Chapter 186: Huangfu Yuner's viciousness

However, grandpa Huangfu definitely wouldn't agree to let her kill the Huangfu bloodline.

Fortunately, grandpa Huangfu didn't know that Tang Xiaowei was pregnant.

If he knew, he definitely wouldn't let her hurt Tang Xiaowei. Instead, he would have wanted to wait for her to give birth before chasing her away.

However, Huangfu Yuner couldn't wait that long.

Therefore, after she found out that Tang Xiaowei was pregnant, she took advantage of Huangfu Qiye's absence this time and no one knew his whereabouts. Then, she followed grandpa's advice and dealt with Tang Xiaowei.

Just thinking of Tang Xiaowei's painful, regretful, and resentful gaze yesterday, Huangfu Yuner knew that she had already won.

Tang Xiaowei would never love her brother Ye again.

"Yuner, don't worry. You are the granddaughter-in-law that grandfather is most satisfied with. No matter how mischievous Qi ye is, I can help you." Huangfu Haoming's voice came from the other side of the phone, his tone doting.

Huangfu Yuner was extremely happy.

She was the one who should marry Huangfu Qiye.

And she was also the most suitable woman to marry into the Huangfu family.

Tang Xiaowei was nothing.

Even though she had brother Ye's affection, she did not have the support of Huangfu's grandfather, so she could only lose.

She happily chatted with Huangfu Haoming for a long time before hanging up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, she shifted her gaze to the man who was currently helping her to polish her nails.

This man only vaguely looked like Huangfu Qiye, and it was only after he had specially dressed up that he looked like Huangfu Qiye. This was something that she had spent a lot of effort and money to find.

After all, Huangfu Qiye was too handsome. There were very few people who looked like him, so it was very difficult to find a look-alike.

She had liked Huangfu Qiye since she was young, but Huangfu Qiye had never liked her. He would even beat her up once he saw her.

Therefore, after she grew up, in order to comfort herself, she spent a lot of effort and money to find many people who looked like Huangfu Qiye. These people did not only need to have a face that looked like Huangfu Qiye, but also a figure, height, and voice. There were many places where she had to look for someone like Huangfu Qiye.

That was because the men she found were placed by her side as her male pets, so that they could serve her and let her enjoy herself.

And the man who was applying nail polish for her was the most favored man by her side, Li Yu. He was the man who she had found for many years who looked forty percent like Huangfu Qiye.

And yesterday, it was also this Li Yu who accompanied her to the Golden Hotel. He gave Tang Xiaowei an abortion medicine that she could not see clearly because she had inhaled the fragrance of flowers.

The medicine could not only abort her child, but it could also keep the poison in Tang Xiaowei's body, causing her to suffer and not live more than two years.

Yesterday, it wasn't Huangfu Qiye who accompanied her.

Huangfu Qiye himself, at this moment, no one knew where he was. The only information that could be obtained was that he went to the United States to visit his sick grandmother.

However, no one knew exactly where he was in the United States.

However, Huangfu Yuner was no longer worried about these problems.

This was because her brother Ye, who cared about Tang Xiaowei the most, had already been dealt with. In the future, Tang Xiaowei would no longer come out to stop her and brother Ye.

The medicine that she had Li Yu inject into Tang Xiaowei would not allow Tang Xiaowei to live for more than two years unless she could find the antidote.

However, she had spent a lot of money to buy this medicine from the black market. It was said that it was made by the Moqi family in England, and only their family had the antidote.

However, Tang Xiaowei was just an ordinary person. It was impossible for her to buy the antidote from the Moqi family.

The Moqi family was very mysterious. It was said that they were nobles, but it was also said that they were in the underworld. There were even rumors that they were super rich. Their family specialized in making some strange poisons and antidotes, and they sold them very well on the black market.

Huangfu Yuner only bought two sets on the black market. She asked Li Yu to inject the devil's medicine into Tang Xiaowei. That's right, the name of the medicine translated into Chinese was 'Devil'.

As for the antidote, what the Moqi family said at that time was that this type of medicine was only sold as poisonous poisons, not antidotes.

After Huangfu Yuner bought the medicine, she immediately took out a set and had someone inject it into the body of a person who had provoked her. Then, she really saw that person's body slowly wither in less than two years. Every day, he was tortured by pain. In the end, his entire body became skinny and bony, and then he died in pain.

Obviously, the medicine was useful.

And there was no antidote.

More importantly, Tang Xiaowei hated Huangfu Qiye to the extreme at this moment. It was absolutely impossible for them to continue to be together in the future. Even though Huangfu Qiye was helpless, he could only watch Tang Xiaowei slowly die in pain.

The more Huangfu Yuner thought about it, the happier she felt, and she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The man who had applied nail polish on her had just finished wiping her last finger. Then, he put down his tools and wiped his hands clean. He raised his head and looked at her gently. "Baby, what are you laughing at?"

"Shut up. You're the one who calls me baby, aren't you?" Huanfu Yuner didn't agree as gently as she did when she used the man yesterday. Instead, she hated it when the man called her baby.

When Li Yu heard this, he was so scared that his face turned white.

He had taken many benefits from Huangfu Yuner and became his boy toy. Therefore, he had to listen to her. Especially when he knew that Huangfu Yuner's personality was cruel. If he was not careful, he would anger her and be killed by her men. Therefore, Li Yu was even more careful.

"Yes, * * * * knows I was wrong." Privately, Li Yu in front of Huangfu Yuner, must call himself * * * .

Hearing this, Huangfu Yuner revealed a satisfied smile, and then reached out to lift Li Yu's chin. "Yes, you are a * * * * * * . Don't think that just because I took you out to put on a show yesterday, you think you are my night brother. My night brother is not someone you can compare with, understand?"

"* * * * knows." Li Yu smiled and nodded, a well-behaved look.

Huangfu Yuner was even more satisfied.

She had lived a very good life in the Huangfu family these years, so she had always felt that she should live like a queen. Anyway, the Huangfu family was rich. She wanted to build a castle, buy bodyguards, and get whatever she wanted.

However, the only thing she lacked in these lives was a king like Huangfu Qiye.

However, she had always worked hard and never got close to Huangfu Qiye, so she had no choice but to find a few substitutes to accompany her to relieve her boredom.

When she thought of Huangfu Qiye, she could not help but be overjoyed. That man would soon be hers.

She caressed and charmingly instructed Li Yu, "Carry me to the bathroom. Bathe yourself."

"Yes, your highness." Li Yu agreed. He did not dare to call her "baby" anymore, and could only call her the "Wu" that she had previously requested.

Therefore, he stood up, gently carried her and walked into the bathroom.

Soon, the sound of a child in the bathroom could be heard.