Chapter 197: a familiar figure

Then, she thought of the favor Tao Xian had asked her to do. She raised her head and looked at Tao Yuyan. She said expectantly, "Yuyan, school is about to start. I really want to continue my classes, but you know that I can't go back in my current condition. Why don't you go back to class? When I'm better, you can make up for my lessons when I go back to class."

Tao Yuyan immediately shook her head when she heard this. "Xiaowei, your condition hasn't improved, and the doctor hasn't given an accurate answer. I'm really worried about you, so I won't leave."

"Yuyan, I'm serious. It's useless for you to watch over me like this." In fact, it was useful. Fortunately, Tao Yuyan had been watching over her during this period of time. Tang Xiaowei knew that if it weren't for Tao Yuyan, she would have broken down a long time ago.

"I know I'm useless, but I'm just worried about you." Tao Yuyan started to feel uncomfortable again.

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly held her hand and stopped eating.

"Yuyan, I'm not saying that you're useless, I'm just saying that you didn't use your usefulness to the extent that I need you. Look, I have a doctor treating my body now, and you, you can go back to class. This way, it won't interfere with your studies. At the same time, you can teach me what you've learned in the future and help me make up for it. This way, I won't have to repeat my grade. I don't want to become your junior. Don't tell me that you want to see me become your junior in the future and not be in the same class as you?"

This was indeed a serious problem.

Tao Yuyan felt that she had always been very nervous at such a critical juncture in Tang Xiaowei's life, so she did not really care about the fact that she should go back to school.

Now that she heard Tang Xiaowei say this, she started to get anxious.

But at the same time, she could not let go of Tang Xiaowei who was alone in the British hospital. What should she do?

"But I'm still worried about you." She spoke out her worries.

Tang Xiaowei smiled and said, "Actually, I'm fine now. If you're really worried, you can come and visit me when you have time in the future. I won't run away. But if you don't go to school, it will affect your life. Don't make me the person who ruined your life."

"Okay, then I'll go back. But I want to talk to you every day." Tao Yuyan finally agreed.

Tang Xiaowei also heaved a sigh of relief. Then, she struck while the iron was hot. "Then you stay here with me for a while. After that, you can go back to the hotel to pack your clothes and go back with Tao Xian. He paid my medical fees and hospitalization fees for half a year. He even hired a nurse for me. I'll wait for you to come back and visit me obediently."

Although Tao Yuyan was still reluctant to leave, she still bid farewell to Tang Xiaowei and followed Tao Xian out of the hospital, preparing to return to the hotel.

However, at the hospital entrance, just as they were about to get into the car, Tao Yuyan noticed a familiar figure with her sharp eyes.

She was stunned for a moment and stared at that person, wondering if she had seen wrongly.

However, there were two tall bodyguards beside that person. When they saw that Tao Yuyan was looking at their master, they gave Tao Yuyan a warning look.

Tao Xian saw this and did not want to cause trouble here. After all, this was not his territory. He and Tao Yuyan were about to leave and leave Tang Xiaowei here alone. If he offended someone who was not to be trifled with, he would be in trouble.

He ignored the two bodyguards and stuffed Tao Yuyan into the car. After letting the driver in front drive the car away, he frowned and looked at the little woman who was still in a daze.

"What are you thinking about? Were you peeking at that man just now?"

He was a little angry.

Because of her, he had been helping to take care of Tang Xiaowei during this period of time. He was almost exhausted.

However, he did not expect Tao Yuyan to actually peek at another man in front of him. Now that she was in the car, she was still in a daze. She must be thinking about that man just now.

He guessed correctly. Tao Yuyan was indeed thinking about that man.

However, it was not because that man was handsome, so she was infatuated with him.

Instead, she felt that that man looked especially like a person, but she felt that their temperaments did not resemble each other. Moreover, they did not dress like each other.

Hearing Tao Xian's question, she came back to her senses. She said, "Ah Xian, what nonsense are you talking about? I just felt that the man just now looked a little like Ling Yijue. You also know that Ling Yijue and Xiaowei used to be boyfriend and girlfriend, so when I saw this person who looked like him appear at the entrance of this hospital, I subconsciously took a few glances at him."

Tao Xian did not see what the man looked like just now, so when he heard Tao Yuyan's explanation, he was also stunned.

He knew very well that Tao Yuyan had never liked any man or boy since he was young.

And he and Ling Yijue were the men that Tao Yuyan had interacted with the most. Because he was Tao Yuyan's brother in name, he had to come into contact with them.

And Ling Yijue was in a relationship with Tang Xiaowei.

However, Tao Xian knew that Tao Yuyan had never liked Ling Yijue, so he did not continue to be jealous.

He analyzed, "Although Ling Yijue went abroad after he graduated from high school, it has only been half a year. He can't have changed so much, and we can't have such fate to meet here. You must be mistaken."

He knew that Tang Xiaowei and Ling Yijue had broken up a long time ago, so even though the person who had completely changed his temperament was Ling Yijue, he didn't have any relationship with him, so he didn't want to mention it at all.

Tao Yuyan understood what he meant, so she also felt that he was right, so she didn't say anything more.

So, the two returned to the hotel, packed their luggage, and went straight to the airport to return to their country.


After Tao Yuyan left.

The next day.

Tang Xiaowei told the nurse not to come in and disturb her. Then, she stayed in the hospital room alone.

It was only at this moment that the silence around her made her feel lonely and abandoned.

At the same time, her heart was filled with fear.

She was afraid that she would have to stay in a foreign hospital for a very long time. Moreover, it was as if she was waiting for death.

This kind of fear could not be explained with words.

When the poison had not taken effect, her body was actually no different from an ordinary person. Therefore, she could not stay in the hospital room after her friends left.

An hour later, she put on a thick coat over her hospital gown, walked out of the ward, and went to the small garden in the hospital.

The air in the small garden was very curious, and there was still some sunshine today. She found a long chair and sat down, closed her eyes and enjoyed it.

Meanwhile, in a spacious office on the top floor of the hospital.

The old British man was reporting the big and small matters of the hospital to the young and handsome man sitting on the chair fearfully and carefully.