Chapter 190: Don't let yourself cry out loud

Ever since that day, Tao Xian rarely came to the hospital.

In the hospital, Tao Yuyan accompanied Tang Xiaowei every day.

Tang Xiaowei found that the pain of her miscarriage had completely recovered.

However, although her body could move, there seemed to be something wrong with it.

Occasionally, she would suddenly feel an excruciating pain.

It was the kind of pain all over the body. It would last for about two to three minutes. After the pain passed, the pain would return during the next day or so.

Furthermore, the pain was more severe each time, and it would last longer.

Other than the pain in her body, she would occasionally feel that she had no strength in her body. Then, her nose would be blocked by something, and she would not be able to breathe at all.

This had happened for three consecutive days.

However, she forcefully endured it alone and did not tell anyone.

She did not dare to tell Tao Yuyan because she was afraid of scaring her.

As for Tao Xian, he had not been around for the past few days. Moreover, even if he was around, she should not have told him. He was not a doctor, nor was he her boyfriend.

Therefore, after she knew that the doctors in the hospital were unable to help her, she endured the pain alone.

Until the fifth day.

Tao Xian pushed open the door of the ward and walked in with a smile on his face.

"Sister, Tang Xiaowei, there is hope. I have found someone who can save Tang Xiaowei." He was extremely excited. Although he looked a little tired, his happiness came from the bottom of his heart.

He was not lying.

Tao Yuyan was stunned at first, then she subconsciously walked over and grabbed Tao Xian's hand. She looked at him expectantly. "Ah Xian, is what you said true? Who is it? Is he here? Can he really save Xiaowei?"

Tang Xiaowei also looked at Tao Xian expectantly. "Tao Xian, is what you said true?''

Tao Xian nodded and was especially serious. Then, he held Tao Yuyan tightly. Tao Yuyan did not notice him at all, so she did not push him away.

He was even happier Then, he said, "A few days ago, I learned from an old doctor in this family that there is a mysterious Moqi family in the world. Their family specializes in making some strange poisons, so their family will definitely be able to make an antidote for you. I found a private detective and asked around. Finally, I found out that this Moqi family seems to be from England and is now there. I didn't find out about their other businesses, but I found that their family owns a very big hospital. Now, we'll go to that hospital immediately. Then, we'll find their family's doctor and ask him to help you by taking a look at your condition."

"Can they really do it?" Tang Xiaowei was not particularly surprised because she knew that Huangfu Qiye and Huangfu Yuner would definitely not be able to use a large family like the Huangfu family to find such a strange poison to poison her.

For example, even though the poison in her body had been studied for so long, there was still no result.

"That's right, Ah Xian, are you sure it will really work?" Tao Yuyan was also a little worried.

Tao Xian saw that the two girls did not quite believe him, so he did not show his surprise or excitement. He sighed helplessly, "Don't tell me the two of you still don't believe me. The Moqi family that I asked the detective to investigate is not an ordinary family, and it is not something that these ordinary doctors can compare to. So, Tang Xiaowei, if you don't want your condition to worsen, pack up immediately. I will accompany you to England in the afternoon."

"I want to go too." Tao Yuyan heard that Tao Xian did not mention her, and she immediately became anxious.

Tao Xian looked at her with a troubled expression. "Sister, we haven't been home for a long time. Father and mother just called me, saying that we should go back and see them. Besides, school will start next week. You should go home first."

When Tang Xiaowei heard Tao Xian say this, she thought for a while and still felt that she should go to England with him, so she also began to persuade Tao Yuyan. "Yuyan, you should listen to Tao Xian. School will start next week. I'm afraid that I won't be able to return to school normally once I go. So, if you accompany me, it will definitely delay you."

"No, I'm worried. I have to go. I have to see that Xiaowei is fine before I'm willing to go back to school." However, sometimes, Tao Yuyan was more stubborn than anyone else.

In the end, Tao Xian had no choice but to bring Tao Yuyan and Tang Xiaowei on the plane and fly to England.

However, before boarding the plane, Tao Yuyan remembered that Tao Xian said that her parents missed her very much, so she called them and chatted with her parents for a long time.

After that, they boarded the plane.

Tao Yuyan had been accompanying Tang Xiaowei in the hospital, and many times she didn't have a good rest, so she was so tired that she fell asleep.

Tao Xian sat beside her and watched over her gently and with concern. After she fell asleep, he let her lean on his shoulder and sleep more comfortably.

Tang Xiaowei accidentally saw it and suddenly felt a little sore in her nose.

She had once been taken care of by Huangfu Qiye gently and carefully. She thought that she had really found her true love.

Unfortunately, she was just blind to seeing the faults in this person.

Suddenly, her body began to hurt uncontrollably again.

This pain was mild at first, but after half a minute, it was incomparably intense. It was as if her entire body was being cut by a knife, and also as if she was being bitten by a bug.

Although she did not hide the fact that there was poison in her body from Tao Xian and Tao Yuyan, she did not want them to know about it.

However, she did not want them to know about the pain.

She stood up abruptly, gritted her teeth, clenched her fists, and dug her fingernails into the flesh in her palms.

However, the pain was nothing compared to the pain in her body that was crazily pestering her because of the poison.

She quickly ran to the bathroom and shut herself in.

After sitting down on the toilet, she covered her mouth with her hands to prevent herself from crying out loud. Her whole body trembled as she forcefully endured the pain.

The more her body hurt, the more she hated Huangfu Qiye.

[ Hello, Mr. Huangfu. ]

[ Hello, Miss Tang. ]

That was the first time they met. At her home, she saw him when she returned home. The two of them greeted each other. After that, she drank the milk that had been drugged. When she woke up, he pestered her endlessly.

It was him. It was him who forcefully entered and destroyed her world.

After that, he pestered her relentlessly. She kept avoiding him until she finally realized that she had unknowingly fallen in love with him. Then, she was moved by him and confessed to him.

However, she did not expect that the end result would be like this.

She closed her eyes tightly. Because of the pain and also because of the hatred, tears still flowed down her face again.


The time she was in pain was getting longer and longer. After the pain passed, she stayed in the bathroom for 10 minutes before returning to her seat.

When she returned, Tao Yuyan was still asleep. Only Tao Xian saw her.

However, when he saw that she had returned safely, Tao Xian thought that she was just going to the bathroom, so he did not ask further.