Chapter 198: She's going to be chased away

The young and handsome man had an eastern face and was full of nobility.

His expression was cold as he listened to the old principal's report while flipping through a large stack of documents in front of him.

After a long time, the old principal finally finished reporting everything that he had changed. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and carefully said, "Young master, your subordinate has finished reporting."

"Mm, you may leave." The man replied coldly.

The old director did not leave immediately. Instead, he stood in the same place with a hesitant expression.

The handsome young man's expression turned colder when he saw this.

The bodyguard beside him immediately asked the old director in a deep voice, "Is there anything else?"

The old director did not dare to anger the handsome man sitting on the chair. Otherwise, he would be in big trouble.

Thus, he said carefully, "Young master, I have another matter to report. This matter is a secret about our hospital."

"Oh? Tell me about it." The handsome man looked at the old director with a hint of interest.

The old director knew that this was his chance.

Then he began to say, "Young master, a patient came to the hospital yesterday. When the doctors in the hospital examined her, they found that she was poisoned by a devil poison created by the Moqi family. I know that the hospital can not take in such a patient, but Dr. Ellen took the money from the patient's family and took the patient in. She even seemed to have told the patient's family about your whereabouts."

The old director had a lot of spies in the hospital, so many things were under his surveillance.

Therefore, when he found out that such a patient who could not be cured had come to the hospital, he knew that Dr. Ellen had taken a lot of money from the patient's family, so he wanted to take some of it. However, Ellen did not give him a chance to share the money, and had refused to share it with him.

Therefore, the old director took advantage of the fact that the young master came to the hospital today, so he naturally wanted to take this opportunity to complain.

In the end, it was better that the young master was very angry and drove Ellen out of the hospital. At the same time, he could also drive the patient who could not be cured away, so that she would not die in the hospital.

The old hospital director had always felt that Tang Xiaowei could not be cured. It was entirely because someone had been poisoned by the devil's poison produced by the Moqi family. Then, he had inquired about this hospital and came over.

However, in the end, it was only natural that the Moqi family did not hand out the antidote to save that person.

Moreover, because of that incident, the boss of the hospital had set a rule that in the future, it was not allowed to randomly take in patients who were poisoned by the Moqi family's poison.

The poisons and antidotes they produced would be sold on the black market. Those things were not allowed to appear in the hospital.

If someone made such a mistake, they would be chased away.

After the old director finished speaking, he held back his anticipation and lowered his head to wait for the young master's instructions.

The handsome man did not waste time to think. He stood up and said coldly, "Follow the rules that were set before. You can leave now!"

The old director got the answer he was looking forward to, so he walked out happily.

Only the handsome man and a silent bodyguard were left in the office.

"Willam, let's go." The pure Chinese pronunciation showed that the handsome man was Chinese.

After saying that, the handsome man stood up and planned to leave.

Last night, he came to the hospital once, but he was in a bad mood, so he didn't stay long and went back.

And today, he had to come again because there were some things he had to deal with here.

But now, the things that he had to do had been done, and it was time for him to go back.

Hearing this, Willam, his bodyguard, immediately went forward to open the door for him.

Then, he met up with Jack, the other bodyguard outside the door. The two bodyguards followed the man and entered the elevator.

However, when they reached the first floor of the hospital and were about to leave, the handsome man in front of them vaguely heard a familiar voice.

His expression immediately changed.

Suddenly thinking of something, the man turned around and quickly walked in the direction of the voice.

The bodyguards behind him did not understand what had happened. Why did the young master suddenly not leave the hospital but change directions.

However, the two bodyguards still did not ask anything and hurriedly followed him.

On the other side.

Tang Xiaowei was enjoying the sunlight on the chair.

But suddenly, without knowing what had happened, a few doctors and nurses ran to her and woke her up in English. Then, they coldly told her that she had to leave the hospital immediately and was not allowed to stay in the hospital anymore.

She was shocked.

Tao Xian had told her that he had paid her medical fees and hospitalization fees for half a year. Why were these doctors and nurses chasing her away now?

She asked again in English, wanting to know what had happened, but these doctors and nurses were obviously unwilling to tell her. When they saw that she was not leaving, they actually grabbed her arm and wanted to take her away.

Tang Xiaowei was scared out of her wits. At the same time, she did not want to compromise with these people.

Although her medical fees were paid by Tao Xian and not her own money, she was now the person on whose behalf the medical fees and hospitalization fees had been paid for half a year. She did not want to be bullied by these people and let them throw her out of the hospital.

She began to struggle and explained her situation in English loudly. She did not allow these doctors and nurses to continue pulling her.

However, these doctors and nurses ignored her. Although some of the patients beside her heard what she said and knew that she was being bullied, this hospital was under the name of the Moqi family. No one dared to provoke or say anything. Everyone who saw this situation averted their eyes.

Tang Xiaowei struggled in the beginning, but later on, she was powerless and allowed these people to take her away.

That was because her body began to hurt again.

This time, she was in so much pain that she did not have the slightest strength to protect herself.

At the same time, not only was her body in pain, she also began to have symptoms of breathing obstruction.

However, these doctors only wanted to take her away, so they did not pay attention to her condition at all.

However, even if her condition was noticed by these doctors, they would not care about her.

Soon, she felt that her head was dizzy. The pain in her body finally reached the point where she could no longer hold it in, and she fainted.

But before she lost consciousness, she felt that she heard someone calling her name in Chinese. The voice sounded familiar.

However, she fainted quickly and didn't have a chance to see who it was.

In the small garden.

The handsome man immediately found the location of the accident after hearing the familiar voice.

At first, he thought that he heard wrong and that was why he heard her voice here.