Chapter 189: "So painful that I can't cry. "

The two girls looked so young and energetic. Their smiles were so bright.

However, when they saw him enter, the two girls looked at him expectantly. The words that were about to come out of their mouths could not be said.

However, when Tao Yuyan saw her, she was the first to ask, "Ah Xian, how is it? What did the doctor say?"

Tao Xian still could not control his emotions.

Although he was a little more mature in his heart, he was still 19 years old. Therefore, after being admitted to two hospitals and receiving the same answer, it was difficult for him to control his emotions.

When he heard Tao Yuyan's question, his expression froze.

Before he could answer, Tang Xiaowei got the answer from his expression.

This hospital probably would not be able to help her remove the poison.

She lowered her head. She had just laughed at a small joke, but at this moment, she felt bitter in her mouth, and her eyes and nose were sore and painful.

Could it be that they really could not remove the poison in her body?

This hospital was in B city, and it was also the best hospital in the country.

If this hospital could not help her, did she really only have two years left in her life?

Her heart started to throb in pain again, as if she had gone crazy.

Perhaps it was too painful, or perhaps she knew that she had no chance to live anymore, but she could only feel the pain in her heart. However, her tears did not flow anymore.

It was so painful that she could not cry.

"Ah Xian, why aren't you saying anything? What's going on?" Tao Yuyan felt that something was wrong with Tang Xiaowei. Then, she realized that Tao Xian's expression was even more abnormal. She immediately winked at Tao Xian.

This was the first time that Tao Xian saw Tao Yuyan winking at him. In his heart, he thought that it was her winking at him.

Then, after he knew what Tao Yuyan wanted to say, he cleared his throat. "Ahem. Tang Xiaowei, don't worry. The doctors are still researching and don't know the situation yet. I just thought that we haven't eaten for a whole day, so I was just thinking about what we should eat later. Don't misunderstand and feel sad alone."

His 'explanation' made Tao Yuyan very satisfied.

She smiled at him, then hurriedly turned around and hugged Tang Xiaowei's shoulder. "Xiaowei, don't be afraid. Look, Ah Xian already said that the doctors haven't come up with the results yet. Don't be afraid. No matter what, I'll be with you."

Tang Xiaowei wasn't stupid. She knew that Tao Xian wouldn't show such a dejected expression because he was thinking about what to eat.

However, she was very touched that Tao Xian and Tao Yuyan comforted her like this.

She didn't want to show a dejected look and make them worry.

She raised her head and deliberately smiled, pretending not to know the truth. "Really? Since the results are not out yet, of course I won't feel bad. So, what are we going to eat later?"

Seeing that she could smile, Tao Yuyan heaved a sigh of relief, then smiled and said, "What do you want to eat? Tell Ah Xian to go and buy it for us."

Tang Xiaowei seemed to have regained her previous vitality. She looked at Tao Xian, and there was not a trace of fear and pain on her face. "Tao Xian, did you hear that? Your sister said that she wants you to buy food for us. Are you going?"

Tao Xian naturally could not refuse a friend who had poison in her body and could not live for more than two years. Moreover, she was the friend of the person he loved.

He did not speak and only nodded.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei pretended to be happy and said a few of her favorite dishes. Then, Tao Yuyan also said two. Tao Xian pushed the door open and walked out.

Not long after Tao Xian left, Tao Yuyan went to the bathroom.

After she left, the ward was empty again, leaving only Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei lay on the bed and covered her eyes with the blanket so that her tears would not flow into her mouth.

She had tasted too many tears in the past few days.

In the country, the toxins in her body could no longer be removed. She thought, am I going to die like this?

Am I going to be killed by Huangfu Qiye and Huangfu Yuner just like that?

She began to recall that day when Huangfu Yuner was so excited that she asked Huangfu Qiye to inject her with the medicine. At first, she thought that it was just the medicine to abort the child.

Now that she thought about it, Yuan Shan had once said that Huangfu Yuner was very vicious and cruel.

As for Huangfu Qiye, she had once gotten along with him. Even though she only realized that she had never truly entered his heart after she was injected with the medicine that day.

However, Huangfu Qiye was also a cruel person.

Therefore, the medicine that they injected her with that day was probably not just to abort the child in her stomach.

They also wanted to kill her.

However, they did not directly act on that day. Instead, they chose to inject the medicine into her, making her think that she could only live for two years. Then, she would slowly die in pain and fear.

Such a way of killing was really vicious.

The more Tang Xiaowei thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt. At the same time, she also wanted to let herself recover and then take revenge.


A few days later.

Tao Xian finally obtained the final result from the doctor. This hospital could not develop an antidote.

However, when Tao Xian could not help but lose his temper and smash the doctor's office, an older doctor in the hospital hurriedly stopped him.

"Mr. Tao, don't be agitated. Our hospital is unable to crack this bacterial poison and can not produce an antidote. However, I once heard that there is a very powerful family called the Moqi family. Their family likes to produce some strange and strange medicines. Perhaps we can find an antidote by looking for them."

Tao Xian's anger was only appeased when he heard that.

He was afraid that if Tang Xiaowei died, Tao Yuyan would do something stupid. Therefore, during this period of time, because of Tang Xiaowei's matter, Tao Xian was really driven crazy.

At that moment, when he heard the old doctor's words, Tao Xian grabbed the old doctor's hand and asked excitedly, "Doctor, then tell me, which country is the Moqi family from? What kind of place is it?"

The old doctor shook his head. "I've only heard of it. I don't know if such a family really exists, so I really don't know which country their family is from."

Hearing this, Tao Xian's expression became uglier and uglier.

When the old doctor saw him like this, he hurriedly came up with an idea. "Mr. Tao, I really don't know. However, your Tao family should have a way to get information. If you're really anxious, then find someone to investigate."

Tao Xian let go of the doctor's hand in the next second and warned, "No one is allowed to tell anyone about what happened here today!"

The doctors nodded. "Don't worry, Mr. Tao. It won't happen."

Therefore, Tao Xian immediately left the hospital and ordered his assistant and secretary to look for the best detective.