Chapter 185: The Truth

Tang Xiaowei immediately knew that her guess was right when the doctor looked at her like that.

There was really the residue of that medicinal liquid in her body.

That medicinal liquid could cause her to miscarry within a minute, but the medicinal effect had not completely disappeared yet. It was actually still in her body. Could it be that her body would always carry this poison in the future?

Her face turned a few shades paler.

If that was the case, then wouldn't she always carry this poison in her body? How would she be able to get stronger and take revenge in the future?

Could it be that she had to grit her teeth and endure her hatred so that she could forget it and make everything seem like it had never happened?


She absolutely did not want this!

"Doctor, there's still poison in my body, right? Then can my poison be cured? How long can I live?" She sat up excitedly and ignored the pain in her body. She wanted to go down and ask the doctor.

The doctor saw that she was so agitated and hurriedly came forward to press her onto the hospital bed with the nurse.

Then, he softly comforted her, "Miss Tang, don't be anxious. Although your condition is a little serious, the experts in our hospital are currently researching for an antidote for you. We will definitely cure the poison in your body."

Although the doctor was not sure why Tang Xiaowei knew that she was poisoned, he guessed that she might have been conscious when she was poisoned.

Therefore, after comforting her a few times, the doctor asked again, "By the way, Miss Tang, since you know that there is poison in your body, you should know who poisoned you. Do you know where that person is? Currently, we need a lot of time to research the antidote ourselves. This is very disadvantageous to your body. If you have the contact information of the person who poisoned you, we can ask him for the antidote."

"Doctor, stop talking." Tang Xiaowei shook her head in pain. The tears that she had held back in front of Tao Yuyan finally fell at this moment.

"If he was willing to give me the antidote, he wouldn't have poisoned me."

When the doctor heard this, he frowned. He felt that this matter was really too difficult.

However, this Miss Tang was a friend of Mr. Tao and Miss Tao. Their hospital had received a lot of money from the Tao family. Naturally, they would not neglect Tang Xiaowei.

The doctor sighed. "Since Tang Xiaowei has said so, then you should recuperate in the hospital for the time being. Our hospital will definitely test out the antidote for you as soon as possible."

"Doctor, what will happen to me if there is no antidote?" Tang Xiaowei asked for the worst-case scenario.

The doctor's expression changed when he heard that.

Tang Xiaowei was even more nervous. "Will I die if there is no antidote? Then how long do I have to live?"

The doctor was in a difficult position. Tao Xian had originally asked the doctors not to tell Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan about the poison in Tang Xiaowei's body.

Now, Tao Yuyan still did not know about this matter, but Tang Xiaowei had guessed it herself.

The doctor was silent for a while.

Tang Xiaowei saw that the doctor did not answer but remained silent. She was even more worried and afraid. "Doctor, don't tell me that I don't have much time left to live, right?"

"If the antidote has not been produced, I'm afraid that you only have less than two years." The doctor hesitated for a while, but in the end, he still told the truth to Tang Xiaowei.

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei's entire body stiffened.

If there was no antidote, she would only have less than two years left to live.

She was still young, only 19 years old.

Just because she met a scumbag and was hurt by a scumbag, was her life going to be taken away by a scumbag?

She really wanted to cry and curse, her hands shaking uncontrollably. She really wanted to kill Huangfu Qiye and Huangfu Yuner.

They actually treated her like this.

What did she do wrong?

Wasn't Huangfu Qiye the one who pestered her at the beginning of everything?

Seeing that Tang Xiaowei could not bear the blow and was in a daze, the doctor held her shoulders worriedly. "Miss Tang, actually, Mr. Tao told us not to tell you and Miss Tao about this matter. But from the looks of you, you've already guessed a little. That's why I told you the truth. However, you have to believe in our hospital. We will definitely cure you."

"Okay, thank you, doctor. I understand." Tang Xiaowei came back to her senses and nodded her head gratefully.

Then, the doctor sighed and left with the nurse.

In the ward, only Tang Xiaowei was left.

She lay down, tears still flowing out of the corners of her eyes.

She had never thought that Huangfu Qiye would be such a ruthless person.

No, she had always known that he was ruthless, but she had never thought that he would be so cruel to her.

It was as if everything that he had done to her, all the things that moved her, were all in her dreams.

The more she thought about it, the more her heart ached.

Not only did he treat her like a toy, he had even aborted their child with his own hands.

And she had thought that aborting this child would be their final ending.

However, she did not expect that the drug that aborted the child would still leave toxins in her body.

Although the doctor had said that she could develop an antidote, she did not know how long it would take to develop an antidote.

Two years!


She still wanted to take revenge.

However, she only had two years left in her life.

At the moment, she could only think about how to save herself!

How ironic!


In the luxurious villa.

On the spacious double bed, the woman was only wearing a thin nightdress.

She was lying on the side of the bed with her long legs stretched out, and there was a handsome man by the side of the bed who was lowering his head and applying nail polish on her nails.

She was holding her cell phone and making a phone call excitedly.

"Grandpa, the idea that you gave me was really effective."

"Brother Ye hasn't returned to the country during this period of time. He has been guarding his grandmother's side. No one knows what hospital his grandmother is staying in, so no one knows his whereabouts. We just happened to take advantage of this matter and captured his bodyguard, Yuan Shan, to be injected with a drug. We even hypnotized her, so Yuan Shan only listens to me."

"Oh right, I also found a substitute that looks like brother Ye. He's really good. When he appeared, Tang Xiaowei really thought it was brother Ye because she couldn't see clearly, so she was beaten up by us. Then she said that she hated brother Ye to death and would never pester brother Ye again. Grandpa, the idea you gave me was really amazing."

She said a lot of things in excitement and told the old man on the other side of the phone about her current situation.

However, she didn't mention that Tang Xiaowei's child was aborted by her medication. After all, Tang Xiaowei was pregnant with the Huangfu family's bloodline.

Huangfu Yuner knew very well that although Huangfu grandfather liked her, he was willing to help her marry Huangfu Qiye successfully. He was even willing to help her defeat the other women around Huangfu Qiye.