Chapter 196: it's too late

Ellen smiled and said, "Mr. Tao, don't be anxious."

Then, she paused for a moment before she continued, "What I'm about to tell you now is something that I'm risking my life to tell you. I don't know why I suddenly feel that the girl is very pitiful, so I feel that it's very sad that she might die because of a poison like the devil. Therefore, you must swear in front of me that you won't mention that I'm the one who told you about his whereabouts when you beg our boss to save this girl."

Although Tao Xian was impatient with making a promise and felt that swearing was silly, he also felt that the first time he swore was for Tang Xiaowei. He also felt a little unhappy.

However, Tang Xiaowei was a friend that Yuyan cared about, so Tao Xian had no choice but to swear in front of Ellen that he would not tell their boss. Ellen was the one who told him the news.

After Ellen saw Tao Xian promising, she then heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Mr. Tao, I just said that if you go and beg our boss, our boss might take the antidote to this poisoned girl. It's because I heard that our boss is Chinese. And you guys are also Chinese. So I think that when Chinese people see Chinese people abroad, they shouldn't just stand by and watch them die."

"Your boss is Chinese? Are you sure?" Tao Xian was a little surprised this time.

After all, when he had asked the private detective to investigate he had said that the members of the Mochi family seemed to be British gangsters or aristocrats. They were also some big family in England.

Such a family, could they actually be Chinese?

"I don't know about this. I haven't even seen our boss before. I just secretly heard about it. Mr. Tao, when our boss comes, when you go to beg him, you will know whether he is really Chinese or whether I have heard wrongly." Ellen sighed. That was all he knew, because his boss was too mysterious. He had never met him.

"Then when will your boss come?" Tao Xian just wanted to know the answer now.

Ellen shook her head. "I'm not sure about that, but in the past, he seemed to come once a year, but the month is uncertain, and the time is also uncertain. We don't know when he came or when he left. It's just that he left a long time later, and I eavesdropped on him from my superiors."

Tao Xian heard this and knew that if he asked any more questions now, ellen would have nothing more to say.

So, he thanked her and left Ellen's office.

After that, he paid for Tang Xiaowei's hospital fees for half a year, as well as the usual nursing fees. He spent a large sum of money. After all, the Moqi family was so mysterious and awesome that the fees for their doctors were naturally very high.

After doing all this, Tao Xian sent Tao Yuyan out and told Tang Xiaowei everything he had found out. He told her to stay here alone and that there would be a nurse here to take care of her. Moreover, her English was good, too. Anyway, he had paid her so much money, so nothing should happen to her. She just needed to stay here in peace for a while. When the boss of the Moqi family came, she would have a chance.

As for him and Tao Yuyan, they would go back to their home country first.

Because school was about to start, and because he and Tao Yuyan had accompanied Tang Xiaowei for a long time, their parents missed them very much and wanted them to go home at once.

Tang Xiaowei expressed her understanding and looked at Tao Xian seriously She said, "Tao Xian, thank you. If it weren't for your help this time, I might have really died. You and Yuyan should go back. Remember to take good care of her. I'm completely fine now, and the poison didn't do anything to me. If I find out that the Moqi family is here, you and Yuyan don't have to come over anymore. I'll go and beg him myself. I believe I can do it. Otherwise, I'll be too useless to live."

She even smiled at the end of her sentence, as if she had returned to the days when she was healthy, lively, and mischievous.

When Tao Xian heard her say this, he admired her independence and strength. Although he would ask Ellen to keep an eye on the situation in the hospital, if the Moqi family were to come over, he would definitely come back to buy the antidote from the boss of the Moqi family. However, after Tang Xiaowei said that, Tao Xian did not want to go against her directly, so he did not mention this matter.

He only said calmly, "Actually, you don't have to thank me. I did it all for Yuyan. I don't want to see her sad and worried. So if you really want to thank me, help me persuade her to come back to China with me later. After all, school is about to start. We all know that you can't go back because of your health, but I don't want her to miss School."

"Okay, don't worry. I will persuade her." Tang Xiaowei nodded.

She realized that Tao Xian was really good to Yuyan.

When would Yuyan realize how good he was?

She also didn't know if Yuyan would accept him?

If Yuyan could accept Tao Xian, she would definitely be very happy.


After Tao Xian went out, Tao Yuyan came back in for a while.

However, in order not to be suspected by Tao Yuyan, she wanted to persuade her to go back because of Tao Xian.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei didn't persuade her immediately.

Instead, when it was time for dinner, Tang Xiaowei took the initiative to talk to Tao Yuyan about the things that happened in school.

At first, they talked about high school, and then they naturally talked about Ling Yijue.

At the mention of Ling Yijue, Tao Yuyan immediately shut her mouth.

Although Xiaowei was hurt by Huangfu Qiye, she had once dated Ling Yijue for a year.

So, it was better not to mention this person.

Tang Xiaowei was also a little stunned.

Her thoughts about Ling Yijue had changed many times.

When they first met, she only wanted to study hard. She was already very happy to play with her good friends every day, and she didn't want to fall in love at all.

However, Ling Yijue, this handsome boy who looked like a prince in front of outsiders but looked like a little rascal in front of her, began to pester her.

His pestering was not as overbearing and barbaric as Huangfu Qiye's.

Instead, he was very clingy and very good at telling jokes and teasing her. During the time he was chasing her, he spent a lot of effort, which caused her entire heart to ripple uncontrollably.

Then, she began to fall in love with him and then she did fall in love with him.

After that, although after graduating from high school, he chose to go abroad while she chose to stay in the country, she still felt that she loved him.

However, she never expected that she and Ling Yijue would have to be separated like this until she foolishly fell in love with Huangfu Qiye, this scumbag.

Now that Ling Yijue was mentioned, she no longer felt like she was in love. All she felt was nostalgia for those beautiful memories in the past, as well as heartache.

If Ling Yijue had not gone abroad, if she had not met Huangfu Qiye, would her current situation not be like this?

However, everything had already happened. It was too late.

She felt regretful, but she did not know what to regret.