Chapter 187: The hospital is unable to produce an antidote

Tang Xiaowei had been recuperating quietly in the hospital for a week. Her weak body, due to the miscarriage, had already recovered a lot.

However, there was still poison in her body. The doctor and Tao Xian had avoided Tao Yuyan and talked to her privately, telling her not to leave the hospital.

She could only continue to stay in the hospital.

However, she had always been feeling uneasy.

That day, because Tao Yuyan had accompanied her for several days without going home to rest, Tang Xiaowei really felt sorry for Tao Yuyan. She then threatened that if she did not go back to rest, she would be discharged from the hospital to accompany her back. That was why Tao Yuyan had no choice but to go home to rest.

However, before she left, she still could not bear to tell Tang Xiaowei that she would come over first thing in the morning. She also had to bring Tang Xiaowei breakfast and ask her what she liked to eat.

Tang Xiaowei was especially touched. After telling her what she liked to eat, she watched Tao Yuyan leave.

After Tao Yuyan left, Tang Xiaowei stayed in the ward alone.

Just like the previous few nights, when she was the only one left in the ward, her heart began to ache.

That day, after she was forcefully injected with the medicine, she had a stomach-ache and lost her child. He even gave her a hard slap on the face.

Her swollen face and body, which had been caused by the miscarriage, had already improved.

However, after being played with in such a humiliating manner, her heart, which had been injured, could not heal no matter how hard she tried.

"Knock, knock, knock." Suddenly, someone knocked on the door of the ward.

Tang Xiaowei endured the pain and resentment in her heart and came back to her senses.

She did not know who would knock on her door at this time.

Could it be Yuyan who had just left?

Did Yuyan accidentally leave something in the ward and wanted to come back to look for it?

As she was guessing, Tao Xian's voice came from outside, "Tang Xiaowei, is it convenient for you now? I have something to talk to you about."

Hearing that the voice from outside was Tao Xian's, Tang Xiaowei heaved a sigh of relief.

She had initially thought that if the person outside was not Tao Yuyan, they might be some bad people.

She was actually quite worried that Huangfu Yuner and Huangfu Qiye would not let her off and would come to torture her again.

"Come in, I'm free now," she said.

The door to the ward opened in the next moment and Tao Xian walked in.

The moment he entered, he saw Tang Xiaowei, who was still pale, sitting up and facing him.

Tao Xian realized that the current Tang Xiaowei who had woken up after being injured that day was not as willful and mischievous as before, and she seemed to have matured a little.

"Don't you have something to talk to me about? Why are you staring at me?" Tang Xiaowei's view of Tao Xian had also changed a little. She no longer felt that he was a boy who had not grown up. Instead, he was a man who looked young on the outside but was mature and bold on the inside.

In the past few days, she had also accidentally discovered a few times that Tao Xian was peeping at Tao Yuyan, and his gaze was very affectionate.

She felt as if she had discovered a secret, but at this moment, she was not in the mood to check if this secret was true.

That was because she had a lot of troublesome things to do. How could she have the energy to think about other things?

"Yes." Tao Xian closed the door. He did not go over but stood where he was. He said, "I, you, and the doctors in the hospital are clear about your situation. Only Yuyan does not know. You are clear about it. So, I want to tell you now. After a week of research, this hospital is still unable to produce an antidote. So, tomorrow, I will arrange for someone to send you to another hospital to have a look. If that hospital does not succeed, you will have to change to another hospital. Let me make it clear to you first. I can not guarantee that you will be saved. However, as long as there is a hospital that can treat you, I will help you contact all the hospitals until the toxins in your body are completely removed."

"Is it because I am a friend of Tao Xian?" Tang Xiaowei raised her head and asked, looking at Tao Xian.

She did not have a single cent on her right now. The money she spent in the hospital during this period of time was all paid by Tao Xian.

Tang Xiaowei was indeed very touched.

Although Tao Xian did not expect Tang Xiaowei to ask such a question, he still nodded. "Yes, that's right. It's for her. She cares about you very much as a friend. I don't want her to lose you."

"You like her?" Initially, Tang Xiaowei did not want or have the time to care about Tao Xian peeping at Tao Yuyan. However, now that Tao Xian had admitted that he helped her because of Tao Yuyan, she could not help but ask.

However, just because she asked, it did not mean that Tao Xian would admit it.

He forcefully changed the topic. "It's already very late. Since you already know, get up early tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will arrange a car to send you to B city. The hospital there is better than here. I have also contacted the specialists there. Once you go, you can receive treatment directly."

Tang Xiaowei did not expect Tao Xian to be unwilling to admit it and even forced himself to change the topic.

But thinking about it, it made sense. He liked Yuyan. Since Yuyan was not here, it was normal for him not to admit it.

Hence, she did not say anything else. She quietly accepted Tao Xian's arrangements. After all, her heart was full of hatred now. If she wanted to take revenge, she had to first cure her body.

After she was quiet, the moment Tao Xian opened the door of the ward and was about to leave, he was so scared that he took two steps back and crashed into the door, making a sound.

Tang Xiaowei looked up and saw Tao Yuyan standing there without her knowing.

She looked at Tao Xian in disbelief and looked like she was about to cry.

Tao Xian had clearly seen Tao Yuyan leave earlier. Now that Tao Yuyan suddenly appeared, he was quite frightened.

However, he quickly recovered and reached out to hug her. He wanted to comfort her and ask her why she was crying.

However, just as his hand reached out, Tao Yuyan hurriedly took a step back. His hand only touched the corner of her clothes and then grabbed the air.

He stared at her in surprise. He did not know when she had arrived, nor did he know how much she had heard from him and Tang Xiaowei.

Just as he was surprised, Tao Yuyan opened her mouth with a choked voice.

"Ah Xian, Xiaowei, how could you lie to me?" She cried until she was out of breath. "Xiaowei, didn't you have a miscarriage? Why is there poison in your body? What is going on? Why didn't you tell me?"

Tao Xian saw that she was crying because of something like this and heaved a sigh of relief.

He thought that he had misunderstood him and Tang Xiaowei.

That's not right. Why didn't she hear what he said to Tang Xiaowei about him liking her?

Why did she only care about the fact that Tang Xiaowei had poison in her body?

Tao Xian felt his chest tighten. In the end, he was not as important as Tang Xiaowei in her heart. Sigh!

"Yuyan, don't cry. Since you've heard it, there's nothing to hide. Come in." Tang Xiaowei sighed. She knew that she could no longer hide it from Tao Yuyan.