tang Xiaowei suddenly said, "Doctor, is there any poison residue in my body?"

When the doctor heard this, he was stunned for a moment and looked at her in shock.